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REG - Dolphin Capital Inv - Final Results <Origin Href="QuoteRef">DOLC.L</Origin> - Part 3

- Part 3: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSD1068Eb 

impairment.  If any such indication exists, the assets' recoverable amount is estimated.  The
recoverable amount is the greater of the net selling price and value in use of an asset.  In assessing value in use of an
asset, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects
current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. 
An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying amount of an asset or its cash-generating unit exceeds its
recoverable amount. Impairment losses are recognised in profit or loss. Impairment losses recognised in respect of
cash-generating units are allocated first to reduce the carrying amount of any goodwill allocated to cash-generating units
and then, to reduce the carrying amount of the other assets in the unit on a pro rata basis. 
5.23 Discontinued operation 
A discontinued operation is a component of the Group's business, the operations and cash flows of which can be clearly
distinguished from the rest of the Group.  A discontinued operation has either been disposed of, or is classified as held
for sale, and: 
(a) represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; 
(b) is part of a single co-ordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or geographical area of
operation; or 
(c) is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale. 
When an operation is classified as a discontinued operation, the comparative statement of profit or loss and other
comprehensive income is re-presented as if the operation had been discontinued from the start of the comparative year. 
5.24 Revenue recognition 
Revenue comprises the invoiced amount for the sale of goods and services net of value added tax, rebates and discounts.
Revenues earned by the Group are recognised on the following bases: 
Income from land and buildings under development 
The Group applies IAS 18 'Revenue' for income from land and buildings under development, according to which revenue and the
related costs are recognised in profit or loss when the building has been completed and delivered and all associated risks
have been transferred to the buyer. 
Construction contracts 
Where the outcome of a construction contract can be estimated reliably, revenue and costs are recognised by reference to
the stage of completion of the contract activity at the statement of financial position date, as measured by the proportion
that contract costs incurred for work performed to date compared to the estimated total contract costs, except where this
would not be representative of the stage of completion. Variations in contract work, claims and incentive payments are
included to the extent that they have been agreed with the customer. 
Where the outcome of a construction contract cannot be estimated reliably, contract revenue is recognised to the extent of
contract costs incurred that it is probable they will be recoverable. Contract costs are recognised as expenses in the
period in which they are incurred. When it is probable that total contract costs will exceed total contract revenue, the
expected loss is recognised as an expense immediately. 
5.25 Equity-settled share-based payment arrangements 
The grant-date fair value of equity-settled share-based arrangements is generally recognised as an expense, with a
corresponding increase in equity, over the vesting period of the awards.  The grant-date fair value is measured to reflect
market performance conditions and there is no true-up for differences between expected and actual outcomes.  The amount
recognised as an expense, is adjusted to reflect the number of awards for which the related service and non-market
performance conditions are expected to be met, such that the amount ultimately recognised is based on the number of awards
that meet the related service and non-market performance conditions at the vesting date.  For share-based payment awards
with non-vesting conditions, the grant-date fair value is measured to reflect such conditions and there is no true-up for
differences between expected and actual outcomes. 
5.26Finance income and costs 
Finance income comprises interest income on funds invested, dividend income and gains on the disposal of and increase in
the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. Interest income is recognised as it accrues in
profit or loss, using the effective interest method. 
Finance costs comprise interest expense on borrowings, unwinding of the discount on provisions and losses on the disposal
of and reduction in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. 
The interest expense component of finance lease payments is recognised in profit or loss using the effective interest
5.27Foreign currency translation 
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to the respective functional currencies of Group entities at exchange
rates at the dates of the transactions.  Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the reporting
date are retranslated to the functional currency at the exchange rate at that date.  The foreign currency gain or loss on
monetary items is the difference between amortised cost in the functional currency at the beginning of the period, adjusted
for effective interest and payments during the period, and the amortised cost in foreign currency translated at the
exchange rate at the end of the period.  Non-monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies that are
measured at fair value are retranslated to the functional currency at the exchange rate at the date that the fair value was
determined.  Foreign currency differences arising on retranslation are recognised in profit or loss. 
5.28 Foreign operations 
The assets and liabilities of foreign operations, including goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on acquisition, are
translated to Euro at exchange rates at the reporting date.  The income and expenses of foreign operations, excluding
foreign operations in hyperinflationary economies, are translated to Euro at exchange rates at the dates of the
The income and expenses of foreign operations in hyperinflationary economies are translated to Euro at the exchange rate at
the reporting date.  Prior to translating the financial statements of foreign operations in hyperinflationary economies,
their financial statements for the current period are restated to account for changes in the general purchasing power of
the local currency.  The restatement is based on relevant price indices at the reporting date. 
Foreign currency differences are recognised directly in equity in the foreign currency translation reserve. When a foreign
operation is disposed of, in part or in full, the relevant amount in the foreign currency translation reserve is
transferred to profit or loss. 
5.29 Segment reporting 
A segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged either in providing products or services (operating
segment), or in providing products or services within a particular economic environment (geographical segment), which is
subject to risks and rewards that are different from those of other segments. Segment results that are reported to the
Group's chief operating decision maker include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be
allocated on a reasonable basis. 
5.30 Earnings per share 
The Group presents basic and diluted (if applicable) earnings per share ('EPS') data for its shares. Basic EPS is
calculated by dividing the profit or loss attributable to shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of
shares outstanding during the period. Diluted EPS is determined by adjusting the profit or loss attributable to
shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding for the effects of all dilutive potential shares. 
5.31 NAV per share 
The Group presents NAV per share by dividing the total equity attributable to owners of the Company by the number of shares
outstanding as at the statement of financial position date. 
5.32 Taxation 
Taxation comprises current and deferred tax. Taxation is recognised in profit or loss, except to the extent that it relates
to items recognised directly in equity, in which case it is recognised in equity. 
Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the year, using tax rates enacted or substantially
enacted at the statement of financial position date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years. 
Deferred tax is recognised using the statement of financial position method, providing for temporary differences between
the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes.
Deferred tax is not recognised for the following temporary differences: the initial recognition of assets or liabilities in
a transaction that is not a business combination and that affects neither accounting nor taxable profit, and differences
relating to investments in subsidiaries and jointly controlled entities to the extent that it is probable that they will
not reverse in the foreseeable future. In addition, deferred tax is not recognised for taxable temporary differences
arising on the initial recognition of goodwill. Deferred tax is measured at the tax rates that are expected to be applied
to the temporary differences when they reverse, based on the laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the
reporting date. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset if there is a legally enforceable right to offset current
tax liabilities and assets, and they relate to income taxes levied by the same tax authority on the same taxable entity, or
on different tax entities, but they intend to settle current tax liabilities and assets on a net basis or their tax assets
and liabilities will be realised simultaneously. 
A deferred tax asset is recognised for unused tax losses, tax credits and deductible temporary differences to the extent
that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which the temporary difference can be utilised.
Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that
the related tax benefit will be realised. 
In determining the amount of current and deferred tax, the Group takes into account the impact of uncertain tax positions
and whether additional taxes and interest may be due.  This assessment relies on estimates and assumptions and may involve
a series of judgements about future events. New information may become available that causes the Group to change its
judgement regarding the adequacy of existing tax liabilities; such changes to the tax liabilities will impact tax expense
in the period that such a determination is made. 
5.33 Government grants 
Government grants are recognised when there is reasonable assurance that the Group will comply with the conditions
attaching to them and that the grants will be received.  Government grants related to non-current assets are recognised as
deferred income that is recognised in profit or loss on a systematic basis over the useful life of the asset.  Government
grants that relate to expenses are recognised in profit or loss as revenue. 
5.34 Comparatives 
Where necessary, comparative figures have been adjusted to conform to changes in presentation in the current year. 
6.      revenue 
                                            From 1 January 2016to 31 December 2016  From 1 January 2015to 31 December 2015  
                                            Continuing operations                   Discontinued operation                  Total   Continuing operations  Discontinued operation  Total       
                                                                                                                                    (Restated)             (Restated)              (Restated)  
                                            E'000                                   E'000                                   E'000   E'000                  E'000                   E'000       
 Income from hotel operations               11,498                                  4,354                                   15,852  10,291                 524                     10,815      
 Income from operation of golf courses      -                                       126                                     126     -                      155                     155         
 Income from construction contracts         -                                       1,032                                   1,032   2,273                  3,427                   5,700       
 Sale of trading and investment properties  6,223                                   3,614                                   9,837   34,629                 -                       34,629      
 Rental income                              56                                      -                                       56      329                    -                       329         
 Other income                               371                                     1,478                                   1,849   158                    120                     278         
 Total                                      18,148                                  10,604                                  28,752  47,680                 4,226                   51,906      
7.      COST OF SALES 
                                             From 1 January 2016to 31 December 2016  From 1 January 2015to 31 December 2015  
                                             Continuing operations                   Discontinued operation                  Total   Continuing operations  Discontinued operation  Total       
                                                                                                                                     (Restated)             (Restated)              (Restated)  
                                             E'000                                   E'000                                   E'000   E'000                  E'000                   E'000       
 Cost of sales related to:                                                                                                                                                                      
 Hotel operations                            4,046                                   2,145                                   6,191   3,513                  484                     3,997       
 Golf course operations                      -                                       144                                     144     -                      470                     470         
 Construction contracts                      -                                       -                                       -       2,486                  661                     3,147       
 Sales of trading and investment properties  5,257                                   1,735                                   6,992   29,926                 -                       29,926      
 Commission to agents and other              384                                     -                                       384     358                    -                       358         
 Electricity and fuel                        97                                      10                                      107     80                     227                     307         
 Personnel expenses (see below)              5,592                                   3,500                                   9,092   5,508                  3,467                   8,975       
 Branding management fees                    1,585                                   661                                     2,246   3,552                  -                       3,552       
 Other operating expenses                    396                                     25                                      421     1,356                  320                     1,676       
 Total                                       17,357                                  8,220                                   25,577  46,779                 5,629                   52,408      
Personnel expenses 
Continuing operations 
                                                                            From 1 January 2016to 31 December 2016  
                                                                            Hotel & leisure operations              Project maintenance & development  Total  
                                                                            E'000                                   E'000                              E'000  
 Wages and salaries                                                         3,858                                   493                                4,351  
 Compulsory social security contributions                                   948                                     103                                1,051  
 Other personnel costs                                                      167                                     23                                 190    
 Total                                                                      4,973                                   619                                5,592  
 The average number of employees employed by the Group during the year was  172                                     25                                 197    
Discontinued operation 
                                                                            From 1 January 2016to 31 December 2016  
                                                                            Hotel & leisure operations              Project maintenance & development  Total  
                                                                            E'000                                   E'000                              E'000  
 Wages and salaries                                                         842                                     1,514                              2,356  
 Compulsory social security contributions                                   95                                      559                                654    
 Other personnel costs                                                      367                                     123                                490    
 Total                                                                      1,304                                   2,196                              3,500  
 The average number of employees employed by the Group during the year was  134                                     104                                238    
Continuing operations 
                                                                            From 1 January 2015to 31 December 2015  
                                                                            Hotel & leisure operations              Project maintenance & development  Total       Construction in progress  
                                                                            (Restated)                              (Restated)                         (Restated)  (Restated)                
                                                                            E'000                                   E'000                              E'000       E'000                     
 Wages and salaries                                                         3,369                                   772                                4,141       74                        
 Compulsory social security contributions                                   832                                     160                                992         3                         
 Contributions to defined contribution plans                                -                                       29                                 29          -                         
 Other personnel costs                                                      155                                     191                                346         -                         
 Total                                                                      4,356                                   1,152                              5,508       77                        
 The average number of employees employed by the Group during the year was  140                                     37                                 177         2                         
Discontinued operation 
                                                                            From 1 January 2015to 31 December 2015  
                                                                            Hotel & leisure operations              Project maintenance & development  Total       Construction in progress  
                                                                            (Restated)                              (Restated)                         (Restated)  (Restated)                
                                                                            E'000                                   E'000                              E'000       E'000                     
 Wages and salaries                                                         541                                     1,710                              2,251       -                         
 Compulsory social security contributions                                   59                                      640                                699         -                         
 Contributions to defined contribution plans                                -                                       -                                  -           -                         
 Other personnel costs                                                      267                                     250                                517         -                         
 Total                                                                      867                                     2,600                              3,467       -                         
 The average number of employees employed by the Group during the year was  89                                      120                                209         -                         
Personnel expenses in relation to operating expenses are expensed as incurred in profit or loss. Personnel expenses in
relation to construction in progress are capitalised on the specific projects and transferred to profit or loss through
cost of sales when the specific property is disposed of. 
                                                                     From 1 January 2016to 31 December 2016  From 1 January 2015to 31 December 2015  
                                                               Note  Continuing operations                   Discontinued operation                  Total     Continuing operations  Discontinued operation  Total       
                                                                                                                                                               (Restated)             (Restated)              (Restated)  
                                                                     E'000                                   E'000                                   E'000     E'000                  E'000                   E'000       
 Gain/(loss) on disposal of investment in subsidiaries         33    634                                     (24,566)                                (23,932)  823                    -                       823         
 Gain on disposal of investment in equity-accounted investees  21    151                                     -                                       151       -                      -                       -           
 Total                                                               785                                     (24,566)                                (23,781)  823                    -                       823         
                                                                                      From 1 January 2016to 31 December 2016  From 1 January 2015to 31 December 2015  
                                                                                Note  Continuing operations                   Discontinued operation                  Total      Continuing operations  Discontinued operation  Total       
                                                                                                                                                                                 (Restated)             (Restated)              (Restated)  
                                                                                      E'000                                   E'000                                   E'000      E'000                  E'000                   E'000       
 Net change in fair value of investment property                                17    (22,126)                                (42,458)                                (64,584)   (53,163)               8,116                   (45,047)    
 Impairment loss on trading properties                                          19    (724)                                   -                                       (724)      (3,431)                -                       (3,431)     
 Impairment loss on re-measurement of disposal groups                           18    (4,197)                                 -                                       (4,197)    (763)                  -                       (763)       
 Impairment loss on equity-accounted investees                                  21    (109,265)                               -                                       (109,265)  -                      -                       -           
 Impairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets                         20    -                                       (995)                                   (995)      -                      -                       -           
 Reversal of (impairment loss) and write offs of property, plant and equipment  16    92                                      -                                       92         (1,898)                (13,349)                (15,247)    
 Concession/write off of land                                                         (292)                                   -                                       (292)      (2,607)                -                       (2,607)     
 Total                                                                                (136,512)                               (43,453)                                (179,965)  (61,862)               (5,233)                 (67,095)    
Operating segments 
The Group has two reportable operating segments, the 'Hotel & leisure operations' and 'Construction & development'
segments. Information related to each operational reportable segment is set out below.  Segment profit/(loss) before tax is
used to measure performance as management believes such information is the most relevant in evaluating the results of the
respective segments relative to other entities that operate in the same industries. 
                                                                                Hotel & leisure operations  Construction & development  Other                  Reportable segments' totals  
                                                                                Continuing operations       Discontinued operation      Continuing operations  Discontinued operation       Continuing operations  Discontinued operation  Continuing operations  Discontinued operation  
                                                                                E'000                       E'000                       E'000                  E'000                        E'000                  E'000                   E'000                  E'000                   
 31 December 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
 Revenue                                                                        11,498                      4,480                       6,237                  6,038                        413                    86                      18,148                 10,604                  
 Cost of sales                                                                  (10,458)                    (4,254)                     (6,273)                (3,933)                      (626)                  (33)                    (17,357)               (8,220)                 
 Investment Manager remuneration                                                -                           -                           -                      -                            (11,406)               -                       (11,406)               -                       
 Directors' remuneration                                                        -                           -                           -                      -                            (1,509)                -                       (1,509)                -                       
 Depreciation charge                                                            (2,269)                     (117)                       (15)                   (379)                        -                      -                       (2,284)                (496)                   
 Professional fees                                                              -                           -                           (210)                  (1,920)                      (5,270)                (118)                   (5,480)                (2,038)                 
 Administrative and other expenses                                              -                           -                           (234)                  (1,003)                      (1,998)                (504)                   (2,232)                (1,507)                 
 Gain/(loss) on disposal of investments in subsidiaries                         -                           (24,566)                    (563)                  -                            1,197                  -                       634                    (24,566)                
 Gain on disposal of investments in equity-accounted investees                  -                           -                           151                    -                            -                      -                       151                    -                       
 Net change in fair value of investment property                                -                           -                           -                      -                            (22,126)               (42,458)                (22,126)               (42,458)                
 Ιmpairment loss on trading properties                                          -                           -                           (724)                  -                            -                      -                       (724)                  -                       
 Impairment loss on re-measurement of disposal groups                           (666)                       -                           (1,496)                -                            (2,035)                -                       (4,197)                -                       
 Ιmpairment loss on equity accounted investees                                  -                           -                           (109,265)              -                            -                      -                       (109,265)              -                       
 Ιmpairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets                         -                           -                           -                      -                            -                      (995)                                          (995)                   
 Reversal of (impairment loss) and write offs of property, plant and equipment  238                         -                           -                      -                            (146)                  -                       92                     -                       
 Concession/write off of land                                                   -                           -                           -                      -                            (292)                  -                       (292)                  -                       
 Results from operating activities                                              (1,657)                     (24,457)                    (112,392)              (1,197)                      (43,798)               (44,022)                (157,847)              (69,676)                
 Finance income                                                                 -                           -                           -                      -                            29                     13,557                  29                     13,557                  
 Finance costs                                                                  (2,903)                     -                           (3,007)                (2,399)                      (9,189)                (23)                    (15,099)               (2,422)                 
 Net finance (costs)/income                                                     (2,903)                     -                           (3,007)                (2,399)                      (9,160)                13,534                  (15,070)               11,135                  
 Share of losses on equity-accounted investees, net of tax                      -                           -                           (34,389)               -                            -                      -                       (34,389)               -                       
 Loss before taxation                                                           (4,560)                     (24,457)                    (149,788)              (3,596)                      (52,958)               (30,488)                (207,306)              (58,541)                
 Taxation                                                                       -                           -                           (1,546)                1,273                        5,130                  -                       3,584                  1,273                   
 Loss                                                                           (4,560)                     (24,457)                    (151,334)              (2,323)                      (47,828)               (30,488)                (203,722)              (57,268)                
                                                                  Hotel & leisure operations  Construction & development  Other                  Reportable segments' totals  
                                                                  Continuing operations       Discontinued operation      Continuing operations  Discontinued operation       Continuing operations  Discontinued operation  Continuing operations  Discontinued operation  
                                                                  E'000                       E'000                       E'000                  E'000                        E'000                  E'000                   E'000                  E'000                   
 31 December 2015 (Restated)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
 Revenue                                                          10,291                      679                         37,223                 3,427                        166                    120                     47,680                 4,226                   
 Cost of sales                                                    (8,959)                     (1,821)                     (35,971)               (3,339)                      (1,849)                (469)                   (46,779)               (5,629)                 
 Investment Manager remuneration                                  -                           -                           -                      -                            (13,128)               -                       (13,128)               -                       
 Directors' remuneration                                          -                           -                           -                      -                            (904)                  -                       (904)                  -                       
 Depreciation charge                                              (2,227)                     (238)                       (14)                   -                            -                      (440)                   (2,241)                (678)                   
 Professional fees                                                -                           -                           (981)                  (1,772)                      (3,892)                (1,519)                 (4,873)                (3,291)                 
 Administrative and other expenses                                -                           -                           (2,258)                -                            (2,874)                (968)                   (5,132)                (968)                   
 Gain on disposal of investments in subsidiaries                  -                           -                           823                    -                            -                      -                       823                    -                       
 Net change in fair value of investment property                  -                           -                           -                      -                            (53,163)               8,116                   (53,163)               8,116                   
 Impairment loss on trading properties                            -                           -                           (3,431)                -                            -                      -                       (3,431)                -                       
 Impairment loss on measurement of disposal groups                (76)                        -                           -                      -                            (687)                  -                       (763)                  -                       
 Impairment loss and write offs of property, plant and equipment  (1,113)                     (13,349)                    -                      -                            (785)                  -                       (1,898)                (13,349)                
 Concession/write off of land                                     -                           -                           (2,607)                -                            -                      -                       (2,607)                -                       
 Results from operating activities                                (2,084)                     (14,729)                    (7,216)                (1,684)                      (77,116)               4,840                   (86,416)               (11,573)                
 Finance income                                                   1                           -                           -                      1                            86                     18                      87                     19                      
 Finance costs                                                    (2,682)                     -                           (1,750)                (2,868)                      (13,299)               (256)                   (17,731)               (3,124)                 
 Net finance costs                                                (2,681)                     -                           (1,750)                (2,867)                      (13,213)               (238)                   (17,644)               (3,105)                 
 Share of profit on equity-accounted investees, net of tax        (1,011)                     -                           (43,542)               -                            -                      -                       (44,553)               -                       
 Loss before taxation                                             (5,776)                     (14,729)                    (52,508)               (4,551)                      (90,329)               4,602                   (148,613)              (14,678)                
 Taxation                                                         -                           -                           633                    -                            14,726                 (63)                    15,359                 (63)                    
 Loss                                                             (5,776)                     (14,729)                    (51,875)               (4,551)                      (75,603)               4,539                   (133,254)              (14,741)                
Geographical segments 
Information in relation to the geographical regions in which the Group operates, is set below: 
                                                            Americas1(Discontinued)E'000  South-East Europe2  Other3E'000  Reportable segment totalsE'000  Adjustments4 E'000  ConsolidatedtotalsE'000  
 31 December 2016                                                                                             
 Property, plant and equipment                              -                             87,647              -            87,647                          -                   87,647                     
 Investment property                                        -                             176,548             -            176,548                         -                   176,548                    
 Trading properties                                         -                             29,763              -            29,763                          -                   29,763                     
 Cash and cash equivalents                                  -                             3,415               1,283        4,698                           -                   4,698                      
 Assets held for sale                                       55,909                        106,526             -            162,435                         -                   162,435                    
 Intra-group debit balances                                 15,277                        51,899              589,489      656,665                         (656,665)           -                          
 Other assets                                               -                             4,681               316          4,997                           -                   4,997                      
 Total assets                                               71,186                        460,479             591,088      1,122,753                       (656,665)           466,088                    
 Loans and borrowings                                       -                             92,270              -            92,270                          -                   92,270                     
 Finance lease liabilities                                  -                             2,982               -            2,982                           -                   2,982                      
 Deferred tax liabilities                                   -                             24,255              -            24,255                          -                   24,255                     
 Liabilities held for sale                                  10,800                        16,397              -            27,197                          -                   27,197                     
 Intra-group credit balances                                170,031                       425,771             60,863       656,665                         (656,665)           -                          
 Other liabilities                                          -                             64,678              2,826        67,504                          -                   67,504                     
 Total liabilities                                          180,831                       626,353             63,689       870,873                         (656,665)           214,208                    
 Revenue                                                    -                             18,148              -            18,148                          -                   18,148                     
 Cost of sales                                              -                             (17,357)            -            (17,357)                        -                   (17,357)                   
 Disposal of investments                                    -                             785                 -            785                             -                   785                        
 Change in valuations                                       -                             (136,512)           -            (136,512)                       -                   (136,512)                  
 Share of losses on equity-accounted investees, net of tax  -                             (34,389)            -            (34,389)                        -                   (34,389)                   
 Investment Manager remuneration                            -                             (1,390)             (10,016)     (11,406)                        -                   (11,406)                   
 Other operating expenses                                   -                             (6,172)             (5,333)      (11,505)                        -                   (11,505)                   
 Net finance cost                                           -                             (11,466)            (3,604)      (15,070)                        -                   (15,070)                   
 Loss before taxation                                       -                             (188,353)           (18,953)     (207,306)                       -                   (207,306)                  
 Taxation                                                   -                             3,584               -            3,584                           -                   3,584                      
 Loss from continuing operations                            -                             (184,769)           (18,953)     (203,722)                       -                   (203,722)                  
 Loss from discontinued operation, net of tax               (57,268)                      -                   -            (57,268)                        -                   (57,268)                   
 Loss                                                       (57,268)                      (184,769)           (18,953)     (260,990)                       -                   (260,990)                  
                                                            Americas1(Discontinued)E'000  South-East Europe2  Other3E'000  Reportable segment totalsE'000  Adjustments4 E'000  ConsolidatedtotalsE'000  
 31 December 2015 (Restated)                                                                                                                                                                            
 Property, plant and equipment                              102,920                       84,095              -            187,015                         -                   187,015                  
 Investment property                                        141,906                       198,947             -            340,853                         -                   340,853                  
 Trading properties                                         2,052                         35,335              -            37,387                          -                   37,387                   
 Equity-accounted investees                                 -                             188,637             -            188,637                         -                   188,637                  
 Available-for-sale financial assets                        2,201                         -                   -            2,201                           -                   2,201                    
 Cash and cash equivalents                                  2,117                         6,218               33,655       41,990                          -                   41,990                   
 Assets held for sale                                       -                             70,240              -            70,240                          -                   70,240                   
 Intra-group debit balances                                 14,195                        291,448             555,516      861,159                         (861,159)           -                        
 Other assets                                               3,141                         13,195              841          17,177                          -                   17,177                   
 Total assets                                               268,532                       888,115             590,012      1,746,659                       (861,159)           885,500                  
 Loans and borrowings                                       57,550                        92,395              73,735       223,680                         -                   223,680                  
 Finance lease liabilities                                  28                            3,005               -            3,033                           -                   3,033                    
 Deferred tax liabilities                                   2,432                         27,697              -            30,129                          -                   30,129                   
 Liabilities held for sale                                  -                             18,125              -            18,125                          -                   18,125                   
 Intra-group credit balances                                144,154                       417,371             299,634      861,159                         (861,159)           -                        
 Other liabilities                                          27,865                        65,260              880          94,005                          -                   94,005                   
 Total liabilities                                          232,029                       623,853             374,249      1,230,131                       (861,159)           368,972                  
 Revenue                                                    -                             47,680              -            47,680                          -                   47,680                   
 Cost of sales                                              -                             (46,779)            -            (46,779)                        -                   (46,779)                 
 Disposal of investments                                    -                             823                 -            823                             -                   823                      
 Change in valuations                                       -                             (61,862)            -            (61,862)                        -                   (61,862)                 
 Share of losses on equity-accounted investees, net of tax  -                             (44,553)            -            (44,553)                        -                   (44,553)                 
 Investment Manager remuneration                            -                             (2,032)             (11,096)     (13,128)                        -                   (13,128)                 
 Other operating expenses                                   -                             (8,888)             (4,262)      (13,150)                        -                   (13,150)                 
 Net finance costs                                          -                             (12,826)            (4,818)      (17,644)                        -                   (17,644)                 
 Loss before taxation                                       -                             (128,437)           (20,176)     (148,613)                       -                   (148,613)                
 Taxation                                                   -                             15,359              -            15,359                          -                   15,359                   
 Loss from continuing operations                            -                             (113,078)           (20,176)     (133,254)                       -                   (133,254)                
 Loss from discontinued operation, net of tax               (14,741)                      -                   -            (14,741)                        -                   (14,741)                 
 Loss                                                       (14,741)                      (113,078)           (20,176)     (147,995)                       -                   (147,995)                
1      Americas comprises the Group's activities in the Dominican Republic and the Republic of Panama. Also, includes the
investment in Itacare Capital Investments Ltd ('Itacare') (see note 20). 
2      South-East Europe comprises the Group's activities in Cyprus, Greece, Croatia and Turkey. 
3      Other comprises the parent company, Dolphin Capital Investors Limited. 
4      Adjustments consist of intra-group eliminations. 
Country risk developments 
The general economic environment prevailing in the south-east Europe area and internationally may affect the Group's
operations. Factors such as inflation, unemployment, public health crises, international trade and development of the gross
domestic product directly impact to the economy of each country and variation in these and the economic environment in
general affect the Group's performance to a certain extent. 
The global fundamentals of the sector remained strong during 2016, with both international tourism and wealth continuing to
grow, even though economic activity in two of the Group's primary markets, Greece and Cyprus, continued to face significant
challenges. The business climate is steadily improving in Cyprus, assisted by the legislative reforms implemented during
the last two years by the Cypriot Government. 
After the escalation of the sovereign debt crisis in Greece in mid-2012 and further in mid-June 2015, when capital controls
were imposed and the banking system was closed for more than two weeks, on 15 July 2015, the Greek parliament ratified
legislation of reforms that the Greek Government needed to implement in order to unlock a fresh E82 billion to E86 billion
bail-out package. The conclusion of this agreement and its implementation by the Greek Government so far is expected to
restore the sustainability of the Greek economy on a long term basis. Throughout 2016 the Greek economic growth has been
essentially flat. However, the tourism sector has continued to outperform with official data released by the Greek Tourism
Confederation confirming that 2016 was an all-time record year for Greek tourism as the number of tourism arrivals in
Greece increased 9% compared to 2015. 
The outlook to 2017 remains positive and 2017 tourism revenues are expected to reach E14.5 billion (US$15.36 billion)
compared to E13.2 billion (US$13.99 billion) in 2016. 
Cyprus successfully concluded its three-year European Stability Mechanism ('ESM') financial assistance programme on 31
March 2016. The ESM disbursed E6.3 billion, in addition to around E1 billion in loans from the IMF, out of a loan package
of up to E10 billion. The Cypriot authorities did not need the remaining E2.7 billion. 
The latest available data for the tourism industry highlighted, once again, that tourism was amongst one of the key
catalysts to the country's 2016 economic performance, as revenues reached E2.4 billion at the end of the year surpassing
the total tourism revenues recorded throughout 2015 (E2.1 million) by 11.9%. Total arrivals amounted to 3.2 million in 2016
versus 2.7 million in the previous year. Cyprus expects to hit another record number of tourists during 2017, with visits
to the east Mediterranean island expected to increase 5% over last year. 
Significant value is also estimated to be unlocked through the expected zoning of DCI's Apollo Heights Resort, following
the agreement reached by the Cypriot and UK governments to permit development of such projects falling within the Sovereign
British Areas. 
In 2016, the Group sold Playa Grande (owner of 'Amanera, Dominican Republic'), and Group's management committed to a plan
to sell Pearl (owner of 'Pearl Island, Republic of Panama').  Playa and Pearl constitute the operations of the Group in the
geographical area of Americas which are presented as a discontinued operation.  Pearl group is also classified as a
disposal group held for sale. 
Americas segment was not previously classified as held for sale or as a discontinued operation.  The comparative
consolidated statement of profit or loss and other comprehensive income has been restated to 

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