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REG - Chesnara PLC - Half Yearly Report <Origin Href="QuoteRef">CSN.L</Origin> - Part 4

- Part 4: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSc2947Qc 

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          service providers.·     The supplier relationship management approach is conducive to ensuring the outsource arrangements deliver to their obligations.·     Under the    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               terms of the contractual arrangements the Group may impose penalties and/or exercise step-in rights in the event of specified adverse circumstances.                      
 Key man dependency                                                         The nature of the Group is such that, for both its Group-level functions and for its UK life and pensions operations, it relies on a small, professional team. There is, therefore, inevitably a concentration of experience and know how within particular key individuals and the Group is, accordingly, exposed to the sudden loss of the services of these individuals.                                                                                                                                                        ·     The Group promotes the sharing of know how and expertise to the fullest extent possible.·     It periodically reviews and assesses staffing levels, and, where the  
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               circumstances of the Group justify and permit, will enhance resource to ensure that know how and expertise is more widely embedded.·     The Group maintains succession   
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               plans and remuneration structures which comprise a retention element.·     The Group complements its internal expertise with established relationships with external      
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               specialist partners.                                                                                                                                                      
 Adverse regulatory and legal changes                                       The Group operates in jurisdictions which are currently subject to significant change arising from regulatory and legal requirements.  These may either be of a local nature, or of a wider nature, following from EU-based regulation and law. Significant issues which have arisen and where there is currently uncertainty as to their full impact on the Group include:i)      the implementation of Solvency II requirements; andii)     potential change in the regulatory environment in Sweden.iii)    FCA review of legacy ·     The current opinion is that the implementation of Solvency II will strengthen the long-term risk management environment of Chesnara (as is its intention).·     The 
                                                                            business.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Solvency II programme is covered in more detail below.  The key risks are mitigated as follows:·     Proposed appointment of external specialist Quality Assurance        
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               partner;·     Dedicated internal resource; and·     Robust programme governance framework.·     Management continually reviews the potential impact of any prospective    
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               regulatory changes.                                                                                                                                                       
Our Solvency II programme remains well on track to ensure we are ready for the planned implementation date. 
Solvency II is a fundamental review of the capital adequacy regime for the European insurance industry. It aims to
establish a revised set of EU-wide capital requirements and risk management standards that will replace the current
solvency requirements. Solvency II's primary objective is to strengthen policyholder protection by aligning capital
requirements more closely with the risk profile of the company. The regime has a three pillar structure, with each pillar
governing a different aspect of the Solvency II requirements and approach.  As well as requiring firms to disclose their
capital and risk frameworks, the Directive also asks firms to demonstrate how and where the requirements are embedded in
their wider activities. The planned implementation date is 01 January 2016 and interim measures have been agreed by the PRA
which require us to develop and implement various aspects of Solvency II in the lead up to the revised implementation
Chesnara's approach 
Pillar one 
Pillar 1 considers the quantitative requirements of the system, including the calculation of technical provisions and the
rules relating to the calculation of the Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR) and the Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR).
Under Solvency II there are two prescribed methods for assessing an insurer's SCR; either a Standard Formula set by the
regulator or an Internal Model specific to that insurer and which is subject to regulatory approval. Chesnara has opted for
the Standard Formula approach for both CA and Movestic on the grounds that it is a good fit and appropriate for its
businesses at the current time. However, we will continue to monitor our position on the choice of approach as our
businesses evolve. 
Progress update 
Following a strategic decision to switch one of our suppliers of actuarial services, some re-work is required on the UK
Pillar 1 elements but we remain within our overall target to complete the Pillar 1 development and carry out a further dry
run on the year-end 2014 data during Q2 2015. 
Pillar two 
Pillar 2 deals with two main areas: firstly, that our businesses have in place effective strategies and controls to assess
and manage the risks it is exposed to and to assess and maintain its solvency capital based on its own risk profile and,
secondly, that its strategies, controls and assessment of its solvency capital are subject to supervisory review. This
pillar requires us to produce either, an Own Risk and Solvency Assessment (ORSA) for each subsidiary and one for the Group
or a single Group-wide ORSA. We will be producing an ORSA for each subsidiary and the Group ORSA. Each ORSA is subject to
review and scrutiny by the relevant regulator who will have the power to impose a higher capital requirement should it find
any inadequacies in the approach to calculating the SCR or in the risk and governance controls in operation. 
Progress update 
The format and structure of the Forward-Looking Assessment of Own Risk (FLAOR) has been agreed by the board and work
remains on target for us to produce our initial FLAOR for board review and sign-off during December 2014. This will enable
submission to the regulators in accordance with their timescales. Work to develop, enhance and further document the systems
of governance is ongoing and in-line with plans. 
Pillar three 
Pillar 3 seeks to enhance market discipline on regulated firms by requiring them to disclose publicly key information that
is relevant to market participants. As such, in choosing which information should be selected for disclosure under Pillar
3, supervisors will be guided by the actual needs of market participants rather than by their own information needs. The
key reporting requirements are a Solvency & Financial Condition Report (SFCR), a Regular Supervisory Report (RSR) and a set
of defined Quantitative Reporting Templates (QRT's).  The SFCR is for public disclosure and will follow a prescribed
format. The RSR is not public and is only communicated to the relevant supervisor and, again, will largely follow a
prescriptive format. 
Progress update 
The analysis phase for the Quantitative Reporting Templates (QRT's) is complete save for the work on the Protection Life
business which is scheduled for Q4 2014. This will align it with the migration project which will transfer administration
of the Protection Life business from Direct Line Group to our outsourcers HCL. The work to develop core systems for QRT
reporting with our outsourcers in the UK and within Movestic is underway and on track. Plan remains to carry out dry run
work in Q2 and Q3 2015. 
Directors' responsibiliTIES statement 
We confirm that to the best of our knowledge: 
-      the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial
-      the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.7R (indication of
important events during the first six months and description of principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six
months of the year); and 
-      the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of
related parties' transactions and changes therein). 
By order of the Board 
Peter Mason                         Graham Kettleborough 
Chairman                              Chief Executive Officer 
28 August 2014                   28 August 2014 
Independent Auditor's REVIEW Report to the Members of Chesnara plc 
We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report
for the six months ended 30 June 2014 which comprises the condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the
condensed consolidated balance sheet, the condensed consolidated statement of changes in equity, the condensed consolidated
statement of cash flows and related notes 1 to 7.  We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly
financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the
information in the condensed set of financial statements. 
This report is made solely to the company in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland)
2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing
Practices Board.  Our work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state
to it in an independent review report and for no other purpose.  To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept
or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company, for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we
have formed. 
Directors' responsibilities 
The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors.  The Directors are
responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the
United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority. 
As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the group are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by
the European Union.  The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been
prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting," as adopted by the European
Our responsibility 
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the
half-yearly financial report based on our review. 
Scope of review 
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 "Review of
Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board
for use in the United Kingdom.  A review of interim financial information consists of making inquiries, primarily of
persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures.  A review is
substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland)
and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be
identified in an audit.  Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial
statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2014 is not prepared, in all material
respects, in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 as adopted by the European Union and the Disclosure and
Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority. 
Deloitte LLP 
Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditor 
United Kingdom 
28 August 2014 
condensed consolidated statement of comprehensive income (unaudited) 
                                                                                                            Unaudited   Six months ended 30   June    Year ended 31 December    
                                                                                                            2014                                      2013                      2013         
                                                                                                      Note  £000                                      £000                      £000         
   Insurance premium revenue                                                                                66,512                                    55,084                    109,938      
   Insurance premium ceded to reinsurers                                                                    (26,507)                                  (17,115)                  (35,469)     
   Net insurance premium revenue                                                                            40,005                                    37,969                    74,469       
   Fee and commission income                                                                                34,873                                    34,867                    69,990       
   Net investment return                                                                                    199,312                                   239,013                   567,463      
   Total revenue net of reinsurance payable                                                                 274,190                                   311,849                   711,922      
   Other operating income                                                                                   12,467                                    11,048                    22,270       
   Total income net of investment return                                                                    286,657                                   322,897                   734,192      
   Insurance contract  claims and benefits incurred                                                                                                                                          
   Claims and benefits paid to insurance contract holders                                                   (152,612)                                 (166,471)                 (281,800)    
   Net decrease/(increase) in insurance contract provisions                                                 67,148                                    (23,459)                  (62,249)     
   Reinsurers' share of claims and benefits                                                                 15,412                                    48,362                    57,004       
   Net insurance contract claims and benefits                                                               (70,052)                                  (141,568)                 (287,045)    
   Change in investment contract liabilities                                                                (146,117)                                 (123,174)                 (320,132)    
   Reinsurers' share of investment contract liabilities                                                     647                                       2,508                     5,568        
   Net change in investment contract liabilities                                                            (145,470)                                 (120,666)                 (314,564)    
   Fees, commission and other acquisition costs                                                             (11,126)                                  (9,374)                   (19,450)     
   Administrative expenses                                                                                  (19,981)                                  (18,718)                  (38,761)     
   Other operating expenses                                                                                                                                                                  
   Charge for amortisation of acquired value of in-force business                                           (4,721)                                   (3,724)                   (7,530)      
   Charge for amortisation of acquired value of customer relationships                                      (136)                                     (153)                     (301)        
   Other                                                                                                    (6,487)                                   (4,863)                   (6,483)      
   Total expenses net of change in insurance contract provisions and investment contract liabilities        (257,973)                                 (299,066)                 (674,134)    
   Total income less expenses                                                                               28,684                                    23,831                    60,058       
   Share of profit of associate                                                                             608                                       417                       1,252        
   Profit recognised on business combination                                                                -                                         -                         2,807        
   Financing costs                                                                                          (1,914)                                   (2,438)                   (3,527)      
   Profit before income taxes                                                                         4     27,378                                    21,810                    60,590       
   Income tax expense                                                                                       (4,558)                                   (4,567)                   (11,227)     
   Profit for the period                                                                              3,4   22,820                                    17,243                    49,363       
   Foreign exchange translation differences arising on the revaluation of foreign operations                (4,645)                                   1,632                     (516)        
   Total comprehensive income for the period                                                                18,175                                    18,875                    48,847       
   Basic earnings per share (based on profit for the period)                                          2     19.87p                                    15.01p                    42.98p       
   Diluted earnings per share (based on profit for the period)                                        2     19.87p                                    15.01p                    42.98p       
                                                                                 Unaudited   30 June    31 December    
                                                                                 2014                   2013           2013         
                                                                           Note  £000                   £000           £000         
   Intangible assets                                                                                                                
   Deferred acquisition costs                                                    29,539                 26,565         28,162       
   Acquired value of in-force business                                           80,313                 73,968         88,615       
   Acquired value of customer relationships                                      1,336                  1,788          1,583        
   Software assets                                                               4,348                  5,555          5,004        
   Property and equipment                                                        610                    576            673          
   Investment in associates                                                      4,367                  3,392          4,088        
   Investment properties                                                         5,173                  71,303         20,387       
   Deferred tax assets                                                           -                      388            -            
   Reinsurers' share of insurance contract provisions                            356,432                285,288        379,894      
   Amounts deposited with reinsurers                                             34,224                 31,998         34,293       
   Financial assets                                                                                                                 
   Equity securities at fair value through income                                475,344                451,639        479,617      
   Holdings in collective investment schemes at fair value through income        3,463,411              3,205,255      3,440,992    
   Debt securities at fair value through income                                  344,115                349,525        370,666      
   Policyholders' funds held by the Group                                        158,461                95,499         130,237      
   Insurance and other receivables                                               47,201                 34,849         46,382       
   Prepayments                                                                   5,155                  3,663          4,889        
   Derivative financial instruments                                              2,424                  2,032          2,956        
   Total financial assets                                                        4,496,111              4,142,462      4,475,739    
   Reinsurers' share of accrued policyholder claims                              12,457                 8,017          11,399       
   Income taxes                                                                  1,917                  2,413          2,608        
   Cash and cash equivalents                                                     219,290                200,891        184,263      
   Total assets                                                            4     5,246,117              4,854,604      5,236,708    
   Insurance contract provisions                                                 2,290,815              2,226,729      2,362,063    
   Other provisions                                                              4,052                  4,669          5,348        
   Financial liabilities                                                                                                            
   Investment contracts at fair value through income                             2,337,862              2,152,673      2,283,403    
   Liabilities relating to policyholders' funds held by the Group                158,461                95,499         130,237      
   Borrowings                                                              5     95,220                 50,100         94,377       
   Derivative financial instruments                                              525                    601            387          
   Total financial liabilities                                                   2,592,068              2,298,873      2,508,404    
   Deferred tax liabilities                                                      9,392                  7,754          11,007       
   Reinsurance payables                                                          9,978                  15,254         11,539       
   Payables related to direct insurance and investment contracts                 47,425                 38,692         47,137       
   Deferred income                                                               7,377                  8,372          7,865        
   Income taxes                                                                  10,756                 2,482          8,012        
   Other payables                                                                20,631                 25,838         27,104       
   Bank overdrafts                                                               1,703                  1,635          1,127        
   Total liabilities                                                       4     4,994,197              4,630,298      4,989,606    
   Net assets                                                                    251,920                224,306        247,102      
   Shareholders' equity                                                                                                             
   Share capital                                                                 42,024                 42,024         42,024       
   Share premium                                                                 42,526                 42,525         42,526       
   Treasury shares                                                               (212)                  (213)          (212)        
   Other reserves                                                                2,558                  9,351          7,203        
   Retained earnings                                                       3     165,024                130,619        155,561      
   Total shareholders' equity                                                    251,920                224,306        247,102      
condensed consolidated statement of cash flows(unaudited) 
                                                                                         Unaudited   Six months ended    30 June  Year ended 31 December             
                                                                                         2014                                     2013                    2013         
                                                                                         £000                                     £000                    £000         
   Profit for the period                                                                 22,820                                   17,243                  49,363       
   Adjustments for:                                                                                                                                                    
   Depreciation of property and equipment                                                109                                      84                      177          
   Amortisation of deferred acquisition costs                                            5,063                                    4,119                   9,386        
   Amortisation of acquired value of in-force business                                   4,720                                    3,725                   7,530        
   Amortisation of acquired value of customer relationships                              136                                      153                     301          
   Amortisation of software assets                                                       982                                      2,341                   2,580        
   Tax paid                                                                              4,558                                    4,567                   11,227       
   Interest receivable                                                                   (13,270)                                 (8,562)                 (19,256)     
   Dividends receivable                                                                  (13,152)                                 (6,340)                 (19,049)     
   Interest expense                                                                      1,914                                    2,438                   3,527        
   Change in fair value of investment properties                                         (2,265)                                  6,916                   6,197        
   Fair value gains on financial assets                                                  (170,200)                                (225,392)               (523,938)    
   Profits on sale of property and equipment                                             -                                        -                       (10)         
   Profit arising on business combination                                                -                                        -                       (2,807)      
   Share of profit of associate                                                          (608)                                    (417)                   (1,252)      
   Interest received                                                                     13,333                                   8,529                   18,701       
   Dividends received                                                                    5,859                                    5,875                   19,252       
   Increase in intangible assets related to insurance and investment contracts           (8,354)                                  (7,712)                 (19,397)     
   Changes in operating assets and liabilities:                                                                                                                        
   Decrease in financial assets                                                          34,128                                   44,217                  46,539       
   Decrease/(increase) in reinsurers share of insurance contract provisions              18,885                                   (8,852)                 (14,596)     
   Decrease/(increase) in amounts deposited with reinsurers                              69                                       (1,753)                 (4,048)      
   Decrease/(increase) in insurance and other receivables                                4,245                                    (10,282)                (5,267)      
   Increase in prepayments                                                               (482)                                    (462)                   (1,792)      
   (Decrease)/increase  in insurance contract provisions                                 (65,929)                                 17,760                  51,570       
   Increase in investment contract liabilities                                           216,853                                  128,717                 351,630      
   Decrease in provisions                                                                (1,290)                                  (516)                   (1,829)      
   Decrease in reinsurance payables                                                      (847)                                    (1,819)                 (5,182)      
   Increase/(decrease) in payables related to direct insurance and investment contracts  639                                      (368)                   2,110        
   (Decrease)/increase in other payables                                                 (4,928)                                  8,810                   3,690        
   Cash generated from/(utilised by) operations                                          52,988                                   (16,981)                (34,643)     
   Income tax (paid)received                                                             (2,471)                                  3,614                   1,405        
   Net cash generated from/(utilised by) operating activities                            50,517                                   (13,367)                (33,238)     
   Cash flows from investing activities                                                                                                                                
   Business combinations                                                                 -                                        (2,017)                 (31,924)     
   Development of software                                                               (680)                                    -                       (1,882)      
   Purchases of property and equipment                                                   (81)                                     (293)                   (485)        
   Net cash utilised by investing activities                                             (761)                                    (2,310)                 (34,291)     
   Cash flows from financing activities                                                                                                                                
   Proceeds from issue of share capital                                                  -                                        2                       3            
   Proceeds from borrowings                                                              2,375                                    1,213                   46,728       
   Sale of treasury shares                                                               -                                        4                       5            
   Dividends paid                                                                        (13,357)                                 (12,921)                (20,099)     
   Interest paid                                                                         (1,764)                                  (2,379)                 (3,975)      
   Net cash (utilised by)/generated from financing activities                            (12,746)                                 (14,081)                22,662       
   Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents                                  37,010                                   (29,758)                (44,867)     
   Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                                      183,136                                  228,074                 228,074      
   Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents                          (2,559)                                  940                     (71)         
   Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period                                        217,587                                  199,256                 183,136      
CONDENSED consolidated statement of changes in equity(unaudited) 
   Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2014                                     
                                                 Share capital  Share premium  Other reserves  Treasury shares  Retained earnings  Total       
                                                 £000           £000           £000            £000             £000               £000        
   Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2014  42,024         42,526         7,203           (212)            155,561            247,102     
   Profit for the period                         -              -              -               -                22,820             22,820      
   Dividends paid                                -              -              -               -                (13,357)           (13,357)    
   Foreign exchange translation differences      -              -              (4,645)         -                -                  (4,645)     
   Equity shareholders' funds at 30 June 2014    42,024         42,526         2,558           (212)            165,024            251,920     
   Unaudited six months ended 30 June 2013                                     
                                                 Share capital  Share premium  Other reserves  Treasury shares  Retained earnings  Total       
                                                 £000           £000           £000            £000             £000               £000        
   Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2013  42,024         42,523         7,719           (217)            126,297            218,346     
   Profit for the period                         -              -              -               -                17,243             17,243      
   Dividends paid                                -              -              -               -                (12,921)           (12,921)    
   Foreign exchange translation differences      -              -              1,632           -                -                  1,632       
   Sale of treasury shares                       -              2              -               4                -                  6           
   Equity shareholders' funds at 30 June 2013    42,024         42,525         9,351           (213)            130,619            224,306     
   Year ended 31 December 2013                                                   
                                                   Share capital  Share premium  Other reserves  Treasury shares  Retained earnings  Total       
                                                   £000           £000           £000            £000             £000               £000        
   Equity shareholders' funds at 1 January 2013    42,024         42,523         7,719           (217)            126,297            218,346     
   Profit for the year                             -              -              -               -                49,363             49,363      
   Dividends paid                                  -              -              -               -                (20,099)           (20,099)    
   Foreign exchange translation differences        -              -              (516)           -                -                  (516)       
   Sale of treasury shares                         -              3              -               5                -                  8           
   Equity shareholders' funds at 31 December 2013  42,024         42,526         7,203           (212)            155,561            247,102     
notes to the CONDENSED consolidated financial statements  (unaudited) 
1              Basis of preparation 
This condensed set of consolidated financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 'Interim Financial
Reporting' as adopted by the EU.  As required by the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority,
the condensed set of consolidated financial statements has been prepared applying the accounting policies and presentation
which were applied in the preparation of the Group's published consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31
December 2013 except for the application of the following additional accounting policies, which were not applicable for
reporting periods up to and including 31 December 2013: 
IAS 1 'Presentation of Items of Other Comprehensive Income'; and 
IAS 19 (revised 2011) 'Employee Benefits'. 
The amendments to IAS 1 require items of other comprehensive income to be grouped by those items that will be reclassified
subsequently to profit or loss and those that will never be reclassified, together with their associated income tax.  The
adoption of this accounting standard does not materially impact these financial statements. 
IAS 19 (revised 2011) and the related consequential amendments have had no impact upon the Movestic defined benefit pension
scheme, as due to the multi-employer pooling of the scheme's assets and liabilities, it is accounted for as a defined
contribution scheme. 
The adoption of IFRS 13 has had no material impact upon the measurement of fair value for financial assets and financial
liabilities, as the application of the credit risk of the Group has no material impact upon the associated fair values of
the financial liabilities it holds.  However, this adoption has introduced additional new disclosures, as set out in note
The Group's published consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2013 were prepared in accordance
with IFRS as adopted by the EU.  Any judgements and estimates applied in the condensed set of financial statements are
consistent with those applied in the preparation of the Group's published consolidated financial statements for the year
ended 31 December 2013. 
The financial information shown in this half-year review is unaudited and does not constitute statutory accounts within the
meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. 
The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2013 are not the Company's statutory accounts for that
financial year. Those accounts have been reported on by the Company's auditor and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
The report of the auditor was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew
attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report and (iii) did not contain a statements under section 498(2) or
(3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
2              Earnings per share 
Earnings per share are based on the following: 
                                                              Unaudited   Six months ended   30 June  Year ended 31 December               
                                                              2014                                    2013                    2013           
   Profit for the period attributable to shareholders (£000)  22,820                                  17,243                  49,363         
   Weighted average number of ordinary shares                 114,851,282                             114,849,115             114,851,282    
   Basic earnings per share                                   19.87p                                  15.01p                  42.98p         
   Diluted earnings per share                                 19.87p                                  15.01p                  42.98p         
The weighted average number of ordinary shares in respect of the six months ended 30 June 2014 is based upon 115,047,662
shares in issue, less 196,380 own shares held in treasury at the beginning of the period, and 115,047,662 shares in issue
less 196,380 own shares held in treasury at the end of the period. 
The six months ended 30 June 2013 is based upon 115,047,662 shares in issue at the beginning and end of the periods, less
199,011 own shares held in treasury at the beginning. 
The weighted average number of ordinary shares in respect of the year ended 31 December 2013 is based upon 115,047,662
shares in issue, less 196,380 own shares held in treasury. 
There were no share options outstanding during these periods. Accordingly, there is no dilution of the average number of
ordinary shares in issue in respect of these periods. 
3              Retained earnings 
                                                                                     Unaudited   Six months ended   30 June  Year ended 31 December            
                                                                                     2014                                    2013                    2013        
                                                                                     £000                                    £000                    £000        
   Retained earnings attributable to equity holders of the parent company comprise:                                                                              
   Balance at 1 January                                                              155,561                                 126,297                 126,297     
   Profit for the period                                                             22,820                                  17,243                  49,363      
   Final approved and paid for 2012                                                  -                                       (12,921)                (12,921)    
   Interim approved and paid for 2013                                                -                                       -                       (7,178)     
   Final approved and paid for 2013                                                  (13,357)                                -                       -           
   Balance at 31 December                                                            165,024                                 130,619                 155,561     
The interim dividend in respect of 2013, approved and paid in 2013 was paid at the rate of 6.25p per share. 
The final dividend in respect of 2013, approved and paid in 2014, was paid at the rate of 11.63p per share so that the
total dividend paid to the equity shareholders of the Parent Company in respect of the year ended 31 December 2013 was made
at the rate of 17.88p per share. 
An interim dividend of 6.42p per share in respect of the year ended 31 December 2014 payable on 15 October 2014 to equity
shareholders of the Parent Company registered at the close of business on 12 September 2014, the dividend record date, was
approved by the Directors after the balance sheet date.  The resulting total final dividend of £7.4m has not been provided
for in these financial statements and there are no income tax consequences. 
The following table summarises dividends per share in respect of the six month period ended 30 June 2014 and the year ended
31 December 2013: 
   Year ended 31 December       2014  2013     
                                p     p        
   Interim - approved and paid  6.42  6.25     
   Final - proposed/paid        -     11.63    
   Total                        6.42  17.88    
4              Operating segments 
The Group considers that it has no product or distribution-based business segments. It reports segmental information on the
same basis as reported internally to the Chief Operating Decision Maker, which is the Board of Directors of Chesnara plc. 
The segments of the Group as at 30 June 2014 comprise: 
CA:  This segment is part of the Group's UK life insurance and pensions run-off portfolio and comprises the original
business of Countrywide Assured plc, the Group's principal UK operating subsidiary, and of City of Westminster Assurance
Company Limited which was acquired in 2005 and the long-term business of which was transferred to Countrywide Assured plc
during 2006. It is responsible for conducting unit-linked and non-linked business. 
S&P: This segment, which was acquired on 20 December 2010, comprises the business of Save & Prosper Insurance Limited and
its subsidiary Save & Prosper Pensions Limited.  It is responsible for conducting both unit-linked and non-linked business,
including a with-profits portfolio, which carries significant additional market risk, as described in Note 6 'Management of
financial risk'. On 31 December 2011 the whole of the business of this segment was transferred to Countrywide Assured plc
under the provisions of Part VII of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000. 
PL: This segment represents the business of Protection Life, which was purchased on 28 November 2013.  PL is included
within the Group's UK business. 
Movestic:  This segment comprises the Group's Swedish life and pensions business, Movestic Livförsäkring AB ('Movestic')
and its subsidiary and associated companies, which are open to new business and which are responsible for conducting both
unit-linked and non-linked business. 
Other Group Activities:  The functions performed by the parent company, Chesnara plc, are defined under the operating
segment analysis as Other Group Activities. Also included therein are consolidation and elimination adjustments. 
There were no changes to the basis of segmentation during the six months ended 30 June 2014. 
The accounting policies of the segments are the same as those for the Group as a whole.  Any transactions between the
business segments are on normal commercial terms in normal market conditions.  The Group evaluates performance of operating
segments on the basis of the profit before tax attributable to shareholders and on the total assets and liabilities of the
reporting segments and the Group.  There were no changes to the measurement basis for segment profit during the six months
ended 30 June 2014. 
(i)         Segmental income statement for the six months ended 30 June 2014 
                                                                        CA          S&P         PL         UK Total    Movestic     Other Group Activities    Total        
                                                                        £000        £000        £000       £000        £000         £000                      £000         
   Net insurance premium revenue                                        21,463      3,411       7,164      32,038      7,967        -                         40,005       
   Fee and commission income                                            15,968      1,152       -          17,120      17,753       -                         34,873       
   Net investment return                                                35,664      28,975      343        64,982      134,106      224                       199,312      
   Total revenue (net of reinsurance payable)                           73,095      33,538      7,507      114,140     159,826      224                       274,190      
   Other operating income                                               1,542       5,779       -          7,321       5,146        -                         12,467       
   Segmental income                                                     74,637      39,317      7,507      121,461     164,972      224                       286,657      
   Net insurance contract claims and benefits incurred                  (38,893)    (26,498)    (1,048)    (66,439)    (3,613)      -                         (70,052)     
   Net change in investment contract liabilities                        (10,851)    (802)       -          (11,653)    (133,817)    -                         (145,470)    
   Fees, commission and other acquisition costs                         (331)       (16)        (603)      (950)       (10,176)     -                         (11,126)     
   Administrative expenses                                                                                                                                                 
   Amortisation charge on software assets                               -           -           -          -           (2,188)      -                         (2,188)      
   Depreciation charge on property and   equipment                      (22)        -           -          (22)        (187)        -                         (209)        
   Other                                                                (4,155)     (4,721)     (983)      (9,859)     (5,921)      (1,804)                   (17,584)     
   Other operating expenses                                                                                                                                                
   Charge for amortisation of acquired value of in-force business       (1,181)     (350)       (1,216)    (2,747)     (1,974)      -                         (4,721)      
   Charge for amortisation of acquired value of customer relationships  -           -           -          -           (136)        -                         (136)        
   Other                                                                (84)        (467)       (844)      (1,395)     (5,092)      -                         (6,487)      

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