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REG-Caterpillar Inc: 1st Quarter Results <Origin Href="QuoteRef">CAT.N</Origin> - Part 2

- Part 2: For the preceding part double click  ID:nPRrMF794a 

         2016           2015       Change  Change
Operating Profit               $168           $227   ($59)  (26) %

Financial Products' revenues were $743 million in the first quarter of 2016, a
decrease of $52 million, or 7 percent, from the first quarter of 2015.  The
decline was primarily due to lower average earning assets and lower average
financing rates.  Average earning assets were down in Asia/Pacific, Latin
America and EAME, partially offset by higher average earning assets in North
America.  Average financing rates decreased across all regions.

Financial Products' profit was $168 million in the first quarter of 2016,
compared with $227 million in the first quarter of 2015.  The decrease was
primarily due to a $17 million decrease in net yield on average earning assets
reflecting geographic mix changes and currency impacts, an $11 million increase
in the provision for credit losses at Cat Financial and a $10 million
unfavorable impact from lower average earning assets.

At the end of the first quarter of 2016, past dues at Cat Financial were 2.78
percent, compared with 3.08 percent at the end of the first quarter of 2015 and
2.14 percent at the end of 2015.  There is some seasonality in past due
percentages and it is common to see an increase in the first quarter. 
Write-offs, net of recoveries, were $31 million for the first quarter of 2016,
compared with $12 million for the first quarter of 2015.  The increase in
write-offs, net of recoveries, was primarily driven by Caterpillar Power
Finance and North American portfolios.

As of March 31, 2016, Cat Financial's allowance for credit losses totaled $340
million, or 1.21 percent of net finance receivables, compared with $392
million, or 1.38 percent of net finance receivables at March 31, 2015.  The
allowance for credit losses at year-end 2015 was $338 million, or 1.22 percent
of net finance receivables.

Corporate Items and Eliminations

Expense for corporate items and eliminations was $358 million in the first
quarter of 2016, an increase of $42 million from the first quarter of 2015. 
Corporate items and eliminations include: corporate-level expenses;
restructuring costs; timing differences, as some expenses are reported in
segment profit on a cash basis; retirement benefit costs other than service
cost; currency differences for ME&T, as segment profit is reported using annual
fixed exchange rates; cost of sales methodology differences as segments use a
current cost methodology; and inter-segment eliminations.

The increase in expense from the first quarter of 2015 was primarily due to a
$126 million increase in restructuring costs, partially offset by lower
stock-based compensation expense and methodology differences.


We have seen recent increases in commodity prices, some signs of improvement in
construction equipment in China and better order activity than we expected at
bauma, the world's leading trade fair for many of the industries we serve. 
While we are seeing a few positive signals, other parts of our business remain
challenged.  As a result, we have lowered the midpoint of the outlook for 2016
sales and revenues about 2 percent.

Sales and revenues in 2016 are expected to be in a range of $40 to $42 billion
with a midpoint of $41 billion.  The previous outlook was a range of $40 to $44
billion with a midpoint of $42 billion.  The decline in the midpoint of the
sales and revenues outlook range is a result of several factors that, while not
individually large in the context of the outlook, collectively add up to about
$1 billion.  Those factors include lower transportation sales (rail, marine and
the ending of production of on-highway vocational trucks), lower mining sales
and weaker price realization than previously expected.

The profit outlook at the midpoint of the sales and revenues range is now $3.00
per share, or $3.70 per share excluding restructuring costs.  The previous
profit outlook was $3.50 per share, or $4.00 per share excluding restructuring
costs at the midpoint of the previous sales and revenues outlook.  The expected
decline in sales and revenues and an increase in expected restructuring costs
are the primary reasons for the decline in the profit outlook.

Restructuring costs are now expected to be about $550 million in 2016, up $150
million from the previous outlook.  The decision to end production of
on-highway vocational trucks is the primary reason for the increase in
restructuring costs.


We made several reporting changes effective January 1, 2016.  Our 2015
financial information has been recast to be consistent with the 2016

Pension and OPEB Costs

Effective January 1, 2016, we changed our accounting principle for recognizing
actuarial gains and losses and expected returns on assets for our pension and
OPEB plans.  Gains and losses historically recognized as a component of equity
and amortized to earnings in future periods will be recognized in earnings in
the period in which they occur.  In addition, we changed our policy for
recognizing expected returns on plan assets from a market-related value method
(based on a three-year smoothing of asset returns) to a fair value method.

Under the new principle, we will immediately recognize actuarial gains and
losses as a mark-to-market gain or loss through earnings upon the annual
remeasurement in the fourth quarter, or on an interim basis as triggering
events warrant remeasurement.

The change in accounting principle has no impact on future pension or OPEB
funding or benefits paid to plan participants.

The impact of the change in accounting principle on our 2015 Results of
Operations is presented on page 15.  Actuarial losses (mark-to-market
adjustments) for 2015 are shown separately from the other impacts of the
change, which are primarily reversals of actuarial losses that had been
amortized to earnings under the prior accounting principle.

Segment Reporting

Effective January 1, 2016, we made the following changes that impacted our
segment reporting.  These changes were made to reflect changes in
organizational accountabilities and refinements to our internal reporting.

  * Responsibility for remanufacturing of Cat engines and components and
    responsibility for on-highway vocational trucks moved from the All Other
    segments to Energy & Transportation.
  * Responsibility for forestry and paving products moved from All Other
    segments to Construction Industries.
  * Responsibility for industrial and waste products moved from All Other
    segments to Resource Industries.
  * Internal charges for component manufacturing and logistics services
    provided by All Other segments to Construction Industries, Resource
    Industries and Energy & Transportation in excess of cost have been adjusted
    to approximate actual cost, resulting in a reduction in profit in the All
    Other segments and corresponding increases in profit in the other three
  * Costs that previously had been included in ME&T Corporate Items, primarily
    for company-wide strategies such as information technology and
    manufacturing process transformation, have been included in the ME&T
    segments that benefit from the costs.

The impacts of both the pension and OPEB and segment reporting changes on our
2015 quarterly operating profit are presented on page 16.  The pension and OPEB
change is reported in ME&T Corporate Items and had no impact on segment

Impact of Pension and OPEB Accounting Principle Change on Consolidated                       
Statement of Results of Operations                                                           
Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2015                                                        
(Dollars in millions except per share data)                                                  
                                                  Effect of Accounting Change                
                                    Previously    2015             Other             Recast  
                                     Reported   Actuarial                                    
Sales and revenues:                                                                          
 Sales of Machinery, Energy &       $ 44,147    $     -      $              -      $ 44,147  
 Revenues of Financial Products        2,864          -                     -         2,864  
 Total sales and revenues             47,011          -                     -        47,011  
Operating costs:                                                                             
 Cost of goods sold                   33,742        122                 (318)        33,546  
 Selling, general and                  5,199         18                 (266)         4,951  
 administrative expenses                                                                     
 Research and development expenses     2,165         39                  (85)         2,119  
 Interest expense of Financial           587          -                     -           587  
 Other operating (income) expenses     2,062          -                  (39)         2,023  
 Total operating costs                43,755        179                 (708)        43,226  
Operating profit                       3,256      (179)                   708         3,785  
 Interest expense excluding              507          -                     -           507  
 Financial Products                                                                          
 Other income (expense)                  106          -                    55           161  
Consolidated profit before taxes       2,855      (179)                   763         3,439  
 Provision (benefit) for income          742       (66)                   240           916  
 Profit of consolidated companies      2,113      (113)                   523         2,523  
 Equity in profit (loss) of                -          -                     -             -  
 unconsolidated affiliated                                                                   
Profit of consolidated and             2,113      (113)                   523         2,523  
affiliated companies                                                                         
Less:  Profit (loss) attributable         11          -                     -            11  
to noncontrolling interests                                                                  
Profit 1                            $  2,102    $ (113)      $            523      $  2,512  
Profit per common share             $   3.54                                       $   4.23  
Profit per common share - diluted 2 $   3.50                                       $   4.18  
1 Profit attributable to common stockholders.                                                
2 Diluted by assumed exercise of stock-based compensation awards using the                   
  treasury stock method.                                                                     


2015 Recast Sales and Revenues by Segment                                                                            
(Millions of          First               Second                Third               Fourth             Full Year     
dollars)             Quarter              Quarter              Quarter              Quarter               2015       
Construction      $          5,014     $          4,803     $          4,075     $          3,905     $        17,797
Resource                     1,971                2,048                1,842                1,878               7,739
Energy &                     4,915                4,708                4,352                4,544              18,519
All Other                       72                   55                   39                   37                 203
Corporate                     (11)                 (31)                 (23)                 (46)               (111)
Items and                                                                                                            
Machinery,         $        11,961      $        11,583      $        10,285      $        10,318     $        44,147
Energy &                                                                                                             
Financial                      795                  785                  752                  746               3,078
Corporate                     (54)                 (51)                 (75)                 (34)               (214)
Items and                                                                                                            
Financial        $             741    $             734    $             677    $             712    $          2,864
Consolidated       $        12,702      $        12,317      $        10,962      $        11,030     $        47,011
Sales and                                                                                                            
1    Does not  $                23  $                26  $                17  $                43  $              109
2    Does not                   87                   75                   88                   82                 332
3    Does not                  794                  766                  702                  615               2,877
4    Does not                  103                  100                   88                   99                 390


2015 Recast Operating Profit (Loss) by Segment                                                              
(Millions of         First             Second              Third             Fourth            Full Year    
dollars)            Quarter            Quarter            Quarter            Quarter             2015       
Construction   $             745  $             588  $             354  $             178   $          1,865
Resource                      96                 27               (42)               (80)                  1
Energy &                   1,024                942                683                741              3,390
All Other                    (7)               (18)               (11)               (39)               (75)
Corporate                  (319)              (322)              (182)            (1,088)            (1,911)
Items and                                                                                                   
Machinery,      $          1,539   $          1,217  $             802  $           (288)   $          3,270
Energy &                                                                                                    
Financial                    227                184                207                191                809
Corporate                      3                (1)               (22)               (15)               (35)
Items and                                                                                                   
Financial      $             230  $             183  $             185  $             176  $             774
Consolidating               (67)               (67)               (62)               (63)              (259)
Consolidated    $          1,702   $          1,333  $             925  $           (175)   $          3,785
Profit (Loss)                                                                                               


QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS                                                          
Q1: Your 2015 profit changed from what you reported last year.  Can you please 
    explain the change?                                                        
 A: Effective January 1, 2016, we changed how we account for pension and OPEB  
    costs.  Under the new accounting principle, we will recognize actuarial    
    gains and losses as a mark-to-market gain or loss when they occur rather   
    than amortizing them to earnings over time.  The presentation of 2015      
    results has been recast to be consistent with the new method.  The change  
    resulted in an increase to 2015 pre-tax profit of $584 million or $0.68 per
    share.  This is an accounting principle change only and has no impact on   
    future pension or OPEB funding or benefits paid to plan participants.      
    Below is the impact on 2015 profit per share.                              


                                          First Quarter 2015    Full Year 2015  
                                          Previously          Previously        
                                           Reported   Recast   Reported   Recast
Profit Per Share                               $1.81   $2.03       $3.50   $4.18
   2015 Actuarial Losses (MTM)                                             $0.19
   Restructuring Costs                         $0.05   $0.04       $1.14   $1.10
Profit Per Share - Excluding                   $1.86   $2.07       $4.64   $5.47
Restructuring Costs and MTM                                                     


Q2: Can you update us on the progress of the restructuring actions announced on
    September 24, 2015?                                                        
A:  Since September 30, 2015, our global workforce is down approximately 8,600,
    which is a combination of restructuring actions and production             
    volume-related actions.  Restructuring has resulted in the elimination of  
    approximately 5,300 positions since the September 24 announcement through  
    the first quarter of 2016.  We are delivering significant cost reduction as
    a result of these actions.  We continue to contemplate facility            
    consolidations and closures in order to right size our capacity needs.     
     Since the September 24 announcement, we've announced the closure or       
    consolidation of about 15 facilities.                                      
Q3: What caused the price deterioration in the first quarter, especially in    
    Construction Industries?  What do you expect for the balance of the year?  
A:  We continue to see competitive pressure that started in the last half of   
    2015 driven by excess industry capacity, unfavorable currency pressure and 
    an overall weak economic environment.  We expect the current competitive   
    pressure to continue for the remainder of the year, although it is expected
    most of the year-over-year weakness will occur in the first half of 2016,  
    as price realization was more negative in the second half of 2015 compared 
    to the first half.                                                         
Q4: Oil prices have improved from the beginning of 2016.  How does this affect 
    your thinking about shipments of reciprocating engines and turbines to this
    important end market for 2016?                                             
A:  While oil prices have improved since the beginning of 2016, it is not clear
    at this time that the current price level is either sustainable or         
    sufficient to drive increased demand for equipment.  We monitor a number of
    factors in addition to oil prices that shape our outlook, including recent 
    order rates, quotation activity, our current backlog, trends in retail     
    statistics and discussions with our customers.  Based on all of these      
    factors, we do not see the current oil price driving a turnaround in demand
    for our products in 2016.                                                  
Q5: Can you discuss changes in dealer inventories in the first quarter of 2016?
A:  Dealers generally increase inventories in the first quarter in preparation 
    for the spring selling season.  Dealer machine and engine inventories      
    increased about $300 million in the first quarter of 2016, compared with an
    increase of about $900 million in the first quarter of 2015.               
Q6: Can you comment on your order backlog by segment?                          
A:  At the end of the first quarter of 2016, the order backlog was $13.1       
    billion, about the same in total and by segment as the end of 2015.        
    Compared to the first quarter of 2015, the order backlog declined about    
    $3.5 billion with decreases in all segments.                               
Q7: Can you comment on expense related to your 2016 short-term incentive       
    compensation plans?                                                        
A:  Short-term incentive compensation expense is directly related to financial 
    and operational performance, measured against targets set annually.        
     First-quarter 2016 expense was about $120 million. First-quarter 2015     
    expense was about $215 million.                                            
    For 2016, our outlook includes short-term incentive compensation expense of
    about $480 million.                                                        
Q8: Can you give us an update on how Cat Financial is performing?              
A:  Cat Financial's portfolio continues to perform well overall despite ongoing
    weakness in many key end markets.  The first quarter of 2016 past dues were
    2.78 percent, compared with 3.08 percent in the first quarter of 2015, with
    current past dues remaining lower than historical averages for the first   
    quarter.  Write-offs in the first quarter of 2016 were $31 million, or 0.47
    percent of the average retail portfolio.  Although an increase from $12    
    million in the first quarter of 2015, write-offs were only slightly above  
    historical averages for the first quarter.  We believe customer risk       
    exposure is well managed, with broad distribution of portfolio exposure    
    across a global customer base.  Cat Financial continues to work closely    
    with its customers to provide financing support for new Caterpillar product
    purchases and to actively monitor global portfolio health.                 
Q9: Can you comment on your balance sheet and cash priorities?                 
A:  The ME&T debt-to-capital ratio was 37.7 percent, improved from 39.0 percent
    at the end of 2015.  Our cash and liquidity positions remain strong with an
    enterprise cash balance of $5.886 billion as of March 31, 2016.  ME&T      
    operating cash flow for the first quarter of 2016 was $218 million compared
    with $1.042 billion in the first quarter of 2015.  The decline was         
    primarily due to lower profit.                                             
    While our long-term priorities for cash deployment are unchanged, we are   
    very focused on the continuing strength of our balance sheet to maintain   
    our credit rating and the dividend.                                        


GLOSSARY OF TERMS                                                              
 1. All Other Segments - Primarily includes activities such as: the business   
    strategy, product management, development, and manufacturing of filters and
    fluids, undercarriage, tires and rims, ground engaging tools, fluid        
    transfer products, precision seals and rubber, and sealing and connecting  
    components primarily for Cat products; parts distribution; distribution    
    services responsible for dealer development and administration including a 
    wholly owned dealer in Japan, dealer portfolio management and ensuring the 
    most efficient and effective distribution of machines, engines and parts;  
    digital investments for new customer and dealer solutions that integrate   
    data analytics with state-of-the art digital technologies while            
    transforming the buying experience.                                        
 2. Consolidating Adjustments - Elimination of transactions between Machinery, 
    Energy & Transportation and Financial Products.                            
 3. Construction Industries - A segment primarily responsible for supporting   
    customers using machinery in infrastructure, forestry and building         
    construction applications.  Responsibilities include business strategy,    
    product design, product management and development, manufacturing,         
    marketing and sales and product support.  The product portfolio includes   
    backhoe loaders, small wheel loaders, small track-type tractors, skid steer
    loaders, multi-terrain loaders, mini excavators, compact wheel loaders,    
    telehandlers, select work tools, small, medium and large track excavators, 
    wheel excavators, medium wheel loaders, compact track loaders, medium      
    track-type tractors, track-type loaders, motor graders, pipelayers,        
    forestry and paving products.                                              
 4. Currency - With respect to sales and revenues, currency represents the     
    translation impact on sales resulting from changes in foreign currency     
    exchange rates versus the U.S. dollar.  With respect to operating profit,  
    currency represents the net translation impact on sales and operating costs
    resulting from changes in foreign currency exchange rates versus the U.S.  
    dollar.  Currency includes the impact on sales and operating profit for the
    Machinery, Energy & Transportation lines of business only; currency impacts
    on Financial Products' revenues and operating profit are included in the   
    Financial Products' portions of the respective analyses.  With respect to  
    other income/expense, currency represents the effects of forward and option
    contracts entered into by the company to reduce the risk of fluctuations in
    exchange rates (hedging) and the net effect of changes in foreign currency 
    exchange rates on our foreign currency assets and liabilities for          
    consolidated results (translation).                                        
 5. Debt-to-Capital Ratio - A key measure of Machinery, Energy &               
    Transportation's financial strength used by management.  The metric is     
    defined as Machinery, Energy & Transportation's short-term borrowings,     
    long-term debt due within one year and long-term debt due after one year   
    (debt) divided by the sum of Machinery, Energy & Transportation's debt and 
    stockholders' equity.  Debt also includes Machinery, Energy &              
    Transportation's long-term borrowings from Financial Products.             
 6. EAME - A geographic region including Europe, Africa, the Middle East and   
    the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).                              
 7. Earning Assets - Assets consisting primarily of total finance receivables  
    net of unearned income, plus equipment on operating leases, less           
    accumulated depreciation at Cat Financial.                                 
 8. Energy & Transportation - A segment primarily responsible for supporting   
    customers using reciprocating engines, turbines, diesel-electric           
    locomotives and related parts across industries serving power generation,  
    industrial, oil and gas and transportation applications, including marine  
    and rail-related businesses. Responsibilities include business strategy,   
    product design, product management and development, manufacturing,         
    marketing and sales and product support of turbines and turbine-related    
    services, reciprocating engine powered generator sets, integrated systems  
    used in the electric power generation industry, reciprocating engines and  
    integrated systems and solutions for the marine and oil and gas industries;
    reciprocating engines supplied to the industrial industry as well as Cat   
    machinery; the remanufacturing of Cat® engines and components and          
    remanufacturing services for other companies; the business strategy,       
    product design, product management and development, manufacturing,         
    remanufacturing, leasing and service of diesel-electric locomotives and    
    components and other rail-related products and services and product support
    of on-highway vocational trucks for North America.                         
 9. Financial Products Segment - Provides financing to customers and dealers   
    for the purchase and lease of Cat and other equipment, as well as some     
    financing for Caterpillar sales to dealers.  Financing plans include       
    operating and finance leases, installment sale contracts, working capital  
    loans and wholesale financing plans.  The segment also provides various    
    forms of insurance to customers and dealers to help support the purchase   
    and lease of our equipment.  Financial Products Segment profit is          
    determined on a pretax basis and includes other income/expense items.      
10. Latin America - A geographic region including Central and South American   
    countries and Mexico.                                                      
11. Lean Management - A holistic management system that uses a sequential      
    cadence of principles to drive the highest quality and lowest total cost to
    achieve customer requirements.                                             
12. Machinery, Energy & Transportation (ME&T) - Represents the aggregate total 
    of Construction Industries, Resource Industries, Energy & Transportation   
    and All Other Segments and related corporate items and eliminations.       
13. Machinery, Energy & Transportation Other Operating (Income) Expenses       
    - Comprised primarily of gains/losses on disposal of long-lived assets,    
    gains/losses on divestitures and legal settlements and accruals.           
    Restructuring costs classified as other operating expenses on the Results  
    of Operations are presented separately on the Operating Profit Comparison. 
14. Pension and other postemployment benefit (OPEB) costs - Costs for the      
    company's defined benefit pension and postretirement benefit plans.        
15. Period Costs - Includes period manufacturing costs, selling, general and   
    administrative (SG&A) and research and development (R&D) expenses excluding
    the impact of currency.  Period manufacturing costs support production but 
    are defined as generally not having a direct relationship to short-term    
    changes in volume.  Examples include machinery and equipment repair,       
    depreciation on manufacturing assets, facility support, procurement,       
    factory scheduling, manufacturing planning and operations management.  SG&A
    and R&D costs are not linked to the production of goods or services and    
    include marketing, legal and financial services and the development of new 
    and significant improvements in products or processes.                     
16. Price Realization - The impact of net price changes excluding currency and 
    new product introductions.  Price realization includes geographic mix of   
    sales, which is the impact of changes in the relative weighting of sales   
    prices between geographic regions.                                         
17. Resource Industries - A segment primarily responsible for supporting       
    customers using machinery in mining, quarry, waste, and material handling  
    applications. Responsibilities include business strategy, product design,  
    product management and development, manufacturing, marketing and sales and 
    product support. The product portfolio includes large track-type tractors, 
    large mining trucks, hard rock vehicles, longwall miners, electric rope    
    shovels, draglines, hydraulic shovels, track and rotary drills, highwall   
    miners, large wheel loaders, off-highway trucks, articulated trucks, wheel 
    tractor scrapers, wheel dozers, landfill compactors, soil compactors,      
    material handlers, continuous miners, scoops and haulers, hardrock         
    continuous mining systems, select work tools, machinery components and     
    electronics and control systems. Resource Industries also manages areas    
    that provide services to other parts of the company, including integrated  
    manufacturing and research and development.                                
18. Restructuring Costs - Primarily costs for employee separation costs,       
    long-lived asset impairments and contract terminations.  These costs are   
    included in Other Operating (Income) Expenses.  Restructuring costs also   
    include other exit-related costs primarily for accelerated depreciation and
    equipment relocation (primarily included in Cost of goods sold) and sales  
    discounts and payments to dealers and customers related to discontinued    
    products (included in Sales of ME&T).                                      
19. Sales Volume - With respect to sales and revenues, sales volume represents 
    the impact of changes in the quantities sold for Machinery, Energy &       
    Transportation as well as the incremental revenue impact of new product    
    introductions, including emissions-related product updates.  With respect  
    to operating profit, sales volume represents the impact of changes in the  
    quantities sold for Machinery, Energy & Transportation combined with       
    product mix as well as the net operating profit impact of new product      
    introductions, including emissions-related product updates.  Product mix   
    represents the net operating profit impact of changes in the relative      
    weighting of Machinery, Energy & Transportation sales with respect to total
20. Variable Manufacturing Costs - Represents volume-adjusted costs excluding  
    the impact of currency.  Variable manufacturing costs are defined as having
    a direct relationship with the volume of production.  This includes        
    material costs, direct labor and other costs that vary directly with       
    production volume such as freight, power to operate machines and supplies  
    that are consumed in the manufacturing process.                            


The following definition is provided for "non-GAAP financial measures" in
connection with Regulation G issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 
The non-GAAP financial measures we use have no standardized meaning prescribed
by U.S. GAAP and therefore are unlikely to be comparable to the calculation of
similar measures for other companies.  Management does not intend these items
to be considered in isolation or substituted for the related GAAP

Profit Per Share Excluding Restructuring Costs and Mark-to-Market Losses

We incurred significant restructuring costs in 2015 and expect to incur
additional restructuring costs in 2016.  We believe it is important to
separately quantify the profit per share impact of restructuring costs in order
for our 2016 results and the 2016 outlook to be meaningful to our readers.  We
have also provided 2015 profit per share excluding restructuring costs
comparable to the 2016 presentation.  In addition, we believe it is important
to separately quantify the per share impact of the pension and OPEB
mark-to-market losses resulting from plan remeasurements for our 2015 results
to be meaningful.  We have provided recast 2015 results comparable to the 2016
presentation.  Reconciliations of profit per share excluding restructuring
costs and mark-to-market losses (2015 only) to the most directly comparable
GAAP measure, diluted profit per share, are as follows:

                                        First Quarter         2016 Outlook     
                                         2015      2016   Original 1  Current 2
Profit (Loss) per share                    $2.03   $0.46       $3.50      $3.00
Per share restructuring costs 3            $0.04   $0.21       $0.50      $0.70
Profit per share excluding                 $2.07   $0.67       $4.00      $3.70
restructuring costs                                                            
                                      First Quarter 2015     Full Year 2015    
                                      Previously  Recast  Previously   Recast  
                                       Reported            Reported            
Profit (Loss) per share                    $1.81   $2.03       $3.50      $4.18
Per share mark-to-market losses                -       -           -      $0.19
Per share restructuring costs 3            $0.05   $0.04       $1.14      $1.10
Profit per share excluding                 $1.86   $2.07       $4.64      $5.47
restructuring costs and                                                        
mark-to-market losses                                                          
1 2016 Sales and Revenues Outlook in a range of $40-44 billion (as of January  
28, 2016).  Profit per share at midpoint.                                      
2 2016 Sales and Revenues Outlook in a range of $40-42 billion (as of April 22,
2016).  Profit per share at midpoint.                                          
1-2 2016 Outlook does not include any impact from mark-to-market gains or      
losses resulting from pension and OPEB plan remeasurements.                    
3At effective tax rate excluding discrete items                                

Machinery, Energy & Transportation

Caterpillar defines Machinery, Energy & Transportation as it is presented in
the supplemental data as Caterpillar Inc. and its subsidiaries with Financial
Products accounted for on the equity basis.  Machinery, Energy & Transportation
information relates to the design, manufacture and marketing of our products. 
Financial Products' information relates to the financing to customers and
dealers for the purchase and lease of Caterpillar and other equipment.  The
nature of these businesses is different, especially with regard to the
financial position and cash flow items.  Caterpillar management utilizes this
presentation internally to highlight these differences.  We also believe this
presentation will assist readers in understanding our business.  Pages 22-28
reconcile Machinery, Energy & Transportation with Financial Products on the
equity basis to Caterpillar Inc. consolidated financial information.

Caterpillar's latest financial results and outlook are also available via:     
Telephone: 800-228-7717 (Inside the United States and Canada)                  
           858-764-9492 (Outside the United States and Canada)                 
           www.caterpillar.com/en/investors/quarterly-results.html (live       
           broadcast/replays of quarterly conference call)                     


                               Caterpillar Inc.                                
           Condensed Consolidated Statement of Results of Operations           
                  (Dollars in millions except per share data)                  
                                                        Three Months Ended     
                                                             March 31,         
                                                         2016           2015   
Sales and revenues:                                                            
  Sales of Machinery, Energy & Transportation       $       8,780    $ 11,961  
  Revenues of Financial Products                              681         741  
  Total sales and revenues                                  9,461      12,702  
Operating costs:                                                               
  Cost of goods sold                                        6,822       8,760  
  Selling, general and administrative expenses              1,088       1,249  
  Research and development expenses                           508         524  
  Interest expense of Financial Products                      152         150  
  Other operating (income) expenses                           397         317  
  Total operating costs                                     8,967      11,000  
Operating profit                                              494       1,702  
  Interest expense excluding Financial Products               129         129  
  Other income (expense)                                        -         194  
Consolidated profit before taxes                              365       1,767  
  Provision (benefit) for income taxes                         92         521  
  Profit of consolidated companies                            273       1,246  
  Equity in profit (loss) of unconsolidated                   (1)           2  
  affiliated companies                                                         
Profit of consolidated and affiliated companies               272       1,248  
Less: Profit (loss) attributable to noncontrolling              1           3  
Profit 1                                            $         271    $  1,245  
Profit per common share                             $        0.46    $   2.06  
Profit per common share - diluted 2                 $      

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