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REG - 4GLOBAL PLC - Final Results for the Year Ended 31 March 2022

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RNS Number : 6029R  4GLOBAL PLC  07 July 2022



7 July 2022




("4GLOBAL" or the "Company")


Final Results


4GLOBAL, a UK-based data, services and software company focused on major
sporting events and the promotion and measurement of physical activity, is
pleased to announce its audited final results for the year ended 31 March


Headline results for the year to 31 March 2022


                                                  Audited  Audited  Change %
                                                  2022     2021
                                                  £'000    £'000

 Revenue                                          3,640    2,679    35.9
 Gross profit                                     2,616    1,827    43.1
 Adjusted profit from operations (Note 1)         573      559      2.6
 Operating profit before government grant income  573      504      13.6
 (Loss)/profit before tax                         (1,889)  372
 Net cash                                         3,051    775


Note 1: Adjusted profit is defined as statutory (loss)/profit from operations
before depreciation, share based payment expense and exceptional items. See
note 8.

Financial highlights

 •    Substantial revenue growth reflects successful shift into recurring
      subscription income (43% compared to 28% last year). Subscription revenues
      were up by 105% in the year whilst consultancy revenues were also up by 8.9%.
 •    Loss before tax includes £2,072k of exceptional one-off items relating to the
      IPO as well as share based payments costs relating to share options granted at
      IPO of £170k which are unlikely to recur.
 •    Year ended with a strong balance sheet to support further rapid growth
 •    Successful AIM IPO raised £3.2m net of expenses and brought on board
      excellent supportive shareholders.


Operational highlights


 •    Significant progress made in all three growth pillars - international
      expansion, "land and expand" and acquisitions.
 •    Demand for the group's products in Europe and North America continues to grow
      along with the data integrations we have started in these market places which
      will allow us to develop revenue generating opportunities.
 •    Since IPO 4GLOBAL had landed a significant number of new clients and expanded
      on several key client relationships.
 •    4GLOBAL has developed a strong acquisition deal pipeline and is in active
      discussions with several potential complementary targets although no
      agreements have yet been reached.
 •    Updated and released editions of both our social value calculator ("SVC")
      which helps clients evaluate the social value created from investment in sport
      and physical activity and CitiHub which brings together participation data
      from active people in a city to help officials plan investment and
      intervention to increase activity levels.
 •    Continued to build the team with new high quality appointments including the
      appointment of a Chief Customer Officer in March 2022. The team has been
      expanded as we scale up our offering and focus on our ambition to become the
      world's leading data and insight company in sports and health data.


Eloy Mazon, Chief Executive Officer of 4GLOBAL commented:


"This has been a transformative year for the Company following the successful
AIM IPO and fundraising. The IPO has raised our profile and led to the rapid
growth of our customer and data bases. With the many opportunities available
to us and a great team in place, I look forward with confidence to further
significant growth in the current year."

For further information please contact:

 4GLOBAL                                          c/o IFC Advisory

 Eloy Mazon (CEO)

 Spark Advisory Partners - Nominated Adviser      0203 368 3554

 Neil Baldwin

 Oberon Capital - Broker                          0203 179 5300

 Michael Seabrook, Adam Pollock, Chris Crawford

 IFC Advisory                                     0203 934 6630

 Graham Herring / Zach Cohen                      07793 839 024

A copy of these results is available on the Company's website www.4global.com
(http://www.4global.com/) . In addition the Report & Accounts will be
available on the Company's website shortly and will be sent to shareholders by
9(th) August 2022.





As this is my first statement for the Group as Chairman after our successful
IPO on AIM, I am pleased to announce our results for the year ended 31 March
2022. The Group has had a busy time since joining AIM on 7 December 2021,
however, this has been built on a number of years of developing the business
model and product platforms. The success of the business is down to the team,
which is led by Eloy Mazon, who founded the business, but also all of the
staff and management who continue to develop and push the business forward.




The results for the year ended 31 March 2022 have been prepared as if 4GLOBAL
PLC has been in existence since 1 April 2020 to allow comparative information
to be available. Revenue for the year ended 31 March 2022 was £3.6m up 35.9%
on the previous year. This increase was driven by project set up revenues
within our subscription revenue stream. Subscription (recurring revenues)
revenue increased by 36.0%.


Our alternative reporting (excluding, inter alia, the IPO costs) results for
the year ended 31 March 2022 was an operating profit of £573,299 (2021:
£559,018) an increase of 2.6%. This improvement is after investing in new
hires and setting up the PLC Board.


Board and People


I would like to thank my fellow Board members for the guidance and
contribution to the successful IPO and our results for the year. We have an
ambitious growth strategy for the business and the insight from the Board will
ensure we execute the strategy positively. Also, I have to thank our
colleagues within the business for their hard work and professionalism and
their vital support in delivering these results but setting the platform for
the future.


Annual General Meeting


The Annual General Meeting will be held at 10:00am on Thursday 8 September
2022 at the Company's offices, 5th Floor, Building 7 Chiswick Park, 566
Chiswick High Road, Chiswick, London, W4 5YG.




The Company has many opportunities in the coming 12 to 24 months in both
sports consultancy services and also our subscriptions led revenue streams. We
will continue to expand with our land and expand strategy and develop new
products as well as look for acquisition possibilities. The Board is confident
about the Group's current prospects.


Ian James


6 July 2022






The successful IPO earlier this financial year marked a new and exciting
chapter for 4GLOBAL.


This achievement was made possible thanks to the enormous efforts of everyone
at 4GLOBAL over the years during which we have established an incredible
reputation in our sector worldwide and developed best-in-class data and
insight products and services that are recognised as having transformed our
customers' businesses.


A key priority for us over the years has been to ensure that 4GLOBAL was built
on a robust foundation with solid business principles around revenue and cash
generation, profitability and sustainable growth. This is now reflected in our
strong balance sheet and financial position.


From day one we set out to build a reputation in the market of "always
delivering on our promises" and I am very pleased that in my first statement
as CEO of an AIM quoted company, we have stayed true to this objective by
delivering and exceeding on market expectations.


Our growth strategy is underpinned by three pillars; international expansion,
"land & expand" clients and acquisition strategy. Significant progress has
been made in this financial year against each of these pillars.


 1) International expansion - our international expansion is in full execution
 mode. Going into our final quarter of the financial year (January to March
 2022) we saw strong demand for our data & insight products in the European
 and North American market which were ahead of management's expectations. In
 addition to strong demand, data acquisition in those regions is ahead of plan
 thus strengthening our market position and allowing us a quicker penetration
 of these markets.

 2) "Land and expand" clients - since the IPO we have landed a significant
 number of new clients and expanded on several client relationships which we
 already had in the UK, European, Middle East and North American markets. The
 current need for data and insight to navigate complex strategic, operational
 and investment challenges has generated strong demand for our data and insight
 products and services and this has been reflected in the revenue growth
 compared to last year.

 3) Acquisition strategy - we have a strong deal pipeline and we are in active
 conversations with several potential targets although no agreements have yet
 been reached. We are confident that we have identified strong candidates that
 will be complementary to the overall value and growth of 4GLOBAL.
 Overall, excellent progress has been made in executing our strategy and we are
 pleased with the results it is generating.


During the financial year we released updated editions of both our social
value calculator (SVC) and CitiHub. Existing clients have migrated and new
clients are being on-boarded onto the new platforms.


We have also been working on new revenue streams around data products that
will expand our ability to grow faster and in a sustainable way.


Finally, we extended our operations to the North American Market, establishing
4GLOBAL Inc in the USA and a permanent presence with the opening of an office
in Miami, Florida.


Summary and Outlook


We completed our first year as an AIM quoted company and in a strong financial
position - profitable, cash generative and with a sound balance sheet - an
excellent foundation on which to build in the current financial year.


Demand for our data and insight products continues to grow.  The many
significant challenges faced in our sector due to the uncertain global
economic outlook, will, we believe, drive our customers to seek ever more
business-critical insight and that is the very strong message we are getting
from our customers.


We are encouraged by the prospects for the rest of the financial year and
beyond as we seek to increase our penetration in the European and North
American markets and develop new revenue streams associated with our data.


I would like to thank all our staff for their efforts in 2021/22 to realise
the true potential of 4GLOBAL and growth capabilities.



Eloy Mazon

6 July 2022





This is the first annual report and accounts for the Group which was
successfully listed on AIM on 7 December 2021. The Group uses a number of key
indicators to monitor the Group's performance. The Group was founded in 2002
as a consultancy business and has migrated to a sports participation data
analytical business. The presentation of the financial numbers has been made
as if the Group had been incorporated from 1 April 2020 to allow the Board of
Directors to present the financial performance of the Group on a comparable
basis. The results for the year ended 31 March 2022 are presented on this
basis and on a Headline Results basis as follows:


Reconciliation of statutory to Headline profit before taxation


                                              Year ended 31 March 2022      Year ended 31 March 2021
                                              £                             £
 Statutory (loss)/profit before taxation      (1,888,693)                   356,526
 Separately disclosed items
 Depreciation                                 196,756                       142,147
 Share based payment expense                  169,550                       33,063
 Exceptional items                            2,071,781                     -
 Finance cost (net)                           23,905                        27,282
 Headline profit before taxation              573,299                       559,018


Group revenue, for the year ended 31 March 2022, has increased by 35.9% to
£3.6m from £2.7m. Gross profit has increased from £1.8m to £2.6m, up


The Group analyses revenue into two streams of consultancy and subscription
revenues. Consultancy revenues constitute services provided to clients for
major sporting events and Subscription revenues is made of two elements; one
is fees from setting up a client on a product platform, Project Set Up ("PSU")
fees. The second is a licence fee for the use of the platform and any advice
fees for analysis requested by the client.


The aim of the Group is to migrate the revenues to a majority recurring
subscription revenue basis. The revenue split as follows:


     Analysis of revenue by category         Year ended 31 March         Year ended 31 March 2021

                                             £           %               £              %

     Consultancy                             2,087,249   57%             1,919,719      72%
     Subscriptions                           1,552,681   43%             759,055        28%
                                             3,639,930                   2,678,774



This reflects the Group's move to generating more subscription revenues and
the growth rate in subscription revenues was 105%, however, the Group still
increased its consultancy revenues by 8.9%. Subscription revenue constituted
56.6% (2021: 85.1%) of the total of Subscription revenue, which reflected a
greater amount of PSU during the year ended 31 March 2022.


To arrive at a Headline profit before tax the Directors feel it appropriate to
make the financial numbers comparable at an earnings before interest, tax,
depreciation and amortisation, share based payment expense and exceptional


At the time of the IPO a new share option scheme was implemented a total of
1,755,072 options were issued at 91p and 550,800 options were issued at 35.6p.
A net charge of £169,550 (2021: £33,063) has been taken to the share based
payment reserve on the balance sheet.


The exceptional items include:

                                                           Year ended          Year ended

                                                           31 March 2022       31 March 2021

                                                           £                   £
     IPO costs                                             874,650             -
     Cash settlement of historic option contracts          1,114,080           -
     Legal settlement of contract dispute                  70,000              -
     Pension contributions for prior years                 13,051              12,272

     Total exceptional items                               2,071,781           12,272


Exceptional Items includes the IPO costs incurred at the time of the Group's
IPO on 7 December 2021 of £0.9m (2021: £nil).


The Group had issued share options to individuals during 2020. The options
represented 38% of the then issued share capital of 4GLOBAL Consulting Ltd and
were to reward these individuals for the work and development of that company
that they had made over previous years. The potential overhang and dilutive
effect of these options on the issued share capital, after taking advice, was
seen as detrimental to the company's prospects of completing a successful IPO.
The individuals agreed to waive their options for a cash settlement of £1.0m
in addition a provision was made for employers' National Insurance


The directors have identified two amounts as exceptional because of their
nature and relating to events in previous periods. One is a legal dispute with
a client which has been settled post the year end and the other is provision
for adjustments to pension contribution that have an impact on the previous
year's results. This has affected the opening reserves for the 1 April 2020
and a charge being made in the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021 and a
charge in the year ended 31 March 2022. The total provision for the three
years is £41,509. A provision of £13,052 has been made in this current
reporting year and prior year adjustment of £12,272 made in the year ended 31
March 2021. The opening reserves for the year ended 31 March 2021 have been
adjusted by the prior adjustment by £16,184.


The Headline Adjusted Profit from Operations is £573,299 (2021: £559,018) an
increase of 2.6%.


The prior year benefitted from a grant under the CJRS and CBIL arrangements
introduced by the British Government of £54,959. Excluding this amount the
Headline Adjusted Profit from Operations would be an increase of 13.7%.


The Group has also increased its cost base as a result of being a PLC and
appointing a board of directors and other associated costs.




The Group benefits from research and development expenditure for which the
Group can claim enhanced rebates of 230% of the expenditure incurred. There is
therefore a tax credit to the Income Statement for the year ended 31 March


Earnings per share


The statutory loss per share for the year ended 31 March 2022 is a loss of 7.1
pence (2021: profit of 370 pence). As the Group produced a statutory loss for
the year there is no diluted earnings per share (2021: profit of 338 pence).


Cash Flow


The Group utilised £1,053,912 (2021: generated £584,685) from operations in
the year. This was after the settlement of exceptional items which included
IPO costs of £874,650 and the cash settlement of share options £1.1m.


The Company successfully listed on AIM on 7 December 2021 and raised £3.4m,
before expenses, from the issue of shares in the Company.


As at 31 March 2022 the Group held cash and cash equivalents of £3.1m.


Statement of financial position


The Group's statement of financial position is in a very healthy position. Net
assets totalled £3.5m. Most of the statement of financial position is made up
of liquid assets of trade receivables and cash and cash equivalents. Working
capital was £3.1m.



Keith Sadler

Chief Financial Officer

6 July 2022





For the year ended 31 March 2022


                                                                                     Note          Year ended 31 March 2022      Year ended 31 March 2021
                                                                                                   £                             £

 Revenue                                                                             6             3,639,930                     2,678,774

 Cost of sales                                                                                     (1,024,175)                   (851,346)

 Gross profit                                                                                      2,615,755                     1,827,428

 Administrative expenses                                                                           (2,043,103)                   (1,323,369)
 Other operating income                                                              7             647                           54,959

 Analysed as:
 Adjusted profit from operations(1)                                                                573,299                       559,018

 Depreciation                                                                                      (196,756)                     (142,147)
 Share based payment expense                                                                       (169,550)                     (33,063)
 Exceptional items                                                                   8             (2,071,782)                   -
 Prior year adjustment                                                               8             -                             (12,272)

 (Loss)/profit from operations                                                       8             (1,864,789)                   371,536

 Finance income                                                                                    73                            41
 Finance cost                                                                        11            (23,977)                      (27,323)

 (Loss)/profit before tax                                                            3             (1,888,693)                   344,254

 Tax credit                                                                          12            242,581                       39,525

 (Loss)/profit for the year                                                                        (1,646,112)                   383,779

 Other comprehensive income

 Exchange differences on translation of foreign operations                                         (11,058)                      (16,277)

 Other comprehensive income for the year                                                           (11,058)                      (16,277)

 Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the year                                                    (1,657,170)                   367,502

 Total comprehensive (loss)/income attributable to:
 Owners of the Parent Company                                                                      (1,657,170)                   367,502

 Basic (loss)/profit £ per share                                                     13            (7.1)p                        370p

 Diluted (loss)/profit £ per share                                                   13            (7.1)p                        338p



Note 1. Adjusted profit from operations is calculated as earnings before
interest, taxation, depreciation, amortisation of intangible assets and right
of use charge, any impairment costs relating to non-current assets, share
based payments and exceptional items.







                                      Note          As at               As at

                                                    31 March 2022       31 March 2021

                                                    £                   £
 Non-current assets
 Property, plant and equipment        14            28,870              10,689
 Right-of-use assets                  14            382,490             274,381

                                                    411,360             285,070

 Current assets
 Trade and other receivables          15            1,764,482           1,896,559
 Cash and cash equivalents            16            3,050,948           775,342

                                                    4,815,430           2,671,901

 Total assets                                       5,226,790           2,956,971


 Equity and Liabilities

 Share capital                         17             263,451          1,097
 Capital redemption reserve                           -                105
 Share premium                         19             3,390,330        894,491
 Merger reserve                                       676,310          -
 Share option reserve                  18,19          139,080          31,773
 Share warrant reserve                                188,266          -
 Currency translation reserve                         (32,323)         (21,265)
 Retained earnings                     19             (1,121,325)      485,206

 Total equity                                         3,503,789        1,391,407

 Non-current liabilities
 Borrowings                            21             158,823          273,458
 Lease liability                       22             -                147,273

                                                      158,823          420,731

 Current liabilities
 Borrowings                            21             121,814          45,833
 Trade and other payables              20             1,088,553        964,597
 Lease liability                       22             353,811          134,403

 Total current liabilities                            1,564,178        1,144,833

 Total liabilities                                    1,723,001        1,565,564

 Total equity and liabilities                         5,226,790        2,956,971









                                                                                             Note          Year ended 31 March 2022      Year ended 31 March 2021

                                                                                                           £                             £
 Cash flows from operating activities

 (Loss)/profit before income tax for year                                                                  (1,888,693)                   344,254

 Adjustments to reconcile (loss)/profit before tax to net cash flows:
 Depreciation of tangible assets                                                             14            196,723                       142,127
 Loss on disposal of fixed assets                                                                          (9,894)                       -
 Other income                                                                                              -                             (7,117)
 Finance income                                                                                            -                             (41)
 Finance cost                                                                                11            23,977                        23,417
 Equity-settled share-based expense/warrants                                                 8             169,550                       33,063
 Decrease/(increase) in trade and other receivables                                                        390,838                       460,523
 (Decrease)/increase in trade and other payables                                                           63,587                        (545,201)
 Tax received                                                                                              -                             133,660

 Net cash flows - operating activities                                                                     (1,053,912)                   584,685

 Cash flows from investing activities
 Purchase of tangible assets                                                                 14            (23,773)                      (4,936)
 Interest received                                                                                         73                            41

 Net cash - investing activities                                                                           (23,700)                      (4,895)

 Cash flows from financing activities
 Issue of ordinary share capital                                                                           3,612,662                     -
 Proceeds from borrowings                                                                                  -                             250,000
 Repayment of borrowings                                                                                   (41,168)                      -
 Payments for shares bought back                                                                           -                             (50,000)
 Lease liability principal payment                                                           22            (186,470)                     (129,895)
 Interest elements of lease payments                                                                       (10,780)                      (13,705)
 Interest paid                                                                                             (9,445)                       (83)

 Net cash flows - financing activities                                                                     3,364,799                     56,317

 Net increase in cash                                                                                      2,287,187                     636,107

 Effects of exchange rate changes on cash                                                                  (11,581)                      (15,930)

 Cash at beginning of year                                                                                 775,342                       155,165

 Cash at the end of year                                                                     16            3,050,948                     775,342


 Cash and cash equivalents                      3,050,948      775,342

 Cash at end of year                16          3,050,948      775,342








 1.  Corporate information


   4Global PLC is a public limited company incorporated and domiciled in England
   and Wales. The registered office address and principal place of business is
   located at 5(th) Floor, Building 7 Chiswick Park, 566 Chiswick High Road,
   London, W4 5YG. The Company was incorporated on 22 July 2021.

   The 4GLOBAL Group's principal activity is the provision of advisory services
   in the sporting sector at a local, national and international level.


  2.   Basis of preparation


   The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
   requirements of the AIM Rules for Companies, UK Adopted International
   Accounting Standards. This is the first time the 4GLOBAL Group has prepared
   financial information under UK Adopted International Accounting Standards.

   The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis,
   unless accounting standards require an alternative measurement basis. Where
   there are assets and liabilities calculated on a different basis, this fact is
   disclosed in either the relevant accounting policy or in the notes to the
   financial information.

   The preparation of the financial statements in compliance with UK Adopted
   International Accounting Standards requires the use of certain critical
   accounting estimates and judgements. It also requires management to exercise
   judgement of the most appropriate application in applying the 4GLOBAL Group's
   accounting policies. The areas where significant judgements and estimates have
   been made in preparing the financial information and their effect are
   disclosed in Note 4.


 3.  Going concern


     The financial statements have been prepared on the going concern basis. The
     Group made a loss for the year to 31 March 2022, which was due to exceptional
     costs incurred in the IPO process. At the adjusted profit line the business is
     profitable. The Group has cash resources of £3.1m. The Directors have
     reviewed the 4GLOBAL Group's overall position and outlook and are of the
     opinion that the 4GLOBAL Group is sufficiently well funded to be able to
     operate as a going concern for at least the next twelve months from the date
     of approval of these financial statements.

 4.  Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty


     The preparation of financial statements in conformity with UK Adopted
     International Accounting Standards requires management to make estimates and
     judgements that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities as well
     as the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the year-end date
     and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting year.

     Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical
     experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are
     believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The significant judgements
     made by management in applying the 4GLOBAL Group's accounting policies and the
     key sources of estimation uncertainty were:


   4.1  Consultancy revenue


     For contracts spanning the year end the 4GLOBAL Group uses judgement
     determining the amount of revenue to recognise in each period. This requires
     estimation of the stage of completion of the project, taking into account time
     spent during the period and the likely time required to complete the project.


   4.2  Bad debts


     The group currently calculates a "bad debt" provision on trade receivables and
     contract assets which are past due date and are not specifically provided for.
     Under IFRS 9 this assessment is required to be calculated based on a forward
     looking expected credit loss ('ECL') model, for which a simplified approach
     will be applied. The method uses historic customer data, alongside future
     economic conditions to calculate expected loss on receivables. See Note 15.


   4.3  Legal claims


     The provision for legal claims is an estimate of the potential amount that may
     be due when the Group is in dispute with another party. An estimation is made
     after taking advice from legal advisers.



   4.4  Deferred tax


     Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised where the carrying amount
     of an asset or liability in the combined statement of financial position
     differs from its tax base.

     Recognition of deferred tax assets is restricted to those instances where it
     is probable that taxable profit will be available against which the difference
     can be utilised.


   4.5  Share options and warrants


     Where equity settled share options are awarded to employees, the fair value of
     the options at the date of grant is charged to the consolidated statement of
     comprehensive income over the vesting period as an employment expense.

     The fair value of the options is measured at the grant date and spread over
     the vesting period. The fair value is measured based on an option pricing
     model taking into account the terms and conditions upon which the instruments
     were granted.

     The Company has issued warrants to certain advisers at the time of the group's
     IPO. The fair value of the services provided is charged to the statement of
     comprehensive income.


 5.  Summary of significant accounting policies


   5.1  Basis of consolidation


     The financial statements incorporate the financial information of the 4GLOBAL
     Group. Control is achieved when a company is exposed, or has rights, to
     variable returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to
     affect those returns through its power over the entity. Where necessary,
     adjustments are made to the financial information of subsidiaries to bring the
     accounting policies used into line with those used by other members of the
     4GLOBAL Group. All significant inter-company transactions and balances between
     4GLOBAL Group entities are eliminated on consolidation.


       Subsidiary companies


     4GLOBAL PLC's subsidiaries are as follows:


                                                                                                                                                                                   Proportion of
                                                                       Country of         Nature of                                                                                voting rights and
       Name of company                                                 incorporation      business                                                                       Interest  shares held

       4GLOBAL Consulting Ltd ("4GLOBAL Consulting")                   England and Wales  Provision of data and consultancy services to the sports participation market  100%      100%
       4GLOBAL Inc                                                     USA                Provision of data and consultancy services to the sports participation market  100%      100%
       4Global Danismanlik Ve Yazilim Hiz. LTD.STI ("4Global Turkey")  Turkey             Provision of services on behalf of parent                                      100%      100%


     The registered office address and principal place of business of 4GLOBAL
     Consulting is 5(th) Floor, Building 7, Chiswick Business Park, 566 Chiswick
     High Road, London, W4 5YG.


     4GLOBAL Inc is currently dormant. It is anticipated to begin trading in the
     early part of the financial year ending 31 March 2023.


     The registered office address and principal place of business of 4Global
     Turkey is Istasyon Yolu Sok. No: 3 Altintepe, Maltepe, Istanbul.

     The Company's subsidiary in Turkey has a year end of 31 December which was set
     when the company was set up and is a normal year end for Turkish companies.
     The preparation of the financial information for the Group accounts has
     therefore been based on the management accounts for that company to 31 March.
     The Group is liaising with local advisers to attempt to amend the year end to
     31 March.


     In applying merger accounting when preparing these Consolidated Financial
     Statements, to the extent

the carrying value of the assets and liabilities acquired under merger
     accounting is different to the cost of investment, the difference is recorded
     in equity within the merger reserve. Under merger accounting the results of
     the Group entities are combined from the beginning of the comparative period
     before the merger occurred. Comparatives are restated on a combined basis and
     adjustments made as necessary to achieve consistency of accounting principles.


   5.2  Revenue


       Consultancy services


     Consultancy services are provided under fixed-price contracts and contracts
     specifying an hourly fee. Revenue from providing services is recognised based
     on the actual service provided to the end of the reporting period as a
     proportion of the total services to be provided because the customer receives
     and uses the benefits simultaneously. This is determined based on the actual
     hours spent relative to the total expected hours.

     In the case of fixed-price contracts, the customer pays the fixed amount based
     on a payment schedule. If the services rendered exceed the payment, a contract
     asset is recognised. If the payments exceed the services provided then a
     contract liability is recognised.

     If the contract includes an hourly fee, revenue is recognised in the amount to
     which the 4GLOBAL Group has a right to invoice. Customers are invoiced on a
     monthly basis and consideration is payable when invoiced.




     Subscriptions for access to the Datahub are provided under fixed-price
     contracts. Customers pay in advance on a monthly, quarterly or annual basis
     and consideration is payable when invoiced. Where access to the Datahub has
     been invoiced but not paid at the end of the reporting period, a contract
     liability is recognised in respect of the services not yet provided. Revenue
     is recognised on a straight-line basis over the term of the subscription.


   5.3  Government grants


     Grants from the government are recognised at their fair value where there is a
     reasonable assurance that the grant will be received and the 4GLOBAL Group
     will comply with all attached conditions. Grants are recognised in other
     operating income in the statement of comprehensive income.


   5.4  Research expenditure


     The Group undertakes research into future development of products and
     platforms utilising the data sources that the Group curates. This is
     separately identified and recorded. The Group makes a claim for enhanced tax
     relief on this expenditure through HMRC. The expenditure is separately
     identified in the income statement notes.


      5.5  Foreign currency translation


       Functional and presentational currency


     Items included in the financial statements of each of the 4GLOBAL Group's
     entities are measured using the currency of the primary economic environment
     in which the entity operates ('the functional currency'). The financial
     statements are presented in pounds sterling, which is 4Global Group's
     functional and presentation currency.


       Transactions and balances


     Foreign currency transactions are translated into the functional currency
     using the spot exchange rates at the dates of the transactions.

     At each year end foreign currency monetary items are translated using the
     closing rate. Non‑monetary items measured at historical cost are translated
     using the exchange rate at the date of the transaction and non‑monetary
     items measured at fair value are measured using the exchange rate when fair
     value was determined.

     Foreign exchange gains and losses resulting from the settlement of
     transactions and from the translation at year‑end exchange rates of monetary
     assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are recognised in the
     statement of comprehensive income.

     Foreign exchange gains and losses that relate to borrowings and cash and cash
     equivalents are presented in the statement of comprehensive income within
     'administrative expenses'. All other foreign exchange gains and losses are
     presented in the statement of comprehensive income under the heading to which
     they relate.


       4GLOBAL Group Companies


     The results and financial position of foreign operations (none of which has
     the currency of a hyperinflationary economy) that have a functional currency
     different from the presentation currency are translated into the presentation
     currency as follows:

     ·      assets and liabilities for each balance sheet presented are
     translated at the closing rate at the date of that balance sheet

     ·      income and expenses for each statement of profit or loss and
     statement of comprehensive income are translated at monthly exchange rates
     throughout the period, and

     ·      all resulting exchange differences are recognised in other
     comprehensive income.




     Taxation expense for the year comprises current and deferred tax recognised in
     the reporting year. Tax is recognised in the statement of comprehensive


       Current tax


     Current tax is the amount of tax payable in respect of the taxable profit for
     the year or prior years. Tax is calculated on the basis of tax rates and laws
     that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the year end.

Management periodically evaluates positions taken in tax returns with respect
     to situations in which applicable tax regulation is subject to interpretation.
     It establishes provisions where appropriate on the basis of amounts expected
     to be paid to the tax authorities.


       Deferred tax


     Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences
     between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the financial
     statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable
     profit or loss.

     Deferred tax assets are recognised for deductible temporary differences that
     exist only where it is probable that taxable profits will be generated against
     which the carrying value of the deferred tax asset can be recovered.

     Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for all taxable temporary differences
     except in respect of taxable temporary differences associated with investments
     in subsidiaries, associates and interests in joint operations where the timing
     of the reversal of the temporary difference can be controlled and it is
     probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable

     A deferred tax asset or liability is not recognised if a temporary difference
     arises on initial recognition of an asset or liability in a transaction that
     is not a business combination and, at the time of the transaction, affects
     neither the accounting profit nor taxable profit or loss.


   5.6  Share-based payments


     The 4GLOBAL Group measures the fair value of equity-settled transactions with
     employees and Directors at the grant date of the equity instruments. The fair
     value is calculated using an appropriate valuation model and requires
     assumptions regarding dividend yields, risk-free interest rates, share price
     volatility and expected life of an employee or Director share option. The
     arising expense is charged to the statement of comprehensive income on a
     straight-line basis over the expected vesting period.


   5.7  Warrants


     The 4GLOBAL Group issued warrant certificate to advisers at the time of the
     IPO and measures the fair value of the equity settled transactions with the
     advisers at the grant date of the warrant instruments. The fair value is
     calculated using an appropriate valuation model and requires assumptions
     regarding dividend yields, risk-free interest rates, share price volatility
     and expected life of the warrant. The resulting amount is charged to the share
     premium account and credited to the share warrant reserve.


   5.8  Property plant and equipment


     Property, plant and equipment is recorded at cost less accumulated
     depreciation and accumulated impairment losses. The initial cost of an asset
     comprises its purchase price and any costs attributable to bringing the asset
     into the location and condition necessary for it to be capable of operating in
     the manner intended by management. Expenditures for routine maintenance and
     repairs are expensed as incurred, while additions and improvements are
     capitalised. A right-of-use asset is recognised at the commencement date of
     the lease. The right-of-use asset is measured at cost, which comprises the
     initial amount of the lease liability, adjusted for, as applicable, any lease
     payments made at or before the commencement date, any initial direct costs
     incurred and an estimate of costs expected to be incurred for restoring the
     site or asset.

     Property, plant and equipment is depreciated using the straight-line method
     over the estimated useful lives or, in the case of certain leased right-of-use
     assets, the shorter of the expected lease term and estimated useful life:

     §  Office equipment - 4 years

     §  Land and buildings - over the term of the lease

     An item of property, plant and equipment is derecognised upon disposal or when
     no further economic benefits are expected to arise from the use of that asset.
     Any gain or loss arising on de-recognition of the asset is included in the
     statement of comprehensive income when the asset is derecognised.


   5.9  Leasing


     The 4GLOBAL Group applies a single recognition and measurement approach for
     all leases except for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets. At
     commencement of a lease, the 4GLOBAL Group as lessee recognises a liability to
     make lease payments and an asset representing the right to use the underlying
     asset during the lease term. The amount of the lease liability recognised is
     on a discounted basis. The discount rates used on transition were incremental
     borrowing rates as appropriate for each lease based on factors such as the
     lease term and payment terms. Where the rate implicit in the lease cannot
     readily be determined the 4GLOBAL Group used the 4GLOBAL Group's incremental
     borrowing rate. The 4GLOBAL Group does not have any leases where the 4GLOBAL
     Group is a lessor.

The 4GLOBAL Group takes advantage of the practical expedient which allows an
     exemption from recognition for leases with terms of 12 months or less and low
     value leases.


   5.10  Cash and cash equivalents


     Cash and cash equivalents includes cash in hand, deposits held at call with
     banks and other short-term highly liquid investments in debt securities with
     original maturities of three months or less.


   5.11  Financial instruments


     A financial instrument is any contract that gives rise to a financial asset of
     one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.

     Financial instruments are classified into one of the categories discussed
     below in accordance with IFRS 9, with reference to the business model for that
     instrument and the contractual cash flow characteristics.

     Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the
     financial statements if there is a currently enforceable legal right to offset
     the recognised amounts and there is an intention to settle on a net basis, or
     to realise the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously.

     The accounting policy for each category is as follows:


       Financial assets


     Financial assets comprise cash and cash equivalents and receivables.


        Receivables primarily consist of trade and other receivables. These assets are

      non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are
        not quoted in an active market. These assets are initially recognised at

      transaction price plus transaction costs that are directly attributable to
        their acquisition or issue and are subsequently carried at amortised cost
        using the effective interest rate method, adjusted for change in expected
        credit losses.


            Impairment of financial assets

                              The IFRS 9 impairment model requires the recognition of 'expected credit
                              losses'. Therefore, it is not necessary for a credit event to have occurred
                              before credit losses are recognised. The impairment model applies to the
                              4GLOBAL Group's financial assets.

                              For trade receivables the 4GLOBAL Group has applied the simplified approach
                              permitted by IFRS 9 in calculating expected credit losses. This approach
                              requires expected lifetime losses to be recognised from initial recognition of
                              the receivables.


       Financial liabilities


     Financial liabilities include trade and other payables, borrowings and lease


       Trade and other payables


     Trade and other payables are initially recognised at fair value and
     subsequently carried at amortised cost using the effective interest method.


       Lease liabilities


     Lease liabilities are recognised at the present value of future lease payments
     and subsequently carried at amortised cost using the effective interest




     Borrowings are initially recognised at fair value and subsequently carried at
     amortised cost using the effective interest method.




     A financial liability is derecognised when the obligation under the liability
     is discharged, cancelled, or expires. When an existing financial liability is
     replaced by another from the same lender on substantially different terms or
     the terms of an existing liability are substantially modified, such an
     exchange is treated as the de-recognition of the original liability and the
     recognition of a new liability. When the modification is not substantial the
     difference between the carrying amount of the liability before the
     modification and the present value of the cash flows after modification is
     recognised in profit or loss.


       Classification of financial instruments issued by the 4GLOBAL Group


     Financial instruments issued by the 4GLOBAL Group are treated as equity only
     to the extent that they meet the following two conditions:

     • they include no contractual obligations upon the 4GLOBAL Group to deliver
     cash or other financial assets or to exchange financial assets or financial
     liabilities with another party under conditions that are potentially
     unfavourable to the Group; and

     • where the instrument will or may be settled in the 4GLOBAL Group's own
     equity instruments, it is either a non-derivative that includes no obligation
     to deliver a variable number of the 4GLOBAL Group's own equity instruments or
     is a derivative that will be settled by the 4GLOBAL Group exchanging a fixed
     amount of cash or other financial assets for a fixed number of its own equity



   5.12  Related party transactions


     The 4GLOBAL Group discloses transactions with related parties which are not
     wholly owned within the same group. It does not disclose transactions with
     members of the same group that are wholly owned. Transactions of a similar
     nature are aggregated unless, in the opinion of the Directors separate
     disclosure is necessary to understand the effect of the transactions on the
     financial statements.

     Mr Mazon, through a controlled company, EMH Limited, invoiced the Group during
     the year ended 31 March 2022 £87,062 for professional and consultancy
     services (31 March 2021 £137,940). £4,840 was outstanding at 31 March 2022
     (31 March 2021, £4,840). Mrs E Mazon, trading as Family Paws, invoiced the
     Group for secretarial and coaching services during the year £15,000 (312
     March 2021 £Nil). £Nil was outstanding at 31 March 2022 (31 March 2021

     A loan of £50,400 was made by Mr Eloy Mazon. The loan was drawn down between
     December 2013 and September 2014 and bears interest at 5% plus the Bank of
     England base rate, which has been accrued with the loan. The balance
     outstanding at 31 March 2022 was £70,805 (2021: £69,293). After the year end
     the loan was repaid to Mr Mazon.

     Mr James, through a controlled company, Fluency Media Limited, invoiced the
     Group during the year ended 31 March 2022 £168,000 including VAT (31 March
     2021 £46,800). £Nil was outstanding at 31 March 2022 (31 March 2021 £Nil).
     Mr James received £620,000 for the settlement of the surrender of share
     options he held over the share capital of 4GLOBAL Consulting Ltd, this was
     settled at the time of the company's IPO.

     During the year ended 31 March 2021, the 4GLOBAL Group incurred charges of
     £100,000 from a company controlled by a director of the 4GLOBAL Group, in
     relation to share issuance costs. The amount was settled during the year ended
     31 March 2022. The amount outstanding at the year ended 31 March 2021 was
     shown in other payables.


   5.13  Standards, amendments and interpretations to existing standards that are not

     yet effective and have not been early adopted by the 4GLOBAL Group


     The following standards and interpretations relevant to the Group are in issue
     but are not yet effective and have not been applied in the financial

     • IAS 1 Presentation of liabilities as current or non-current

     • IAS 1 Disclosure of accounting policies

     • IAS 8 definition of accounting estimates

     • Interest rate benchmark reform - IFRSs 7,9 and 16

     The above standards are not expected to materially impact the Group.


   5.14  Segment information


     The chief operation decision-maker ("CODM") is considered to be the Board of
     Directors of the Group. The CODM allocates resources and assesses the
     performance of the business and other activities at the operating segment

The CODM has determined that the 4GLOBAL Group has one operating segment, the
     provision of advisory services to the sporting industry at a local, national
     and international level.


 6.  Analysis of revenue


     Analysis of revenue by category                     Year ended 31 March 2022      Year ended 31 March 2021
                                                         £                             £

     Consultancy                                         2,087,249                     1,919,719
     Subscriptions                                       1,552,681                     759,055

                                                         3,639,930                     2,678,774


     Analysis of revenue by geography                        Year ended 31 March 2022      Year ended 31 March 2021
                                                             £                             £

     Europe                                                  2,351,970                     1,569,280
     South America                                           890,608                       358,413
     Middle East                                             362,383                       727,508
     Other                                                   34,969                        23,573

                                                             3,639,930                     2,678,774



     During the year ended 2022, the 4GLOBAL Group had two customers whose revenues
     accounted for more than 10%, making up 14.7% and 14.2% respectively.

     During the year ended 2021, the 4GLOBAL Group had two customers whose revenues
     accounted for more than 10%, making up 27% and 13% respectively.

     The 4GLOBAL Group has determined that the 4GLOBAL Group has one operating
     segment and therefore all revenue above is attributable to that segment.

     Outstanding balances at year end are unsecured, interest free and settlement
     occurs in cash.

     Included within trade and other receivables are contract assets as follows:


     As at 31 March                 2022         2021
                                    £            £

     Contract assets                463,931      79,460


     Contract assets are included within "Trade and other receivables" on the face
     of the statement of financial position. They arise when the Group has
     performed services in accordance with the agreement with the relevant client
     and has obtained right to consideration for these services but such income has
     not been invoiced at the balance sheet date. Significant changes in contract
     assets have arisen due to timing differences in the issue of invoices between

     Included within trade and other payables are contract liabilities as follows:


     As at 31 March                       2022          2021
                                         £              £

     Contract liabilities                (216,696)      (208,215)


     All contract liabilities are recognised as revenue in the subsequent reporting


 7.  Other operating income


     Other operating income comprises:


                                                                     2022      2021
                                                                     £         £

     Government grants - CJRS                                        -         47,842
     Government grants - CBILS BIP                                   -         7,117
     Business Interruption receipt                                   647       -

                                                                     647       54,959


     During the year to March 2021, the 4GLOBAL Group was able to utilise the
     Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme ("CJRS"), the government's support measure
     for organisations throughout the pandemic. It offered grants of up to 80% of
     wages, up to a maximum of £2,500 per month plus national insurance and auto
     enrolled pension contributions, to cover the salary costs of those employees
     that had been furloughed.

     Additionally, the 4GLOBAL Group took a loan under the Coronavirus Business
     Interruption Loan Scheme ("CBILS") (see note 21). Under the scheme, the
     government made a Business Interruption Payment ("BIP") to cover the interest
     charge for the first 12 months of the loan term.


 8.  Profit from operations and auditor's remuneration


     Profit from operations is stated after charging/(crediting):


     31 March                                                                                                  2022           2021
                                                                                                               £              £

     Fees payable to the company's auditors:
     -                      Audit fees                                                                         47,500         -
     -                      Other services - reporting
     accountant services at the IPO

                                                                                                               125,500        -
     Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                                                             5,833          4,937
     Depreciation of right-of-use assets                                                                       190,890        137,190
     Research expenditure                                                                                      640,342        592,440
     Equity settled share-based expense                                                                        169,550        33,063

     Net loss on foreign currency translation                                                                  11,581         27,239
     Short-term lease expense                                                                                  -              25,291
                                                                                                               1,191,196      820,160


     The Alternative Performance Measures used by management are shown below:


     31 March                                                                  2022                   2021
                                                                       £                        £

     (Loss)/profit from operations                                     (1,864,789)              383,808
     Depreciation and amortisation expense                             196,756                  142,147
     Share based option charge                                         169,550                  33,063
     Exceptional items                                                 2,071,782                -
     Prior year adjustment                                             -                        12,272

     Adjusted EBITDA                                                   573,299                  559,018



Exceptional items which have been identified because of their size or the
nature of the expense being one-off in nature are as follows:


     31 March                                                                                           2022       2021
                                                                                                 £                      £

     IPO costs                                                                                   874,650                -
     Cash settlement of historic option contracts                                                1,114,080              -
     Legal settlement of contract dispute                                                        70,000                 -
     Provision for adjustment to pension contributions                                           13,052                 12,272

     Total exceptional items                                                                     2,071,782              12,272


The prior year adjustment relates to a provision for adjustments to pension
contribution that have an impact on the previous year's results. This has
affected the opening reserves for the year 1 April 2020 and a charge being
made in the accounts for the year ended 31 March 2021 and a charge in the year
ended 31 March 2022. The total provision for the three years is £41,509. A
provision of £13,052 has been made in this current reporting year and prior
year adjustment of £12,272 made in the year ended 31 March 2021. The opening
reserves for the year ended 31 March 2021 have been adjusted by the prior
adjustment by £16,184.


 9.  Employees


     Staff costs, including Directors' remuneration, were as follows:


     31 March                                              2022           2021
                                                           £              £

     Wages and salaries                                    1,401,895      888,936
     Social security costs                                 275,425        102,769
     Pension costs                                         35,501         22,845
     Share based payment expense                           169,550        33,063
     Cash settlement of share options                      1,000,000      -
     Employee benefits                                     23,604         4,038

                                                           2,905,975      1,051,651


     The average number of employees, including the Directors, during the year was
     as follows:


     31 March                                  2022        2021
                                               Number      Number

     Directors                                 3           2
     Administrative staff                      2           2
     Technical staff                           23          21

                                               28          25



 10.  Directors' remuneration
      The Directors' aggregate remuneration in respect of qualifying services were:


            Salary   Pension  Benefits  Bonus   Total Remuneration 2022  Total Remuneration 2021

                                                £                         £
 E Mazon    131,665  3,016    20,698    -       155,379                  -
 K Sadler   96,667   2,900    -         12,500  112,067                  -
 I James    28,748   1,175    -         12,500  42,423                   -
 S Clarke   27,500   604      -         -       28,104                   -
 A Orlando  19,122   -        -         -       19,122                   -
 R Taylor   20,000   400      -         -       20,400                   -


     During the year, the 4GLOBAL Group made payments for consultancy services to
     companies controlled by certain of the Directors of the 4GLOBAL Group. The
     amounts invoiced and the amounts outstanding at the end of each year are: as


     31 March                                     2022         2021
                                                  £            £

     Invoices in year                             260,800      175,433

     Outstanding at year end                      4,840        4,840


     The remuneration of the highest paid Director was as follows:


     31 March                                              2022         2021
                                                           £            £

     Wages and salaries                                    28,748       118,831
     Bonus                                                 12,500       -
     Social security costs                                 87,784       14,220
     Cash settlement of share options                      620,000      -
     Pension costs                                         1,175        2,800
     Employee benefits                                     -            2,817
     Share-based payments charges                          43,155       12,016

                                                           793,362      150,684



     Key management compensation is shown in the table below which includes the
     directors. The Board was established during the financial year ended 31 March

     Key management compensation is equal to Directors' renumeration.


     31 March                                              2022           2021
                                                           £              £

     Wages and salaries                                    544,102        201,270
     Social security costs                                 206,440        25,351
     Cash settlement of share options                      1,000,000      -
     Pension costs                                         15,055         5,624
     Benefits                                              20,698         -
     Bonus                                                 25,000         -
     Fees                                                  85,241         78,138

                                                           1,896,536      310,383



 11.  Finance income and costs


     31 March                                                            2022        2021
                                                                         £           £
     Lease liability interest                                            10,780      13,705
     Interest on Shareholder loan                                        2,512       2,595
     Interest on CBILS loan                                              7,153       7,117
     Interest on Grant                                                   647         -
     Bank Interest                                                       2,885       3,906

     Finance cost recognised in the income statement recognised          23,977      23,417


 12.  Taxation


     31 March                                                  2022           2021
                                                               £              £
     Current tax credit
     UK Corporation tax                                        (193,004)      (42,790)
     Adjustments in respect of prior periods                   (43,459)       -
     Foreign tax on income for the year                        5,445          4,007

     Total current tax                                         (231,018)      (38,783)

     Deferred tax credit
     Movement on temporary differences                         (11,563)       (742)

     Income tax credit                                         (242,581)      (39,525)


   Factors affecting tax credit for the year


     The tax credit for the year can be reconciled to the loss per the statement of
     comprehensive income as follows:


     31 March                                                                                2022             2021
                                                                                             £                £

     (Loss)/profit before tax                                                                (1,888,693)      383,808

     (Loss)/profit before tax multiplied by the
      UK corporate tax rate of 19%                                                           (358,852)        67,740

     Effects of:
     Amounts not taxable/deductible for tax purposes                                         72,112           14,665
     Depreciation - plant and machinery super-deduction                                      (1,357)          601
     Enhanced research and development relief                                                (98,804)         (122,713)
     Higher rate taxes on overseas earnings                                                  1,247            182
     Losses carried forward                                                                  178,956          -

     Deferred tax on share options                                                           3,568            -
     Deferred tax on right of use asset                                                      7,170            -
     Deferred tax at higher rate                                                             (3,162)          -

     Adjustments in respect of prior periods                                                 (43,459)         -

     Income tax credit                                                                       (242,581)        (39,525)



   Factors affecting future tax charges


     An increase in the UK corporation tax rate from 19% to 25% for the financial
     year beginning 1 April 2023 was substantively enacted on 24 May 2021. As IFRS
     requires deferred tax to be measured at tax rates that have been subsequently
     enacted at the reporting date, the Group's deferred tax balances have been
     re-measured accordingly and the impact has been reflected within the
     consolidated financial statements.


     The following deferred tax assets have been recognised:


     31 March                                                       2022        2021
                                                                    £           £

     At beginning of period                                         30,564      29,822

     Movement on temporary timing differences                       12,822      742

     At end of period                                               43,386      30,564


     The above deferred tax assets comprise temporary differences on the following


     31 March                                              2022         2021
                                                           £            £

     Staff costs                                           30,564       30,564
     Share based payments                                  15,199       -
     Right of use asset                                    (7,170)      -
     Pensions deductible as paid                           7,887        -
     Interest on shareholder loan                          4,067        -
     Accelerated capital allowances                        (7,161)      -

     Deferred tax asset                                    43,386       30,564


     The deferred tax asset on share options is expected to unwind within one year.


 13.  Earnings per share


     31 March                                                                        2022             2021
     Net (loss)/profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (£)                     (1,646,112)      383,779
     Basic weighted average number of shares in issue (Number)                       23,314,706       103,805
     Basic (loss)/profit per share (pence per share)                                 (7.1)p           370p


     As at 31 March                                                                  2022             2021

     Net (loss)/profit attributable to ordinary shareholders (£)                     (1,646,112)      383,779

     Diluted weighted average number of shares in issue (Number)                     24,165,128       113,678

     Diluted (loss)/profit per share (pence per share)                               (7.1)p           338p


     To prepare the company for its listing a 200:1 share split took place during
     the year which increased the number of shares in issue. This increase in the
     share capital increased the number of shares in issue at that time from
     109,692 shares at the beginning of the year to 21,938,400 at the time of the
     share split. This materially affected the calculation for earnings per share.


 Weighted average number of shares used as the denominator


     As at the year ended 31 March                                                                2022            2021

     Shares in issue at 1 April                                                                   109,692         103,805
     Share for share exchange 200:1                                                               21,938,400


     Weighted number of shares issued in the year                                                 1,376,306       -
     The weighted average number of shares used as the denominator in basic                       23,314,706      103,805
     earnings per share
     Adjustments for calculation of diluted earnings per share:

     Options                                                                                      720,190         9,873
     Warrants                                                                                     130,232         -

                                                                                                  24,165,128      113,678


     IAS 33 contains a requirement to restate the average number of shares in issue
     in prior periods for events that change the number of shares without a
     corresponding change in resources. For this purpose, it has been assumed that
     the share split from £1.00 per share to £0.01 per share took place prior to
     1 April 2020.


 14.  Property, plant and equipment


                                       Land and buildings      Office equipment      Total
                                       £                       £                     £

     At 1 April 2019                   -                       44,691                44,691
     Additions in year                 -                       1,544                 1,544
     Disposals in year                 -                       (1,025)               (1,025)

     Exchange differences              -                       (76)                  (76)

     As at 31 March 2020               -                       45,134                45,134

     Additions in year                 411,571                 4,936                 416,507
     Exchange differences              -                       (595)                 (595)

     As at 31 March 2021               411,571                 49,475                461,046

     Disposal of lease                 (411,571)               -                     (411,571)
     Additions in year                 470,487                 23,773                494,260
     Exchange differences              -                       (710)                 (710)

     As at 31 March 2022               470,487                 72,538                543,025


     At 1 April 2019                   -              25,499      25,499
     Charge for year                   -              8,673       8,673
     Exchange differences              -              (75)        (75)

     As at 31 March 2020               -              34,097      34,097

     Charge for year                   137,190        4,937       142,127
     Exchange differences              -              (248)       (248)

     As at 31 March 2021               137,190        38,786      175,976

     Charge for year                   190,890        5,833       196,723
     Disposal of lease                 (240,083)                  (240,083)
     Exchange differences              -              (951)       (951)

     As at 31 March 2022               87,997         43,668      131,665


     Net book value
     As at 31 March 2020              -            11,037      11,037

     Net book value
     As at 31 March 2021              274,381      10,689      285,070

     Net book value
     As at 31 March 2022              382,490      28,870      411,360


     Right of use assets included in the above comprise all land and buildings
     assets. From 31 December 2021 the Group signed a new lease and surrendered its
     existing lease in the same building with the same landlord. There were no
     costs to the surrender.


 15.  Trade and other receivables


     As at the year ended 31 March                  2022           2021
                                                    £              £
     Trade receivables                              753,245        450,080
     Contract assets                                459,086        79,460
     Other receivables                              259,475        118,298
     Issue of share capital                         -              1,161,978
     Current tax receivables                        249,290        56,179
     Deferred tax receivables                       43,386         30,564

                                                    1,764,482      1,896,559


     Trade receivables do not contain a significant financing component. These
     financial assets have been reviewed at each year end the following provision
     for expected credit losses is considered necessary:


     As at the year ended 31 March                              2022          2021
                                                                £             £

     Gross carrying amount - trade receivables                  766,186       452,792

     Loss allowance                                             (12,941)      (2,712)
                                                                753,245       450,080


     The loss allowances for trade receivables as at 31 March reconcile to the
     opening loss allowances as follows:


                                                                                           2022        2021
                                                                                           £           £

     Opening loss allowance at 1 April                                                     2,712       57,079
     Increase in loss allowance recognised in profit or loss                               10,229      4,051
     Increase in loss allowance relating to VAT                                            -           452
     Receivables written off during the year as uncollectible                              -           (58,870)

     Closing loss allowance at 31 March                                                    12,941      2,712


     Other receivables include amounts due for sales taxes, prepayments and
     security deposits held for leases.


     The maximum exposure to credit risk at the reporting date is the carrying
     value of each class of receivable mentioned above. The 4GLOBAL Group does not
     hold any collateral as security.


 16.  Cash and cash equivalents


     As at the year ended 31 March                  2022           2021
                                                    £              £

     Cash at bank and on hand                       3,050,948      775,342


     Cash at bank and on hand does not earn interest.


 17.  Issued share capital


   The allotted, called up and fully paid share capital was as follows:


     As at the year ended 31 March                    2022      2021
                                                      No.       No.

     £1.00 A Ordinary shares
     As at 1 April                                    -         420
     Redesignated as Ordinary shares                  -         (420)

     As at 31 March                                   -         -


Fully paid A Ordinary shares carry one vote per share and the right to
dividends and to distributions on winding up.


     As at the year ended 31 March                    2022      2021
                                                      No.       No.

     £1.00 B Ordinary shares
     As at 1 April                                    -         400
     Redesignated as Ordinary shares                  -         (400)

     As at 31 March                                   -         -


Fully paid B Ordinary shares carry one vote per share and the right to
dividends and to distributions on winding up.


     As at the year ended 31 March                  2022      2021
                                                    No.       No.

     £1.00 C Ordinary shares
     As at 1 April                                  -         105
     Repurchased                                    -         (105)

     As at 31 March                                 -         -



   Fully paid C Ordinary shares carry one vote per share and the right to
   dividends and to distributions on winding up.

   On 26 November 2020 all the C ordinary shares were cancelled.


     As at the year ended 31 March                    2022      2021
                                                      No.       No.

     £1.00 D Ordinary shares
     As at 1 April                                    -         75
     Redesignated as Ordinary shares                  -         (75)

     As at 31 March                                   -         -


Fully paid D Ordinary shares carry one vote per share and the right to
dividends and to distributions on winding up.


     As at the year ended 31 March                    2022      2021
                                                      No.       No.

     £1.00 E Ordinary shares
     As at 1 April                                    -         50
     Redesignated as Ordinary shares                  -         (50)

     At 31 March                                      -         -

Fully paid E Ordinary shares carry one vote per share and the right to
dividends and to distributions on winding up.


                                                    2022            2022       2021
                                                    No.             £          No.
     £0.01 Ordinary shares
     As at 1 April                                  109,692         1,097      -
     Redesignated from other share classes          -                          945
     Subdivision of shares                          -                          93,555
     Issue of shares                                -                          15,192
     Share transfer on PLC incorporation            21,828,708      218,288    -
     Issued on IPO                                  4,406,594       44,066     -

     As at 31 March                                 26,344,994      263,451    109,692


   Fully paid ordinary shares carry one vote per share and the right to dividends
   and to distributions on winding up.

   The issued share capital as at 1 April 2021 was the share capital for 4GLOBAL
   Consulting Limited which was exchanged for shares in the 4GLOBAL PLC on 11
   November 2021.

   The Company undertook an IPO on 7 December and issued 4,406,594 shares to

   On 15 February 2021, all the A Ordinary Shares, B Ordinary Shares, D Ordinary
   Shares and E Ordinary Shares were reclassified as Ordinary Shares of £1 each.
   On 8 March 2021, the 945 Ordinary Shares of £1 Nominal Value were subdivided
   into 94,500 Ordinary Shares of £0.01 Nominal Value.

   On 22 March 2021, 1,686 £0.01 Ordinary Shares were issued for £4.76 per
   share following the exercise of share options. Additionally, a further 13,506
   £0.01 Ordinary Shares were issued for £85.44 per share.



 18.  Equity share-based payments


     The 4GLOBAL Group bears the expense of equity settled share options granted to
     employees and consultants of the 4GLOBAL Group. Share options were awarded
     over the shares in 4GLOBAL Consulting Limited to Ian James and Utku
     Toprakseven. Ian James was appointed a director of 4GLOBAL Consulting Limited
     on 11 February 2021 and Utku Toprakseven on 1 April 2015.


   The movements of share options during the year were as follows:


                                                          Number of Share options      Weighted average share price

     As at 1 April 2020                                   -

     4GLOBAL Consulting Limited
     Granted during the year                              45,954
     Exercised during the year                            (1,686)

     Outstanding as at 31 March 2021                      44,268                       £8.98

     Cash settled during the year                         (44,268)

     Outstanding as at 31 March 2022                      -                            £-


Options outstanding at 31 March 2021 had an exercise price of £4.76-£72.62.
The options vest upon certain conditions including a change in ownership of


The number of options exercisable as at 31 March 2022 is nil.


On 22 March 2021 1,686 options were exercised at an exercise price of £4.76.
The Directors waived the vesting requirement of a change in ownership of
4GLOBAL Consulting Limited to allow the exercise. The weighted average share
price at 22 March 2021 was £85.44 per share.


On 7 December 2022 to assist in the IPO the existing options were settled for
a cash amount of £1,000,000.


                                                          Number of Share options      Weighted average share price

     Outstanding as at 31 March 2021                      -                            -
     Granted during the year                              2,305,872                    78p
     Exercised during the year                            -                            -

     Outstanding as at 31 March 2022                      2,305,872                    78p


     Options outstanding at 31 March 2022 had an exercise price of 35.6p - 91.0p.

     The number of options exercisable as at 31 March 2022 is nil.

     The vesting period ranges from 31 March 2023 to 7 December 2024.

     The fair value of share options was estimated using the Black-Scholes
     option-pricing model. The estimated fair values of options granted are based
     on the following weighted average assumptions:


     As at the year ended 31 March                            2022      2021

     Weighted average fair value (£ per option)               £0.42     £1.38
     Weighted average remaining contractual life              9.7       0.5



     The estimated fair values of options granted are based on the following
     weighted average assumptions:


     As at 31 March                                           2022    2021
     Weighted average share price at date of grant            78p     £8.83
     Weighted average exercise price                          78p     £8.83
     Expected life (years)                                    5       0.5
     Expected volatility (%)                                  44.0    59.47
     Risk free interest rate (%)                              0.76    (0.014)


     The volatility assumption, measured at the standard deviation of expected
     share price returns, is based on the volatility of a comparable listed
     company. The charge for equity-settled share-based payments in the relevant
     years is shown in Note 8.


 19.  Reserves


   Share premium


     Share premium records the amount above the nominal value received for shares
     sold, less transaction costs.


   Share option reserve


     The share-based payment reserve arises on share options issued by the 4GLOBAL
     Group to employees of the 4GLOBAL Group.


   Merger reserve


     The merger reserve arose on the group reconstruction when a share for share
     reconstruction took place and is the difference between the issue price and
     the nominal value of shares issued as consideration for the acquisition of
     subsidiary undertaking.


   Warrant reserve


     The warrant reserve arises on the warrants issued by the 4GLOBAL Group to
     certain advisers of the 4GLOBAL Group.


   Capital redemption reserve


     The capital redemption reserve arises on the repurchase of shares.


   Currency translation reserve


     The currency translation reserve arises on the currency translation of
     subsidiaries where the functional currency differs from the functional
     currency of the 4GLOBAL Group.


   Retained earnings


     The retained earnings reserve represents gains and losses recognised in the
     consolidated statement of comprehensive income.



 20.  Trade and other payables


     As at 31 March                                              2022           2021
                                                                 £              £
     Current                                                                    (Restated)
     Trade payables                                              204,113        82,598

     Contract liabilities                                        216,696        208,215
     Payroll taxes, pension & social security                    268,398        250,916
     Other payables                                              399,347        422,868

                                                                 1,088,554      964,597


     The carrying values of the trade and other payables approximate to their fair
     value as at the year-end date. Other payables include accruals for general
     expenses incurred in the normal course of business that are expected to be
     settled within 12 months.


 21.  Borrowings


     As at 31 March                2022         2021
                                   £            £

     Borrowings                    158,823      273,458

     Borrowings                    121,814      45,833


     Borrowings includes a loan obtained in May 2020 under the Coronavirus Business
     Interruption Loan Scheme ("CBILS") of £250,000. The loan is repayable in
     monthly instalments by April 2026. The rate of interest applicable to the loan
     is 3.05% plus the Bank of England base rate. Under the scheme, the government
     has given a grant of the amounts of interest that would arise on the loan for
     the first 12 months (see note 7). This amount has been recognised in Other
     Operating Income. The Company has granted a fixed and floating charge over its
     assets in respect of this loan. A partial guarantee has been provided by the

     Borrowings also includes a loan of £50,400 from Eloy Mazon, a director and
     shareholder of the Company. The loan was drawn down between December 2013 and
     September 2014 and bears interest at 5% plus the Bank of England base rate,
     which has been accrued with the loan. Interest is charged on the capital and
     outstanding interest. The balance outstanding at 31 March 2022 was £70,804.63
     (2021: £69,293.43). The loan is repayable on demand. The loan was repaid in
     June 2022.

     The carrying value of borrowings approximates to their fair value as at the
     year-end date.


 22.  Lease liabilities


                                         2022           2021
                                         £              £

     As at 1 April                       281,676        -

     Additions                           439,987        411,571
     Interest expense                    10,780         13,705
     Payment of interest                 (10,780)       (13,705)
     Payment of principal                (186,470)      (129,895)
     Disposal                            (181,382)      -

     As at 31 March                      353,811        281,676


     The 4GLOBAL Group has lease contracts for land and buildings. The 4GLOBAL
     Group does not have any leases where the 4GLOBAL Group is a lessor. The
     weighted average remaining term of all leases is disclosed below. The lease
     agreements do not impose any covenants other than the security interests in
     the leased assets that are held by the lessor. Leased assets may not be used
     as security for borrowing purposes. The land and buildings leases have been
     discounted at the 4GLOBAL Group's incremental borrowing rate of 4.1%.

     The 4GLOBAL Group has identified four leases with lease terms of 12 months or
     less. The 4GLOBAL Group applies the short-term lease recognition exemption for
     these leases. The expense recognised in respect of these leases is disclosed
     in Note 8.


                                                           2022                   2021
                                                           £                      £

      Maturity analysis of leases
      Current                                              353,811                134,403
      1 to 2 years                                         -                      147,273

                                                           353,811                281,676

                                                           As at                  As at

                                                            31 March 2022          31 March 2021
                                                           Years                  years

      Weighted average remaining term                      1                      2

 23.  Financial instruments


     The 4GLOBAL Group's treasury policy is to avoid transactions of a speculative
     nature. In the course of trade the 4GLOBAL Group is exposed to a number of
     financial risks that can be categorised as market, credit and liquidity risks.
     The Board has identified the risks within each category and considers the
     impact on the activities of the 4GLOBAL Group as part of their regular meeting

     Principal financial instruments

     The principal financial instruments used by the 4GLOBAL Group, from which
     financial instrument risk arises, are as follows:

     Trade and other receivables

     Cash and cash equivalents

     Trade and other payables


     Lease liabilities

     A summary of the financial instruments held by category is provided below:


                                                 As at 31 March 2022    As at 31 March 2021
                                                 £                      £
     Financial assets at amortised cost

     Cash and cash equivalents                   3,050,948              775,342
     Trade and other receivables                 1,012,720              1,730,356

     Total financial assets                      4,063,668              2,505,698


     The fair value of short-term deposits and other financial assets approximates
     to the carrying amount.


                                                      2022         2021
     Financial liabilities at amortised cost                       Restated

     Borrowings                                       280,637      319,291
     Trade and other payables                         588,535      505,466
     Lease liabilities                                353,811      281,676

                                                      1,222,983    1,106,433


     The Directors consider that the carrying amounts of all financial assets and
     financial liabilities recognised in the financial information approximate
     their fair values (due to their nature and short times to maturity).


     Currency risk

     The 4GLOBAL Group's financial risk management objective is broadly to seek to
     make neither profit nor loss from exposure to currency or interest rate risks.
     The 4GLOBAL Group is exposed to transactional foreign exchange risk and takes
     profits and losses as they arise, as in the opinion of the Directors, the cost
     of hedging against fluctuations would be greater than the related benefit from
     doing so.

     The 4GLOBAL Group has no trade and other payables denominated in the
     currencies other than pounds sterling.

     The trade and other receivables balances held by the 4GLOBAL Group in
     currencies other than pounds sterling are as follows:


                                   As at 31 March 2022    As at 31 March 2021
                                   £                      £
     Euro                          1,241                  1,115
     New Zealand Dollar            11,425                 -
     Saudi Arabian Riyal           -                      34,631
     United States Dollar          70,653                 -

                                   83,319                 35,746



     The cash balances held by the 4GLOBAL Group in currencies other than pounds
     sterling are as follows:


                                  As at 31 March 2022    As at 31 March 2021
                                  £                      £
     Saudi Arabian Riyal          10,655                 423,294
     Euro                         14,182                 -
     US Dollar                    3,339                  -
     Turkish Lira                 18,974                 17,546

                                  47,150                 440,840



   Foreign currency sensitivity analysis


     A 10% movement in the relevant foreign currency exchange rates would
     increase/(decrease) net assets as shown below. This analysis assumes that all
     other variables, in particular interest rates, remain constant.


                                TRY      USD        EUR         NZD
     As at 31 March 2020        £        £          £           £
     Effect on net assets:
     GBP strengthened by 10%    (931)    (2,603)    (10,287)    (14,228)
     GBP weakened by 10%        1,138    3,181      12,573      17,390


                                        TRY        SAR
     As at 31 March 2021                £          £
     Effect on net assets:
     GBP strengthened by 10%            (1,595)    (41,630)
     GBP weakened by 10%                1,950      50,881


                                TRY          USD      EUR        SAR
     As at 31 March 2022        £            £        £          £
     Effect on net assets:
     GBP strengthened by 10%    (1,725)      (295)    (1,321)    (975)
     GBP weakened by 10%        2,108        381      1,537      1,176


   Credit risk

   Credit risk is the risk that a customer or counterparty to a financial
   instrument will fail to perform or fail to pay amounts due causing financial
   loss to the 4GLOBAL Group. Credit risk within the 4GLOBAL Group arises from
   cash and cash equivalents, and trade and other receivables. The maximum
   exposure to credit risk is the carrying amount of these financial instruments.

   The 4GLOBAL Group is subject to concentrations of credit risk from cash
   deposits in excess of insured limits. The 4GLOBAL Group places its cash in
   financial institutions which are considered high quality financial
   institutions by management. At times, such cash deposits may be in excess of
   insured limits. The 4GLOBAL Group does not enter into any derivatives to
   manage credit risk.

   The 4GLOBAL Group calculates expected loss allowances based on the maximum
   contractual year over which the 4GLOBAL Group is exposed to credit risk.
   Financial assets are considered to be credit-impaired when there is reasonable
   and supportable evidence that one or more events that have a detrimental
   impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset have
   occurred. The 4GLOBAL Group also applies a rebuttable presumption that an
   asset is credit-impaired when contractual payments are more than 30 days past
   due. The 4GLOBAL Group has made an assessment of whether trade receivables are
   credit-impaired as each of the years in question. The 4GLOBAL Group has taken
   into account the current financial position of counterparties and expected
   future cash flows together with actual and forecast financial information, in
   order to estimate the probability of default of each of these financial assets
   as well as the loss upon default. No provision for expected credit losses has
   been made.

   The contractual cash flows on these financial assets have not been modified or
   renegotiated in the current or prior year.

   If there is evidence that there is no reasonable expectation of recovery and
   the counterparty is in severe financial difficulties, the financial asset will
   be written off.


     The following table provides an analysis of trade receivables that were due,
     but not impaired, at each financial year end. The Group believes that the
     balances are ultimately recoverable based on a review of past impairment
     history and the current financial status of customers.


                                                            As at 31 March 2022    As at 31 March 2021
                                                            £                      £

     Current 1 - 30 days                                    412,666                292,901

     30 - 60 days                                           162,935                136,627

     61 - 90 days                                           110,483                2,379

     91 + days                                              80,102                 20,884

     Provision for impairment of trade receivables          (12,941)               (2,260)

     Total trade receivables - net                          753,245                450,531


     The Directors are unaware of any factors affecting the recoverability of
     outstanding balances at 31 December 2021 and, consequently, no further
     provisions have been made for bad and doubtful debts.

     The allowance for bad debts has been calculated using a 12-month lifetime
     expected credit loss model, as set out below, in accordance with IFRS 9.




                          As at 31 March 2022                   As at 31 March 2021
                          £                    %    £           £                    %    £

     Current 1 - 30 days  412,666                               292,901

     31 - 60 days         162,935                               136,627

     61 - 90 days         110,483                               2,379

     91 + days            80,102               16%  (12,941)    20,884               11%  (2,260)


Credit Quality of Financial Assets

                                           As at 31 March 2022    As at 31 March 2021
     Past due not impaired                 £                      £

     Current                               412,666                292,901

     31 - 90 days                          273,418                139,006

     Over 91 days - no impairment          67,161                 18,624

     Total past due not impaired           753,245                450,531


      Liquidity risk


     The 4GLOBAL Group is exposed to liquidity risk as part of its normal trading
     cycle. The 4GLOBAL Group's policies ensure sufficient liquidity is available
     to meet foreseeable needs through the preparation of short and long-term
     forecasts. The 4GLOBAL Group's requirements are constant throughout the year
     and relate largely to working capital which is managed through the use of
     surplus cash.


     The table below summarises the maturity profile of the 4GLOBAL Group's
     financial liabilities, based on contractual, undiscounted payments:


                                 Less than 1 year      2 to 5 years    More than 5 years    Total

     Year ended 31 March 2021    £                     £               £                    £
     Borrowings                  45,833                269,291         4,167                319,291
     Trade and other payables    505,466               -               -                    505,466
     Lease liabilities           134,403               147,273         -                    281,676

                                 685,702               416,564         4,167                1,106,433


                                         Less than 1 year                                     More than 5 years

                                                                     2 to 5 years                                          Total
     Year ended 31 March 2022            £                           £                        £                            £
     Borrowings                          121,814                     158,823                  -                            280,637
     Trade and other payables            588,535                     -                        -                            588,535
     Lease liabilities                   353,811                     -                        -                            353,811

                                         1,064,160                   158,823                  -                            1,222,983

     Capital risk

     The Directors define capital as the total equity of the company. The
     Directors' objectives when managing capital are to safeguard the 4GLOBAL
     Group's ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for
     stockholders and benefits for other stakeholders and to maintain an optimal
     structure to reduce the cost of capital. In order to maintain an optimal
     capital structure, the Directors may adjust the amount of dividends paid to
     stockholders, return capital to stockholders and issue new stock to reduce


 24.  Net funds reconciliation



                                                             As at 31 March 2022      As at 31 March 2021
                                                             £                        £
     Cash and cash equivalents                               3,050,948                775,342
     Borrowings - repayable within one year                  121,814                  45,833
     Borrowings - repayable after one year                   158,823                  273,458

     Net funds                                               3,331,585                1,094,633

     Cash and liquid investments                             3,050,948                775,342
     Gross debt - variable interest rates                    280,637                  319,291

     Net funds                                               3,331,585                1,094,633


 25.  Commitments


     The 4GLOBAL Group has not identified any lease contracts that have not yet
     commenced as at the end of each year. Consequently, the 4GLOBAL Group has not
     identified any material commitments.


 26.  Ultimate controlling party


     As at 31 March 2022, the ultimate controlling party of the 4GLOBAL Group is
     Eloy Mazon by virtue of his 50.5% shareholding in 4GLOBAL PLC.


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