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REG - Chesnara PLC - Half Yearly Report <Origin Href="QuoteRef">CSN.L</Origin> - Part 7

- Part 7: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSb3703Xf 

longer-term investment return                   1,420  236    1,656    11,991    -            -                      13,647     
   Effect of economic assumption changes                          (888)  3,570  2,682    (419)     -            -                      2,263      
   Profit of covered business before tax                          7,045  5,541  12,586   17,863    435          -                      30,884     
   Tax thereon                                                                  (1,197)  -         -            -                      (1,197)    
   Profit of covered business after tax                                         11,389   17,863    435          -                      29,687     
   Results of non-covered business and of other group companies:                                                                                  
   Profit recognised on business combination                                    -        -         -            21,630                 21,630     
   (Loss)/profit before tax                                                     -        (609)     205          (7,483)                (7,887)    
   Tax                                                                          -        (34)      -            1,516                  1,482      
   Profit after tax                                                             11,389   17,220    640          15,663                 44,912     
   Six months ended 30 June 2014 (unaudited)                      CA       S&P      UKTotal   Movestic  Other GroupActivities  Total       
                                                                  £000     £000     £000      £000      £000                   £000        
   Covered business                                                                                                                        
   New business contribution                                      378      6        384       5,787     -                      6,171       
   Return from in-force business                                                                                                           
   Expected return                                                1,215    129      1,344     2,582     -                      3,926       
   Experience variances                                           3,487    1,842    5,329     601       -                      5,930       
   Operating assumption changes                                   24,102   (3,095)  21,007    (3,885)   -                      17,122      
   Return on shareholder net worth                                804      3,215    4,019     -         -                      4,019       
   Operating profit of covered business                           29,986   2,097    32,083    5,085     -                      37,168      
   Variation from longer-term investment return                   7,673    7,600    15,273    10,572    -                      25,845      
   Effect of economic assumption changes                          (1,311)  (3,048)  (4,359)   (253)     -                      (4,612)     
   Profit of covered business before tax                          36,348   6,649    42,997    15,404    -                      58,401      
   Tax thereon                                                                      (10,306)  -         -                      (10,306)    
   Profit of covered business after tax                                             32,691    15,404    -                      48,095      
   Results of non-covered business and of other group companies:                                                                           
   Profit/(loss) before tax                                                         -         2,092     (2,765)                (673)       
   Tax                                                                              -         (730)     595                    (135)       
   Profit /(loss) after tax                                                         32,691    16,766    (2,170)                47,287      
   Year ended 31 December 2014                                    CA       S&P       UKTotal   Movestic  Other GroupActivities  Total       
                                                                  £000     £000      £000      £000      £000                   £000        
   Covered business                                                                                                                         
   New business contribution                                      794      -         794       8,904     -                      9,698       
   Return from in-force business                                                                                                            
   Expected return                                                2,552    (548)     2,004     5,145     -                      7,149       
   Experience variances                                           5,437    (4,803)   634       (93)      -                      541         
   Operating assumption changes                                   20,851   (4,632)   16,219    (5,219)   -                      11,000      
   Return on shareholder net worth                                1,626    7,508     9,134     -         -                      9,134       
   Operating profit/(loss) of covered business                    31,260   (2,475)   28,785    8,737     -                      37,522      
   Variation from longer-term investment return                   22,458   (8,582)   13,876    18,164    -                      32,040      
   Effect of economic assumption changes                          (4,651)  (3,121)   (7,772)   321       -                      (7,451)     
   Profit/(loss) of covered business before tax                   49,067   (14,178)  34,889    27,222    -                      62,111      
   Tax thereon                                                                       (12,237)  -         -                      (12,237)    
   Profit of covered business after tax                                              22,652    27,222    -                      49,874      
   Results of non-covered business and of other group companies:                                                                            
   Profit/(loss) before tax                                                          -         262       (7,671)                (7,409)     
   Tax                                                                               -         894       888                    1,782       
   Profit/(loss) after tax                                                           22,652    28,378    (6,783)                44,247      
The results of the non-covered business and of other group companies before tax and before exceptional items are presented
as 'other operational result' in the consolidated income statement. 
7    Sensitivities to alternative assumptions 
The following tables show the sensitivity of the embedded value as reported at 30 June 2015 and of the new business
contribution of Movestic, to variations in the assumptions adopted in the calculation of the embedded value.  Sensitivity
analysis is not provided in respect of the new business contribution of CA and the Waard Group for the six months ended 30
June 2015 as the reported level of new business contribution is not considered to be material. 
                                                                      Embedded Value                    New business contribution              
                                                                      UK business     Swedish business  Dutchbusiness                          Swedish business            
                                                                      CA Pre-tax      S&PPre-tax        Tax                        UKPost-tax  Post-tax          Post-tax             
                                                                      £m              £m                £m                         £m          £m                £m          £m       
   Published value as at 30 June 2015                                 187.2           59.9              (23.1)                     224.0       133.1             60.6        2.4      
   Changes in embedded value/new business contribution arising from:                                                                                                                  
   Economic sensitivities                                                                                                                                                             
   100 basis point increase in yield curve                            (3.8)           6.3               (0.9)                      1.6         0.5               (0.1)       (0.1)    
   100 basis point reduction in yield curve                           4.4             (8.7)             0.4                        (3.9)       (0.5)             (0.5)       0.1      
   10% decrease in equity and property values                         (7.5)           (10.2)            2.2                        (15.5)      (13.4)            -           (0.1)    
   Operating sensitivities                                                                                                                                                            
   10% decrease in maintenance expenses                               3.1             4.6               (0.9)                      6.8         6.8               1.0         0.4      
   10% decrease in lapse rates                                        2.4             (1.1)             -                          1.3         9.5               -           0.7      
   5% decrease in mortality/morbidity rates:                                                                                                                                          
   Assurances                                                         2.4             0.4               (0.2)                      2.6         0.1               1.3         -        
   Annuities                                                          (2.0)           (0.6)             -                          (2.6)       n/a               -           n/a      
   Reduction in the required capital to statutory minimum             1.4             0.4               -                          1.8         -                 0.2         -        
The key assumption changes represented by each of these sensitivities are as follows: 
Economic sensitivities 
(i)      100 basis point increase in the yield curve:  The reference rate is increased by 1% and the rate of future
inflation has also been increased by 1% so that real yields remain constant; 
(ii)     100 basis point reduction in the yield curve:  The reference rate is reduced by 1% (with a minimum of zero to
avoid negative yields where relevant) and the rate of future inflation has also been reduced by 1% so that real yields
remain constant; and 
(iii)     10% decrease in the equity and property values.  This gives rise to a situation where, for example, a Managed
Fund unit liability with a 60% equity holding would reduce by 6% in value. 
Operating sensitivities 
(i)      10% decrease in maintenance expenses, giving rise to, for example, a base assumption of £20 per policy pa reducing
to £18 per policy pa; 
(ii)     10% decrease in persistency rates giving rise to, for example, a base assumption of 10% of policy base lapsing pa
reducing to 9% pa; 
(iii)     5% decrease in mortality/morbidity rates giving rise to, for example, a base assumption of 95% of the parameters
in a selected mortality/morbidity table reducing to 90.25% of the parameters in the same table, assuming no changes are
made to policyholder charges or any other management actions; and 
(iv)    the sensitivity to the reduction in the required capital to the statutory minimum shows the effect of reducing the
required capital from that defined in Note 3(b) to the minimum requirement prescribed by regulation. 
In each sensitivity calculation all other assumptions remain unchanged except where they are directly affected by the
revised economic conditions: for example, as stated, changes in interest rates will directly affect the reference rate. 
8    Reconciliation of shareholders' equity on the IFRS basis to shareholders' equity on the EEV basis 
   30 June 2015  (unaudited)                                                                      CA        S&P       Movestic  Waard Group  Other Group Activities  Total       
                                                                                                  £000      £000      £000      £000         £000                    £000        
   Shareholders' equity on the IFRS basis                                                         99,926    53,308    57,403    67,295       8,748                   286,680     
   Debt finance                                                                                   (39,023)  (25,408)  -         -            64,431                  -           
   Other                                                                                          (264)     -         -         -            264                     -           
   Deferred acquisition costs                                                                     (3,294)   -         (27,963)  -            -                       (31,257)    
   Deferred income                                                                                6,024     -         -         -            -                       6,024       
   Adjustment to provisions on investment contracts, net of    amounts deposited with reinsurers  (7,542)   -         -         -            -                       (7,542)     
   Adjustments to provisions on insurance contracts, net of reinsurers' share                     26        (4,457)   -         -            -                       (4,431)     
   Acquired in-force value                                                                        (19,974)  (4,347)   (35,550)  (6,088)      -                       (65,959)    
   Acquired value of customer relationships                                                       -         -         (778)     -            -                       (778)       
   Software assets                                                                                -         -         (3,726)   -            -                       (3,726)     
   Adjustment to borrowings                                                                       -         -         (6,699)   -            -                       (6,699)     
   Deferred tax                                                                                   1,088     -         2,151     1,218        -                       4,457       
   Shareholder net worth                                                                          36,967    19,096    (15,162)  62,425       73,443                  176,769     
   Value of in-force business                                                                     88,163    15,347    150,051   10,890       -                       264,451     
   Shareholders' equity on the EEV basis                                                          125,130   34,443    134,889   73,315       73,443                  441,220     
   Shareholder net worth comprises:                                                                                                                                              
   Shareholder net worth in regulated entities                                                    75,990    44,504    (16,915)  49,661       -                       153,240     
   Shareholders' net equity in other Group companies                                              -         -         1,753     12,764       73,443                  87,960      
   Debt finance                                                                                   (39,023)  (25,408)  -         -            -                       (64,431)    
   Total                                                                                          36,967    19,096    (15,162)  62,425       73,443                  176,769     
   30 June 2014  (unaudited)                                                                   CA        S&P       Movestic  Other Group Activities  Total       
                                                                                               £000      £000      £000      £000                    £000        
   Shareholders' equity on the IFRS basis                                                      129,175   69,331    59,405    (5,991)                 251,920     
   Debt finance                                                                                (43,443)  (29,747)  -         73,190                  -           
   Other                                                                                       (254)     -         -         254                     -           
   Deferred acquisition costs                                                                  (3,763)   -         (24,964)  -                       (28,727)    
   Deferred income                                                                             6,804     -         -         -                       6,804       
   Adjustment to provisions on investment contracts, net of amounts deposited with reinsurers  (9,290)   -         -         -                       (9,290)     
   Adjustments to provisions on insurance contracts, net of reinsurers' share                  31        (19,107)  -         -                       (19,076)    
   Acquired in-force value                                                                     (23,873)  (4,830)   (44,317)  -                       (73,020)    
   Acquired value of customer relationships                                                    -         -         (1,013)   -                       (1,013)     
   Software assets                                                                             -         -         (4,348)   -                       (4,348)     
   Adjustment to borrowings                                                                    -         -         (5,864)   -                       (5,864)     
   Deferred tax                                                                                1,533     -         2,032     -                       3,565       
   Shareholder net worth                                                                       56,920    15,647    (19,069)  67,453                  120,951     
   Value of in-force business                                                                  99,460    36,731    143,114   -                       279,305     
   Shareholders' equity on the EEV basis                                                       156,380   52,378    124,045   67,453                  400,256     
   Shareholder net worth comprises:                                                            -                                                                 
   Shareholder net worth in regulated entities                                                 100,363   45,394    (21,101)  -                       124,656     
   Shareholders' net equity in other Group companies                                           -         -         2,032     67,453                  69,485      
   Debt finance                                                                                (43,443)  (29,747)  -         -                       (73,190)    
   Total                                                                                       56,920    15,647    (19,069)  67,453                  120,951     
   31 December 2014                                                                            CA        S&P       Movestic  Other Group Activities  Total       
                                                                                               £000      £000      £000      £000                    £000        
   Shareholders' equity on the IFRS basis                                                      150,181   53,059    58,840    16,753                  278,833     
   Reclassifications:                                                                          -                                                                 
   Debt finance                                                                                (38,960)  (25,367)  -         64,327                  -           
   Other                                                                                       (260)     -         -         260                     -           
   Adjustments:                                                                                -                                                                 
   Deferred acquisition costs                                                                  (3,516)   -         (26,910)  -                       (30,426)    
   Deferred income                                                                             6,427     -         -         -                       6,427       
   Adjustment to provisions on investment contracts, net of amounts deposited with reinsurers  (7,582)   -         -         -                       (7,582)     
   Adjustments to provisions on insurance contracts, net of reinsurers' share                  (23)      1,284     -         -                       1,261       
   Acquired in-force value                                                                     (21,995)  (4,554)   (40,205)  -                       (66,754)    
   Acquired value of customer relationships                                                    -         -         (898)     -                       (898)       
   Software assets                                                                             -         -         (3,715)   -                       (3,715)     
   Adjustment to borrowings                                                                    -         -         (7,027)   -                       (7,027)     
   Deferred tax                                                                                1,162     -         2,290     -                       3,452       
   Shareholder net worth                                                                       85,434    24,422    (17,625)  81,340                  173,571     
   Value of in-force business                                                                  86,067    11,540    146,064   -                       243,671     
   Shareholders' equity on the EEV basis                                                       171,501   35,962    128,439   81,340                  417,242     
   Shareholder net worth comprises:                                                                                                                              
   Shareholder net worth in regulated entities                                                 124,394   49,789    (19,561)  -                       154,622     
   Shareholders' net equity in other Group companies                                           -         -         1,936     81,340                  83,276      
   Debt finance                                                                                (38,960)  (25,367)  -         -                       (64,327)    
   Total                                                                                       85,434    24,422    (17,625)  81,340                  173,571     
9    Profit recognised on business combination 
An EEV profit of £21,630,000 has arisen as a result of the purchase of 100% of the share capital of the Waard Group on 19
May 2015.  The profit was measured as the difference between the purchase consideration of £50,123,000 and the European
Embedded Value of the Waard Group at the purchase date, being £71,753,000, which was established in accordance with the
methodology set out in Note 3 of the EEV supplementary financial information. 
10  Earnings per share 
                                                            Six months ended   30 June  Year ended 31 December         
                                                            2015                        2014                    2014     
                                                            p                           p                       p        
   Basic earnings per share                                                                                              
   Based on profit for the period                           40.20                       41.17                   38.24    
   Based on profit for the period before exceptional items  18.42                       41.17                   38.24    
   Diluted earnings per share                                                                                            
   Based on profit for the period                           40.14                       41.17                   38.20    
   Based on profit for the period before exceptional items  18.39                       41.17                   38.20    
11  Foreign exchange translation reserve 
A foreign exchange translation reserve arises on the translation of the financial statements of Movestic and the Waard
Group, the functional currency of which is the Swedish Krona and the Euro respectively, into pounds sterling, which is the
presentational currency of the Group financial statements.  For Movestic, items in the consolidated income statement are
translated at the average exchange rate of SEK 12.7619 = £1 in the six months ended 30 June 2015 (year ended 31 December
2014: SEK 11.2989 = £1), while all items in the balance sheet are stated at the closing rates at the reported balance sheet
date, being SEK 13.0522 = £1 at 30 June 2015 (SEK 12.0680 = £1 at 31 December 2014).  For the Waard Group, items in the
consolidated income statement are translated at the average exchange rate of Euro 1.3919 = £1 in the post acquisition
period between 19 May and 30 June 2015. All items in the balance sheet are stated at the closing rate at the reported
balance sheet date, being Euro 1.4118 = £1 at 30 June 2015. The differences arising on translation using this methodology
are recognised directly in shareholders' equity within the foreign exchange translation reserve. 
The reported embedded value is sensitive to movements in the SEK/Euro: £ exchange rate.  For Movestic, had the exchange
rate as at 30 June 2015 been 10% weaker at SEK 14.3574 = £1, then the reported embedded value of £441.2m as at 30 June 2015
would have been reduced to £428.2m. Had the Euro exchange rate as at 30 June 2015 been 10% weaker at Euro 1.5530 = £1, then
the reported embedded value of £441.2m as at 30 June 2015 would have been reduced to £434.7m. 
Peter Mason was appointed as Chairman of Chesnara plc and Chairman of the Nomination Committee on 1 January 2009 and was
appointed as Chairman of Movestic Livförsäkring AB with effect from 23 July 2009.  He is also a member of the Remuneration
Committee. He was the Investment Director and Actuary of Neville James Group, an investment management company and was
admitted as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in 1979.  He has over 40 years' experience in financial services and 
has held several non-executive posts within the industry. 
John Deane was appointed as a director of Chesnara plc on 3 December 2014. He assumed the role of CEO from 1 January 2015
on the resignation of Graham Kettleborough.  John is a qualified Actuary and has over 30 years' experience in the life
assurance industry.  John joined Century Life, a closed book acquisition company in 1993. As CEO, he oversaw the creation
of the outsourcing company Adepta in 2000.  He joined Old Mutual plc in 2003 becoming their Corporate Development Director
later that year. In 2007 he joined the Board of Royal London with responsibility for their open businesses in the UK,
Ireland and Isle of Man. Since 2013, John has been leading a financial services consultancy which has been advising UK and
overseas companies on a variety of strategic projects.  John is a non-executive Director of Crossco (1337) plc, which is
seeking to become a challenger bank (Atom). 
David Rimmington was appointed as Group Finance Director with effect from 17 May 2013.  He trained as a chartered
accountant with KPMG, has more than 17 years' experience in financial management within the life assurance and banking
sectors and has had a significant role in a number of major acquisitions and business integrations.  Prior to joining
Chesnara plc in 2011 as Associate Finance Director David held a number of financial management positions within the Royal
London Group including 6 years as Head of Group Management Reporting. 
Frank Hughes is the Business Services Director of Chesnara plc. He joined Countrywide Assured plc in November 1992 as an IT
Project Manager and was appointed to the Board as IT Director in May 2002.  He has 30 years' experience in the life
assurance industry gained with Royal Life, Norwich Union and CMG. 
Peter Wright is an Independent Non-executive Director who was appointed to the Chesnara plc Board on 1 January 2009.  At
the same date he was appointed as Chairman of the Audit & Risk Committee.  He was appointed as a member of the Nomination
Committee with effect from 9 July 2009.  He retired as a Principal of Towers Perrin on 1 January 2008 and is a former Vice
President of the Institute of Actuaries, having been admitted as a Fellow in 1979.  He is Chairman of the Risk Committee
and of the With-profits Committee of Countrywide Assured plc. 
Veronica Oak (née France) is an Independent Non-executive Director who was appointed to the Chesnara plc Board on 16
January 2013.  She serves on the Nomination and Audit & Risk Committees and took over the role of Chairman of the
Remuneration Committee on 17 May 2013.  On 16 February 2015, Veronica was appointed to the Board of the Hanley Economic
Building Society as a Non-Executive Director and is a former Non-Executive of Family Assurance. Having held a number of
positions within life companies, including Marketing Director, in 1992, Veronica set up her own financial services
consultancy business advising on strategy, business development, product development and related activities.  Veronica was
Chairman of the trade body, the Investment and Life Assurance Group in 2002/3 and served on its Management Committee for
over ten years before stepping down in 2010.‎ 
David Brand is an Independent Non-executive Director who was appointed to the Chesnara plc Board and the Board of Movestic
Livförsäkring AB on 16 January 2013.  He serves on the Nomination, and Audit & Risk Committees.  He is a Non-executive
Director at Exeter Friendly Society, where he is Chairman of the Investment Committee and also sits on the Audit, Risk and
Compliance and the Nomination and Remuneration Committees.  He is a qualified actuary who, prior to his retirement in June
2012, had worked for the Hannover Re Group in the UK, acting as the Managing Director of the UK life reinsurance subsidiary
since 2003.  David had been with the company since 1988, and a Director since 1990.  During his career David has also held
various roles with the Institute of Actuaries, including being a member of Council and he also served on the ABI Health
Committee from 2006 to 2012. 
Mike Evans is an Independent Non-executive Director who was appointed to the Chesnara plc Board on 4 March 2013. He serves
on the Audit & Risk, Nomination and Remuneration Committees. Mike became Senior Independent Director on 17 May 2013. He is
currently Non-executive Chairman of Hargreaves Lansdown plc, a FTSE 100 listed company, a position he has held since 2009.
He chairs their Nomination Committee and sits on their Remuneration Committee. He originally joined the Hargreaves Lansdown
Board as a Non-executive Director in 2006. Mike is also the Non-executive Chairman of Zoopla Property Group plc. In this
role he also chairs the Nomination Committee and is a member of the Remuneration Committee. Mike is a qualified actuary and
served in a number of Director level positions within Skandia UK between 1991 and 2006. 
financial calendar 
28 August 2015 
Interim results for the six months ending 30 June 2015 announced. 
10 September 2015 
Ex dividend date. 
11 September 2015 
Dividend record date. 
15 October 2015 
Interim dividend payment date. 
19 November 2015 
Interim Management Statement for the quarter ending 30 September 2015 announced. 
31 March 2016 
Results for the year ending 31 December 2015 announced. 
key contacts 
Registered and Head Office 
2nd Floor, Building 4 
West Strand Business Park 
West Strand Road 
PR1 8UY 
Tel:  01772 972050 
Fax: 01772 482244 
Legal Advisors 
Ashurst LLP 
Broadwalk House 
5 Appold Street 
Addleshaw Goddard LLP 
100 Barbirolli Square 
M2 3AB 
Deloitte LLP 
Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditor 
1 Little New Street 
Capita Asset Services 
The Registry 
34 Beckenham Road 
BR3 4TU 
Panmure Gordon 
One New Change 
Canaccord Genuity Limited 
88 Wood Street 
National Westminster Bank plc 
135 Bishopsgate 
The Royal Bank of Scotland 
8th Floor, 135 Bishopsgate 
Lloyds TSB Bank plc 
3rd Floor, Black Horse House 
Medway Wharf Road 
TN9 1QS 
Public Relations Consultants 
Newgate Threadneedle 
5th Floor 
33 King William Street 
Corporate Advisors 
Canaccord Genuity Limited 
88 Wood Street 
 ABI                    Association of British Insurers - Represents the collective interests of the UK's insurance industry.                                                                                                                                          LTICR                 Long-Term Insurance Capital Requirement - Capital required to be held for regulatory purposes in respect of investment, expense and insurance risks.                                                                                         
 AGM                    Annual General Meeting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        LTI                   Long-Term Incentive Scheme - A reward system designed to incentivise employees' long-term performance.                                                                                                                                       
 ALM                    Asset Liability Management - management of risks that arise due to mismatches between assets and liabilities.                                                                                                                                  MCEV                  Market Consistent Embedded Value.                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 APE                    Annual Premium Equivalent - an industry wide measure that is used for measuring the annual equivalent of regular and single premium policies.                                                                                                  Movestic              Movestic Livförsäkring AB.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 CA                     Countrywide Assured plc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Modernac              Modernac SA , an associated company which is 49% owned by Movestic.                                                                                                                                                                          
 CALH                   Countrywide Assured Life Holdings Limited and its subsidiary companies.                                                                                                                                                                        Official List         The Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority.                                                                                                                                                                                        
 DNB                    De Nederlandsche Bank, being the Dutch Financial Supervisory Authority.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
 Directors or Board     The directors of the Company as at the date of this document whose names are set out above of this document.                                                                                                                                   Ordinary Shares       Ordinary shares of five pence each in the capital of the Company.                                                                                                                                                                            
 DPF                    Discretionary Participation Feature - A contractual right under an insurance contract to receive, as a supplement to guaranteed benefits, additional benefits whose amount or timing is contractually at the discretion of the issuer.         ORSA                  Own Risk and Solvency Assessment.                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 Dutch Business         Waard Group, consisting of Waard Leven N.V., Hollands Welvaren Leven N.V., Waard Schade N.V. and Tadas Verzekeringen B.V.                                                                                                                      PRA                   Prudential Regulation Authority.                                                                                                                                                                                                             
 EEV                    European Embedded Value.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PL                    Protection Life Company Limited.                                                                                                                                                                                                             
 FCA                    Financial Conduct Authority.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   QRT                   Quantitative Reporting Template.                                                                                                                                                                                                             
 FI                     Finansinspektionen, being the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.                                                                                                                                                                         RCR                   Risk Capital Requirement - additional amounts of capital required to be held for regulatory purposes as a result of two stress tests.                                                                                                        
 Form of Proxy          The form of proxy relating to the General Meeting being sent to Shareholders with this document.                                                                                                                                               Resolution            The resolution set out in the notice of General Meeting set out in this document.                                                                                                                                                            
 FSMA                   The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 of England and Wales, as amended.                                                                                                                                                                  RMF                   Risk Management Framework.                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 GCR                    Group Capital Resources - in accordance with the UK's regulatory regime for insurers it is the sum of the individual capital resources for each of the regulated related undertakings less the book-value of investments by the Group in       Shareholder(s)        Holder(s) of Ordinary Shares.                                                                                                                                                                                                                
                        those capital resources.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 GCRR                   Group Capital Resource Requirement - in accordance with the UK's regulatory regime for insurers it is the sum of individual capital resource requirements for the insurer and each of its regulated undertakings.                              Solvency II           A fundamental review of the capital adequacy regime for the European insurance industry. Solvency II aims to establish a set of EU-wide capital requirements and risk management standards that will replace the current Solvency I          
 Group                  The Company and its existing subsidiary undertakings.                                                                                                                                                                                          STI                   Short-Term Incentive Scheme  - A reward system designed to incentivise employees' short-term performance.                                                                                                                                    
 Guardian               Guardian Assurance plc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Swedish Business      Movestic and its subsidiaries and associated companies.                                                                                                                                                                                      
 HCL                    HCL Insurance BPO Services Limited.                                                                                                                                                                                                            S&P                   Save & Prosper Insurance Limited and Save & Prosper Pensions Limited.                                                                                                                                                                        
 IFRS                   International Financial Reporting Standards.                                                                                                                                                                                                   TCF                   Treating Customers Fairly - a central PRA principle that aims to ensure an efficient and effective market and thereby help policyholders achieve a fair deal.                                                                                
 IFA                    Independent Financial Adviser.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 TSR                   Total Shareholder Return, measured with reference to both dividends and capital growth.                                                                                                                                                      
 IGD                    Insurance Groups Directive - The European directive setting out the current capital adequacy regime for insurance groups.                                                                                                                      UK or United Kingdom  The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.                                                                                                                                                                                    
 KPI                    Key performance indicator                                                                                                                                                                                                                      UK Business           CA, S&P and CALH                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
 London Stock Exchange  London Stock Exchange plc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     VIF                   Value of In-force business.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Waard Group           Comprising the combined business of Waard Leven N.V., Hollands Welvaren Leven N.V., Waard Schade N.V.,and Tadas Verzekeringen                                                                                                                
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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