Michael's Story

Picture of Michael

Before Stockopedia, how did you go about finding investments?

My investing style has evolved over the years as markets muscle in on my successful techniques. I found that I was able to successfully call stock market crashes, starting in 1973, 1987, 90'S 2000, 2008 (missing only the Kuwait war). This meant that I could use gearing to great effect, borrowing during the boom times but repaying before the market turned. All my profits went on the deposit of two houses, so I had to keep starting again.

Having lost my job, I clawed my way back from following "conventional advice", to invest full time. I tell people I have lost more on Stock market than anyone else they are likely to meet. Though everything about me is paid for by Shares.

Two years ago my investments finally hit £1m, I then lost £0.3m when I was on holiday on just one stock (which I have now regained).

In what way has Stockopedia changed your approach to investing?

Now I have joined Stockopedia, any new idea I get, I check rankings, last year’s profit/loss, brokers forecasts. The press say one should get independent advice on any new ideas, Stockopedia fills that need.

I totally adore Paul's comments every day. I am amazed, he can read, analyse, write and report on companies everyday.

I totally adore Paul's comments every day. I am amazed, he can read, analyse, write and report on companies everyday. His writing is a joy to read, whether I am interested in a subject or not.. Who would think so, on such a subject as Financial News.

I buy some of his tips, disagree with some, and sometimes spot gaps in his analysis. My brain has never worked so hard but there seem to be so many cheap (value traps) out there.

Picture of a laptop

Michael saves time and gains insights for both his and his wife's investments.

Has this impacted your investment results and/or quality of life?

My book keeping is dismal, so I have to guess my return last two years, about 30% pa. My long term objective has always been 20% on Capital Employed.

What's your advice for investors that are just starting out?

My advice to anyone is that the cost of a Stockopedia subscription is money well spent for a safety net, and sense of well being it generates. This is compulsory for someone who intends to trade or invest for the long term.

Disclaimer - Testimonials are provided by third parties for informational purposes only and are not intended and should not be taken to be financial product advice.

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