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CSN Chesnara News Story

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REG - Chesnara PLC - Final Results <Origin Href="QuoteRef">CSN.L</Origin> - Part 5

- Part 5: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSe0943Bd 

associated with
the cost of guarantee reserve. 
Key observations 
Based on the audit procedures performed, we found that the assumptions underpinning the stochastic modelling were
reasonable and had been applied appropriately.been made following our reassessment of what matters require communicating.
We also report to the Audit & Risk Committee on disclosure matters that we identified when assessing the overall
presentation of the financial statements. 
Valuation of the Protection Life acquired value in-force ('PtL AVIF') business intangible 
The risk 
At 31 December 2016 the Group carried an intangible asset for the PtL AVIF of £11.6m (31 December 2015: £15.0m). 
Following a review of the PtL AVIF business intangible in the prior year, we continued to focus on the valuation of this
asset as it is the AVIF intangible which is most sensitive to changes in key assumptions used. 
Assessing the recoverable value of the acquired in-force business intangible asset requires significant judgment in the
estimation of the net present value of cash flows expected to arise from the pre-acquisition policies acquired in past
business combinations. The key assumptions are persistency rates, discount rates and economic assumptions. 
How the scope of our audit responded to this risk 
We evaluated the carrying value of the PtL AVIF intangible asset by reviewing and challenging: 
-      the mechanical accuracy of the net present value calculation; 
-      the future cash flows within the model to assess whether these were the latest available and were those used
consistently throughout the business; 
-      the level of headroom this calculation generated by reference to the post amortisation carrying value of the asset;
-      the appropriateness of the key assumptions used within the model by reference to actual experience and performance
of sensitivity analysis where appropriate. 
We assessed the design and implementation of the controls over the impairment test performed by management to evaluate the
suitability of the carrying value of the intangible asset. 
Key observations 
We found that the assumptions underpinning the impairment test were appropriate and applied consistently. We found that the
carrying value of the intangible asset remains appropriate. 
Valuation of the Protection Life acquired value in-force ('PtL AVIF') business intangible 
The risk 
Actuarial liabilities are calculated using an appropriate discount rate to take account of the time value of future
expected payments. The discount rate used to determine the UK actuarial liabilities includes an adjustment to reflect the
credit risk of those future cash flows. The determination of the credit risk adjustment which is applied to non-government
bond yields is a source of significant judgment and is material to the Balance Sheet. 
How the scope of our audit responded to this risk 
We evaluated the appropriateness of the principal assumptions relating to the credit risk element of the valuation interest
rates assumption for discounting the technical provisions. This involved benchmarking the credit risk assumptions used
against those obtained from external data, including a comparison with those adopted by industry peers, where available. 
We substantively agreed a sample of non-government bonds used within the calculation of the valuation rate of interest to
the value of those bonds on the balance sheet to check whether they were consistent. 
We evaluated the design and implementation of the internal controls around the determination and application of the credit
element of the valuation rate of interest applied in discounting actuarial liabilities. 
Key observations 
We found that the methodology for credit risk adjustments applied to the valuation interest rate is appropriate and applied
These matters were addressed in the context of our audit of the financial statements as a whole, and in forming our opinion
thereon, and we did not provide a separate opinion on these matters. 
Our liability for this report, and for our full audit report on the financial statements is to the company's members as a
body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we
might state to the company's members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditor's report and for no other
purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company
and the company's members as a body, for our audit work, for our audit report or this report, or for the opinions we have
Deloitte LLP 
Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditor 
 Year ended 31 December                                                                             2016       2015       
                                                                                                    £000       £000       
 Insurance premium revenue                                                                          109,450    114,749    
 Insurance premium ceded to reinsurers                                                              (44,900)   (46,811)   
 Net insurance premium revenue                                                                      64,550     67,938     
 Fee and commission income                                                                          72,932     66,249     
 Net investment return                                                                              515,681    148,514    
 Total revenue net of reinsurance payable                                                           653,163    282,701    
 Other operating income                                                                             17,614     18,586     
 Total income net of investment return                                                              670,777    301,287    
 Insurance contract  claims and benefits incurred                                                                         
 Claims and benefits paid to insurance contract holders                                             (346,117)  (318,721)  
 Net increase in insurance contract provisions                                                      11,392     191,850    
 Reinsurers' share of claims and benefits                                                           62,364     32,004     
 Net insurance contract claims and benefits                                                         (272,361)  (94,867)   
 Change in investment contract liabilities                                                          (274,724)  (100,469)  
 Reinsurers' share of investment contract liabilities                                               5,617      733        
 Net change in investment contract liabilities                                                      (269,107)  (99,736)   
 Fees, commission and other acquisition costs                                                       (23,838)   (20,875)   
 Administrative expenses                                                                            (46,615)   (41,301)   
 Other operating expenses                                                                                                 
 Charge for amortisation of acquired value of in-force business                                     (10,419)   (9,274)    
 Charge for amortisation of acquired value of customer relationships                                (236)      (222)      
 Other                                                                                              (4,394)    (5,866)    
 Total expenses net of change in insurance contract provisions and investment contract liabilities  (626,970)  (272,141)  
 Total income less expenses                                                                         43,807     29,146     
 Share of profit of associate                                                                       150        455        
 Profit recognised on business combination                                                          -          16,644     
 Financing costs                                                                                    (3,272)    (3,457)    
 Profit before income taxes                                                                         40,685     42,788     
 Income tax expense                                                                                 (5,405)    (3,000)    
 Profit for the year                                                                                35,280     39,788     
 Foreign exchange translation differences arising on the revaluation of foreign operations          20,114     (173)      
 Total comprehensive income for the year                                                            55,394     39,615     
 Basic earnings per share (based on profit for the year)                                            27.67p     31.48p     
 Diluted earnings per share (based on profit for the year)                                          27.56p     31.41p     
 31 December                                                             2016       2015       
                                                                         £000       £000       
 Intangible assets                                                                             
 Deferred acquisition costs                                              48,318     36,061     
 Acquired value of in-force business                                     62,943     68,341     
 Acquired value of customer relationships                                736        875        
 Software assets                                                         6,560      4,720      
 Property and equipment                                                  519        537        
 Investment in associates                                                5,433      4,707      
 Investment properties                                                   245        245        
 Reinsurers' share of insurance contract provisions                      254,859    282,628    
 Amounts deposited with reinsurers                                       37,437     33,941     
 Financial assets                                                                              
 Equity securities at fair value through income                          485,165    486,243    
 Holdings in collective investment schemes at fair value through income  4,104,602  3,499,355  
 Debt securities at fair value through income                            474,091    423,754    
 Policyholders' funds held by the Group                                  229,397    189,919    
 Mortgage loan portfolio                                                 54,756                
 Insurance and other receivables                                         39,646     43,674     
 Prepayments                                                             5,271      6,565      
 Derivative financial instruments                                        2,773      2,721      
 Total financial assets                                                  5,395,701  4,652,231  
 Reinsurers' share of accrued policyholder claims                        19,307     19,042     
 Income taxes                                                            3,352      3,611      
 Cash and cash equivalents                                               260,353    260,863    
 Total assets                                                            6,095,763  5,367,802  
 Insurance contract provisions                                           2,242,446  2,232,083  
 Other provisions                                                        823        1,905      
 Financial liabilities                                                                         
 Investment contracts at fair value through income                       3,028,269  2,457,521  
 Liabilities relating to policyholders' funds held by the Group          229,397    189,919    
 Borrowings                                                              86,843     79,025     
 Derivative financial instruments                                        1,348      444        
 Total financial liabilities                                             3,345,857  2,726,909  
 Deferred tax liabilities                                                5,420      7,906      
 Reinsurance payables                                                    6,899      9,660      
 Payables related to direct insurance and investment contracts           61,416     62,284     
 Deferred income                                                         5,438      6,212      
 Income taxes                                                            8,624      6,328      
 Other payables                                                          23,657     18,401     
 Bank overdrafts                                                         1,622      952        
 Total liabilities                                                       5,702,202  5,072,640  
 Net assets                                                              393,561    295,162    
 Shareholders' equity                                                                          
 Share capital                                                           43,766     42,600     
 Share premium                                                           142,058    76,516     
 Treasury shares                                                         (161)      (161)      
 Other reserves                                                          19,300     (814)      
 Retained earnings                                                       188,598    177,021    
 Total shareholders' equity                                              393,561    295,162    
 Year ended 31 December                                                       2016       2015       
                                                                              £000       £000       
 Profit for the year                                                          35,280     39,788     
 Adjustments for:                                                                                   
 Depreciation of property and equipment                                       173        203        
 Amortisation of deferred acquisition costs                                   12,162     9,251      
 Amortisation of acquired value of in-force business                          6,797      9,274      
 Amortisation of acquired value of customer relationships                     172        222        
 Amortisation of software assets                                              794        1,346      
 Share based payment                                                          623        212        
 Tax paid                                                                     5,405      2,999      
 Interest receivable                                                          (20,882)   (24,693)   
 Dividends receivable                                                         (30,209)   (31,501)   
 Interest expense                                                             3,272      3,457      
 Change in fair value of investment properties                                -          (4,277)    
 Fair value gains on financial assets                                         (205,870)  (87,934)   
 Profit arising on business combination                                       -          (16,644)   
 Share of profit of associate                                                 (150)      (455)      
 Increase in intangible assets related to insurance and investment contracts  (16,448)   (14,759)   
 Interest received                                                            20,281     24,458     
 Dividends received                                                           29,446     31,532     
 Changes in operating assets and liabilities:                                                       
 Decrease in financial assets                                                 (280,333)  62,365     
 Decrease in reinsurers share of insurance contract provisions                34,177     54,253     
 Increase/(decrease) in amounts deposited with reinsurers                     (3,496)    1,557      
 Increase/(decrease) in insurance and other receivables                       10,294     1,754      
 Increase in prepayments                                                      1,795      (1,710)    
 Decrease  in insurance contract provisions                                   (16,530)   (201,453)  
 Increase in investment contract liabilities                                  362,641    149,011    
 Decrease in provisions                                                       (1,306)    (1,893)    
 (Decrease)/increase in reinsurance payables                                  (3,660)    (578)      
 Increase in payables related to direct insurance and investment contracts    (2,114)    1,708      
 Decrease in other payables                                                   2,808      (1,630)    
 Net cash generated from operations                                           (54,878)   5,863      
 Income tax paid                                                              (4,709)    (4,248)    
 Net cash generated from operating activities                                 (59,587)   1,615      
 Cash flows from investing activities                                                               
 Acquisition of subsidiary, net of cash acquired                              -          54,258     
 Development of software                                                      (3,502)    (2,418)    
 Purchases of property and equipment                                          948        (265)      
 Net cash generated from/( utilised by) investing activities                  (2,554)    51,575     
 Cash flows from financing activities                                         66,708                
 Proceeds from issue of share capital                                         4,268      -          
 Proceeds from borrowings                                                     -          -          
 Repayment of borrowings                                                                 (7,815)    
 Dividends paid                                                               (24,181)   (23,498)   
 Interest paid                                                                (3,095)    (3,382)    
 Net cash (utilised by)/generated from financing activities                   43,700     (34,695)   
 Net increase in net cash and cash equivalents                                (18,441)   18,495     
 Net cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                           259,911    240,510    
 Effect of exchange rate changes on net cash and cash equivalents             17,261     906        
 Net cash and cash equivalents at end of the year                             258,731    259,911    
Note:  Net cash and cash equivalents includes overdrafts. 
 Year ended 31 December 2016                                                                                                                 
                                                 Share capital  Share premium  Other reserves  Treasury shares  Retained earnings  Total     
                                                 £000           £000           £000            £000             £000               £000      
 Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2016    42,600         76,516         (814)           (161)            177,021            295,162   
 Profit for the year                             -              -              -               -                35,280             35,280    
 Dividends paid                                  -              -              -               -                (24,181)           (24,181)  
 Foreign exchange translation differences        -              -              20,114          -                -                  20,114    
 Share based payment                             -              -              -               -                478                478       
 Issue of new shares                             1,166          65,542         -               -                -                  66,708    
 Equity shareholders' funds at 31 December 2016  43,766         142,058        19,300          (161)            188,598            393,561   
 Year ended 31 December 2015                                                                                                                 
                                                 Share capital  Share premium  Other reserves  Treasury shares  Retained earnings  Total     
                                                 £000           £000           £000            £000             £000               £000      
 Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2015    42,600         76,523         (641)           (168)            160,519            278,833   
 Profit for the year                             -              -              -               -                39,788             39,788    
 Dividends paid                                  -              -              -               -                (23,498)           (23,498)  
 Foreign exchange translation differences        -              -              (173)           -                -                  (173)     
 Share based payment                             -              -              -               -                212                212       
 Sale of treasury shares                         -              (7)            -               7                -                  -         
 Equity shareholders' funds at 31 December 2015  42,600         76,516         (814)           (161)            177,021            295,162   
1.   Basis of presentation 
The preliminary announcement is based on the Group's financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2016, which are
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRSs') as adopted by the European Union
('Adopted IFRSs') as adopted by the EU. 
2.   Significant accounting policies 
The accounting policies applied by the group in determining the IFRS basis results in this report are the same as those
previously applied in the Group's consolidated financial statements. 
3.   Operating segments 
The Group considers that it has no product or distribution-based business segments. It reports segmental information on the
same basis as reported internally to the Chief Operating Decision Maker, which is the Board of Directors of Chesnara plc. 
The segments of the Group as at 31 December 2016 comprise: 
CA: This segment is part of the Group's UK life insurance and pensions run-off portfolio and comprises the original
business of Countrywide Assured plc, the Group's principal UK operating subsidiary, and of City of Westminster Assurance
Company Limited which was acquired in 2005 and the long-term business of which was transferred to Countrywide Assured plc
during 2006. This segment also contains the business of Protection Life, which was purchased on 28 November 2013. 
Following the Part VII transfer on 31 December 2014 of the long-term business of Protection Life Company Limited into
Countrywide Assured plc, the business of Protection Life (PL) is now reported within the CA segment, effective from 1
January 2015.  Previously PL was reported as a separate segment.  Comparative information has been restated to reflect this
change. CA is responsible for conducting unit-linked and non-linked business. 
S&P: This segment, which was acquired on 20 December 2010, comprises the historical business of Save & Prosper Insurance
Limited and its then subsidiary Save & Prosper Pensions Limited.  It is responsible for conducting both unit-linked and
non-linked business, including a with-profits portfolio, which carries significant additional market risk. On 31 December
2011 the whole of the business of this segment was transferred to Countrywide Assured plc under the provisions of Part VII
of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. 
Movestic:  This segment comprises the Group's Swedish life and pensions business, Movestic Livförsäkring AB ('Movestic')
and its subsidiary and associated companies, which are open to new business and which are responsible for conducting both
unit-linked and pensions and savings business and  providing some life and health product offerings. 
Waard Group:  This segment represents the Group's Dutch life and general insurance business, which was acquired on 19 May
2015 and comprises the three insurance companies Waard Leven N.V., Hollands Welvaren Leven N.V. and Waard Schade N.V., and
a servicing company, Tadas Verzekering.  The Waard Group's policy base is predominantly made up of term life policies,
although also includes unit-linked policies and some non-life policies, covering risks such as occupational disability and
Other Group Activities:  The functions performed by the parent company, Chesnara plc, are defined under the operating
segment analysis as Other Group Activities. Also included therein are consolidation and elimination adjustments. 
The accounting policies of the segments are the same as those for the Group as a whole.  Any transactions between the
business segments are on normal commercial terms in normal market conditions.  The Group evaluates performance of operating
segments on the basis of the profit before tax attributable to shareholders and on the total assets and liabilities of the
reporting segments and the Group.  There were no changes to the measurement basis for segment profit during the year ended
31 December 2016. 
(i)   Segmental income statement for the year ended 31 December 2016 
                                                                      CA         S&P        UK Total   Movestic   Waard Group  Other Group Activities  Total      
                                                                      £000       £000       £000       £000       £000         £000                    £000       
 Net insurance premium revenue                                        42,103     4,886      46,989     14,903     2,658        -                       64,550     
 Fee and commission income                                            29,000     2,610      31,610     41,296     26           -                       72,932     
 Net investment return                                                206,748    131,155    337,903    169,130    8,464        184                     515,681    
 Total revenue (net of reinsurance payable)                           277,851    138,651    416,502    225,329    11,148       184                     653,163    
 Other operating income                                               2,568      10,792     13,360     3,751      503          -                       17,614     
 Segmental income/(expenses)                                          280,419    149,443    429,862    229,080    11,651       184                     670,777    
 Net insurance contract claims and benefits incurred                  (139,748)  (123,454)  (263,202)  (7,695)    (1,464)      -                       (272,361)  
 Net change in investment contract liabilities                        (98,393)   (2,206)    (100,599)  (168,508)  -            -                       (269,107)  
 Fees, commission and other acquisition costs                         (1,641)    (23)       (1,664)    (25,089)   (330)        -                       (27,083)   
 Administrative expenses:                                                                                                                                         
 Amortisation charge on software assets                               -          -          -          (1,243)    -            -                       (1,243)    
 Depreciation charge on property and equipment                        -          -          -          (197)      -            -                       (197)      
 Other                                                                (11,017)   (9,443)    (20,460)   (12,800)   (3,664)      (8,251)                 (45,175)   
 Operating expenses                                                   (1,203)    (1)        (1,204)    (3,209)    -            19                      (4,394)    
 Financing costs                                                      -          (2)        (2)        (1,629)    -            (1,641)                 (3,272)    
 Share of profit from associates                                      -          -          -          150        -            -                       150        
 Profit before tax and consolidation adjustments                      28,417     14,314     42,731     8,860      6,193        (9,689)                 48,095     
 Other operating expenses:                                                                                                                                        
 Charge for amortisation of acquired value of in-force business       (5,643)    (604)      (6,247)    (3,554)    (618)        -                       (10,419)   
 Charge for amortisation of acquired value of customer relationships  -          -          -          (236)      -            -                       (236)      
 Fees, commission and other acquisition costs                         -          -          -          3,245      -            -                       3,245      
 Segmental income less expenses                                       22,774     13,710     36,484     8,315      5,575        (9,689)                 40,685     
 Profit before tax                                                    22,774     13,710     36,484     8,315      5,575        (9,689)                 40,685     
 Income tax (expense)/credit                                                                (6,663)    (7)        (1,721)      2,986                   (5,405)    
 Profit after tax                                                                           29,821     8,308      3,854        (6,703)                 35,280     
(ii)  Segmental balance sheet as at 31 December 2016 
                                  CA           S&P          Movestic     Waard Group  Other Group Activities  Total        
                                  £000         £000         £000         £000         £000                    £000         
 Total assets                     1,829,944    1,217,546    2,718,156    207,160      122,957                 6,095,763    
 Total liabilities                (1,728,019)  (1,155,556)  (2,638,490)  (122,655)    (57,482)                (5,702,202)  
 Net assets                       101,925      61,990       79,666       84,505       65,475                  393,561      
 Investment in associates         -            -            5,433        -            -                       5,433        
 Additions to non-current assets  -            -            11,894       -            -                       11,894       
(iii) Segmental income statement for the year ended 31 December 2015 
                                                                      CA        S&P       UK Total  Movestic  Waard Group  Other Group Activities  Total     
                                                                      £000      £000      £000      £000      £000         £000                    £000      
 Net insurance premium revenue                                        47,880    5,413     53,293    13,515    1,130        -                       67,938    
 Fee and commission income                                            30,216    2,513     32,729    33,502    18           -                       66,249    
 Net investment return                                                24,539    37,605    62,144    87,163    (1,238)      445                     148,514   
 Total revenue (net of reinsurance payable)                           102,635   45,531    148,166   134,180   (90)         445                     282,701   
 Other operating income                                               2,854     11,331    14,185    4,399     2            -                       18,586    
 Segmental income/(expenses)                                          105,489   56,862    162,351   138,579   (88)         445                     301,287   
 Net insurance contract claims and benefits incurred                  (54,093)  (37,282)  (91,375)  (6,079)   2,587        -                       (94,867)  
 Net change in investment contract liabilities                        (13,240)  641       (12,599)  (87,137)  -            -                       (99,736)  
 Fees, commission and other acquisition costs                         (1,986)   (21)      (2,007)   (21,864)  83           -                       (23,788)  
 Administrative expenses:                                                                                                                                    
 Amortisation charge on software assets                               -         -         -         (1,340)   -            -                       (1,340)   
 Depreciation charge on property and equipment                        (22)      -         (22)      (180)     -            -                       (202)     
 Other                                                                (10,691)  (9,628)   (20,319)  (9,884)   (1,715)      (7,841)                 (39,759)  
 Operating expenses                                                   (1,501)   -         (1,501)   (4,481)   -            -                       (5,982)   
 Financing costs                                                      -         -         -         (1,340)   -            (2,116)                 (3,456)   
 Share of profit from associates                                      -         -         -         455       -            -                       455       
 Profit before tax and consolidation adjustments                      23,956    10,572    34,528    6,729     867          (9,512)                 32,612    
 Other operating expenses:                                                                                                                                   
 Charge for amortisation of acquired value of in-force business       (4,975)   (661)     (5,636)   (3,282)   (356)        -                       (9,274)   
 Charge for amortisation of acquired value of customer relationships  -         -         -         (107)     -            -                       (107)     
 Fees, commission and other acquisition costs                         -         -         -         2,913     -            -                       2,913     
 Segmental income less expenses                                       18,981    9,911     28,892    6,253     511          (9,512)                 26,144    
 Profit arising on business combinations                              -         -         -         -         -            16,644                  16,644    
 Profit before tax                                                    18,981    9,911     28,892    6,253     511          7,132                   42,788    
 Income tax (expense)/credit                                                              (4,139)   (14)      (124)        1,277                   (3,000)   
 Profit after tax                                                                         24,753    6,239     387          8,409                   39,788    
(iv) Segmental balance sheet as at 31 December 2015 
                                  CA           S&P          Movestic     Waard Group  Other Group Activities  Total        
                                  £000         £000         £000         £000         £000                    £000         
 Total assets                     1,809,494    1,181,272    2,134,143    188,993      53,900                  5,367,802    
 Total liabilities                (1,702,363)  (1,125,113)  (2,070,860)  (120,216)    (54,088)                (5,072,640)  
 Net assets                       107,131      56,159       63,283       68,777       (188)                   295,162      
 Investment in associates         -            -            4,707        -            -                       4,707        
 Additions to non-current assets  -            26           17,368       73           -                       17,467       
4.   Borrowings 
 31 December                                                      
                                                  2016    2015    
                                                  £000    £000    
 Bank loan                                        52,697  52,522  
 Amount due in relation to financial reinsurance  34,146  26,503  
 Total                                            86,843  79,025  
 Current                                          61,471  18,448  
 Non-current                                      25,372  60,577  
 Total                                            86,843  79,025  
The bank loan subsisting at 31 December 2016, comprises the following: 
-    on 7 October 2013 tranche one of a loan facility was drawn down, amounting to £30.0m.  This facility is unsecured and
is repayable in five increasing annual instalments on the anniversary of the draw down date.  The outstanding principal on
the loan bears interest at a rate of 2.25 percentage points above the London Inter-Bank Offer Rate and is repayable over a
period which varies between one and six months at the option of the borrower.  During the year, £6.05.m was repayable, but
the amount was deferred due pending arrangement of the new loan facility to part fund the LGN acquisitions. 
-    on 27 November 2013 tranche two of the loan facility was drawn down, amounting to £31.0m.  As with tranche one, this
facility is unsecured and is repayable in five increasing annual instalments on the anniversary of the draw down date.  The
outstanding principal on the loan bears interest at a rate of 2.25 percentage points above the London Inter-Bank Offer Rate
and is repayable over a period which varies between one and six months at the option of the borrower.  During the year,
£6.05.m was repayable, but the amount was deferred due pending arrangement of the new loan facility to part fund the LGN
-    on 27 November 2013 a short-term loan of £12.8m was drawn down.  This was originally repayable in full on 27 May 2015.
 During 2014, the repayment date of this loan has been extended to December 2018.  The outstanding principal on the loan
bears interest at a rate of 2.75 percentage points above the London Inter-Bank Offer Rate. 
The fair value of the bank loan at 31 December 2016 was £52,800,000 (31 December 2015: £52,800,000). 
Bank loans are presented net of unamortised arrangement fees.  Arrangement fees are recognised in profit or loss using the
effective interest rate method. 
The fair value of amounts due in relation to financial reinsurance was £34,396,000 (31 December 2015: £26,879,000).  The
fair value of other borrowings is not materially different from their carrying value. 
The bank loan has been classified as current as at the balance sheet date due to the timing of the LGN acquisition, which
is anticipated to complete in the first half of 2017. At this point in time, the existing facility will be re-paid in full
and replaced with a new facility. 
5.   Earnings per share 
 Year ended 31 December                                   2016         2015         
 Profit for the year attributable to shareholders (£000)  35,280       39,788       
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares               127,488,681  126,401,635  
 Basic earnings per share                                 27.67p       31.48p       
 Diluted earnings per share                               27.56p       31.41p       
The weighted average number of ordinary shares in respect of the years ended 31 December 2016 is based upon 149,885,761
shares in issue less 147,535 own shares held in treasury.  The weighted average number of ordinary shares in respect of the
years ended 31 December 2015 was based upon 126,552,427 shares in issue less 147,535 own shares held in treasury. 
There were 526,000 share options outstanding at 31 December 2016 (2015: 271,000).  Accordingly, there is dilution of the
average number of ordinary shares in issue in respect of 2016. 
6.   Retained earnings 
 Year ended 31 December                                                                                
                                                                                   2016£000  2015£000  
 Retained earnings attributable to equity holders of the parent company comprise:                      
 Balance at 1 January                                                              177,021   160,519   
 Profit for the year                                                               35,280    39,788    
 Share based payment                                                               478       212       
 Final approved and paid for 2013                                                  -         -         
 Interim approved and paid for 2014                                                -         -         
 Final approved and paid for 2014                                                  (15,586)  (15,143)  
 Interim approved and paid for 2015                                                (8,595)   (8,355)   
 Balance at 31 December                                                            188,598   177,021   
The interim dividend in respect of 2015, approved and paid in 2015 was paid at the rate of 6.61p per share.  The final
dividend in respect of 2015, approved and paid in 2016, was paid at the rate of 12.33p per share so that the total dividend
paid to the equity shareholders of the parent company in respect of the year ended 31 December 2015 was made at the rate of
18.94p per share. 
The interim dividend in respect of 2016, approved and paid in 2016, was paid at the rate of 6.80p per share to equity
shareholders of the parent company registered at the close of business on 8 September 2016, the dividend record date. 
A final dividend of 12.69p per share in respect of the year ended 31 December 2016 payable on 24 May 2017 to equity
shareholders of the parent company registered at the close of business on 18 April 2017, the dividend record date, was
approved by the directors after the balance sheet date.  The resulting total final dividend of £19.0m has not been provided
for in these financial statements and there are no income tax consequences. 
The following summarises dividends per share in respect of the year ended 31 December 2016 and 31 December 2015: 
 Year ended 31 December                     
                              2016p  2015p  
 Interim - approved and paid  6.80   6.61   
 Final - proposed/paid        12.69  12.33  
 Total                        19.49  18.94  
7.   Related parties 
(a)    Identity of related parties 
The shares of the company were widely held and no single shareholder exercised significant influence or control over the
The company has related party relationships with: 
(i)   key management personnel who comprise only the directors of the company; 
(ii)  its subsidiary companies; 
(iii) its associated company; 
(iv) other companies over which the directors have significant influence; and 
(v)  transactions with persons related to key management personnel. 
(b)    Related party transactions 
(i) Transactions with key management personnel. 
Key management personnel comprise of the directors of the company.  There are no executive officers other than certain of
the directors. Key management compensation is as follows: 
                               2016£000  2015£000  
 Short-term employee benefits  1,849     1,713     
 Post-employment benefits      84        71        
 Total                         1,933     1,784     
In addition to their salaries the company also provides non-cash benefits to directors, and contributes to a post
employment defined contribution pension plan on their behalf, or where regulatory contribution limits are reached, pay an
equivalent amount as an addition to base salary. 
The following amounts were payable to directors in respect of bonuses and incentives: 
                                                                           2016£000  2015£000  
 Annual bonus scheme (included in the short-term employee benefits above)  521       495       
These amounts have been included in Accrued Expenses. 
The amounts payable under the annual bonus scheme were payable within one year. 
(ii)  Transactions with subsidiaries 
The company undertakes centralised administration functions, the costs of which it charges back to its operating
subsidiaries.  The following amounts which effectively comprised a recovery of expenses at no mark up were credited to the
Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income of the company for the respective periods: 
 Year ended 31 December                
                         2016   2015   
                         £000   £000   
 Recovery of expenses    3,470  3,054  
(iii) Transactions with associate 
Movestic Livförsäkring AB and its associate Modernac SA 
 Year ended 31 December                                          
                                               2016     2015     
                                               £000     £000     
 Reinsurance premiums paid                     (9,245)  (8,456)  
 Reinsurance recoveries received               4,983    4,200    
 Reinsurance commission received               1,761    1,570    
                                               (2,501)  (2,686)  
 Amounts outstanding as at balance sheet date  (3,570)  (5,321)  
Movestic Livförsäkring AB had the following amounts outstanding at the balance sheet date: 
                2016                           2015                            
                Amounts owed by associate£000  Amounts owed to associate £000  Amounts owed by associate£000  Amounts owed to associate £000  
 Modernac S.A.  -                              3,570                           -                              5,321                           
These amounts have been included in other payables. 
(iv) Transactions with persons related to key management personnel 
During the year, the company engaged the professional services of Clare Rimmington and Trisha Hughes, who are related to
David Rimmington and Frank Hughes respectively. 
Clare Rimmington is an on-line marketing expert with many years of experience developing and managing web based solutions
in the Financial Services sector. Trisha Hughes has many years of project management experience including managing projects
in the Financial Services sector. Their engagements are deemed to have been on terms that are more beneficial to Chesnara
than would need to have been offered in an open consultancy market. 
In the year an amount of £11,830 was paid by the company to Clare Rimmington for web-site related consultancy services. In
addition, an amount of £65,610 was paid to Trisha Hughes for business consultancy services. These amounts have been
included in administration expenses. 
8.   Post balance sheet event 
On 24 November 2016 the company announced its proposed acquisition of Legal & General Nederland Levensverzekering
Maatschappij N.V.  At the time of the announcement the completion of the acquisition was subject to certain conditions
being met.  These included obtaining a declaration of no objection from the Dutch regulator, De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB),
and completing the Works Council consultation process in the Netherlands.  A declaration of no objection was received by
DNB on 30 March 2017 and the consultation process with the Works Council of Legal & General Nederland has now been
completed.  The acquisition is expected to be completed by 6 April 2017 and therefore at the time of signing these
financial statements the acquisition has not yet completed.  As such full disclosures in accordance with IFRS 3 "Business
combinations" will be reported in the next set of financial statements following completion. 
The Prospectus and Notice of EGM that was issued on 24 November 2016 reported the following key financial metrics in
relation to the proposed acquisition: 
The headline consideration for the Acquisition is E160 million, to be paid in cash. The Acquisition consideration is
proposed to be financed by a combination of a Firm Placing and Placing and Open Offer to raise in aggregate approximately
£70 million (before expenses), New Debt Facilities totalling £100.2 million (£40 million and E71 million), which replace an
existing debt facility of £52.8 million and raises £47.4 million of incremental debt and the balance from Chesnara's
existing cash resources. In addition to the headline consideration, deferred capital related consideration will accrue from
1 October 2016 to the date of completion of the Acquisition, which is expected to occur during the first quarter of 2017. 
The company has calculated the maximum interest payable to be E2.3 million. 
Key metrics: 
Key Legal & General Nederland financial metrics at 30 June 2016 were as follows: 
- E219.8 million of Solvency II own funds; 
- E2.2 billion of funds under management; 
- Approximately 170,600 policies; 
- Solvency ratio of 219 per cent; and 
- IFRS net assets of E138.6 million. 
 AGM                    Annual General Meeting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
 ALM                    Asset Liability Management - management of risks that arise due to mismatches between assets and liabilities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
 APE                    Annual Premium Equivalent - an industry wide measure that is used for measuring the annual equivalent of regular and single premium policies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
 CA                     Countrywide Assured plc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 CALH                   Countrywide Assured Life Holdings Limited and its subsidiary companies.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
 Own Funds              Own Funds - in accordance with the UK's regulatory regime for insurers it is the sum of the individual capital resources for each of the regulated related undertakings less the book-value of investments by the company in those capital resources.                                                                                                                       
 SCR                    In accordance with the UK's regulatory regime for insurers it is the sum of individual capital resource requirements for the insurer and each of its regulated undertakings                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 Directors or Board     The directors of the company as at the date of this document whose names are set out above.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
 DNB                    De Nederlandsche Bank is the central bank of the Netherlands and is the regulator of our Dutch subsidiary,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 DPF                    Discretionary Participation Feature - A contractual right under an insurance contract to receive, as a supplement to guaranteed benefits, additional benefits whose amount or timing is contractually at the discretion of the issuer.                                                                                                                                      
 Dutch Business         Waard Group, consisting of Waard Leven N.V., Hollands Welvaren Leven N.V., Waard Schade N.V. and Tadas Verzekeringen B.V.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 EcV                    Economic Value.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
 FCA                    Financial Conduct Authority.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
 FI                     Finansinspektionen, being the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 Form of Proxy          The form of proxy relating to the General Meeting being sent to Shareholders with this document.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 FSMA                   The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 of England and Wales, as amended.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
 Group Own Funds        In accordance with the UK's regulatory regime for insurers it is the sum of the individual capital resources for each of the regulated related undertakings less the book-value of investments by the group in those capital resources.                                                                                                                                     
 Group SCR              In accordance with the UK's regulatory regime for insurers it is the sum of individual capital resource requirements for the insurer and each of its regulated undertakings.                                                                                                                                                                                                
 Cash Generation        This represents the operational cash that has been generated in the period.  The cash generating capacity of the group is largely a function of the movement in the solvency position of the insurance subsidiaries within the group, and takes account of the buffers that management has set to hold over and above the solvency requirements imposed by our regulators.  
 Group                  The company and its existing subsidiary undertakings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
 HCL                    HCL Insurance BPO Services Limited.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
 IFRS                   International Financial Reporting Standards.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
 IFA                    Independent Financial Adviser.                                                                                                                                           

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