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REG - Leverage Shares PLC - Notice of Exposure Maintenance Fee

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RNS Number : 1587T  Leverage Shares PLC  13 January 2025


Leverage Shares plc


13 January 2025


If you have recently sold or otherwise transferred your entire holding(s) of
ETP Securities referred to below, you should immediately forward this notice
to the purchaser or transferee or to the stockbroker, bank or other agent
through whom the sale or transfer was effected for transmission to the
purchaser or transferee.

Notice to ETP Securityholders of the series of ETP Securities listed in the
schedule thereto (the "Relevant Series")


Capitalised terms used, but not defined, in this notice shall have the meaning
given thereto in the Amended and Restated Master Definitions Schedule dated 17
July 2024 in relation to the Issuer's collateralised exchange traded
securities programme.

The Issuer hereby gives notice that with effect from 20 January 2025, the
Funding and Brokerage Fees which are taken into account in calculating the ETP
Security Value of each of the Relevant Series may include all fees, costs and
expenses which may be incurred by the Issuer in entering into transactions or
instruments, acquiring assets or otherwise engaging  in activities which the
Issuer considers prudent,  appropriate or otherwise desirable for the
maintenance of the integrity of the Programme including maintaining its access
to sufficient leverage for the operation of the Programme and maintaining the
exposure and leverage levels for each of the Relevant Series (the "Exposure
Maintenance Fees").

The Exposure Maintenance Fees shall be calculated by either the Portfolio
Administrator or any other party appointed to calculate such fees by the
Issuer. Where an Exposure Maintenance Fee is charged by the Issuer with
respect to a Relevant Series, such fee will be disclosed on the Issuer's
website www.leverageshares.com (http://www.leverageshares.com) .

The Issuer notes that risk factor 1.5 as set out in the Base Prospectus
provides as follows:

"The fees that are taken into account in calculating the ETP Security Value in
respect of a Series on any Valuation Date may be varied upon the Issuer giving
notice to the ETP Securityholders. Potential investors should note that the
Issuer is not required to consider the interests of the ETP Securityholders in
making any such variation. Any increase in fees would negatively impact the
return for ETP Securityholders."



Yours sincerely


The Directors

Leverage Shares plc























































 Series of ETP Securities                                                   ISIN
 Vanilla Global Balanced ETP                                                XS2944878912
 Leverage Shares 3x Long MicroStrategy (MSTR) ETP                           XS2901882618
 Leverage Shares -3x Short MicroStrategy (MSTR) ETP                         XS2901884077
 IncomeShares Amazon (AMZN) Options ETP                                     XS2901884408
 IncomeShares Apple (AAPL) Options ETP                                      XS2901884663
 IncomeShares Alphabet (GOOG) Options ETP                                   XS2901885041
 IncomeShares META Options ETP                                              XS2901885553
 IncomeShares Microsoft (MSFT) Options ETP                                  XS2901886288
 IncomeShares Coinbase (COIN) Options ETP                                   XS2901886445
 IncomeShares Nasdaq 100 Options (0DTE) ETP                                 XS2875105608
 IncomeShares S&P500 Options (0DTE) ETP                                     XS2875106242
 IncomeShares Tesla (TSLA) Options ETP                                      XS2852999429
 IncomeShares NVIDIA (NVDA) Options ETP                                     XS2852999692
 IncomeShares Gold+ Yield ETP                                               XS2852999775
 Leverage Shares 4x Long Semiconductors ETP Securities                      XS2779861082
 Leverage Shares -4x Short Semiconductors ETP Securities                    XS2779861165
 Leverage Shares 5x Long Magnificent 7 ETP Securities                       XS2779861249
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Magnificent 7 ETP Securities                     XS2779861595
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Artificial Intelligence (AI) ETP Securities        XS2779861751
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Artificial Intelligence (AI) ETP Securities      XS2779861835
 Leverage Shares 3x Long IONQ ETP Securities                                XS2779862056
 Leverage Shares 2x Long Super Micro Computer (SMCI) ETP Securities         XS2779863021
 Vanilla Blue Chip Portfolio ETP                                            XS2788042245
 LS Copper ETC                                                              XS2702787875
 Leverage Shares 3x Long ARM ETP Securities                                 XS2691006303
 Leverage Shares 3x Long UBS ETP Securities                                 XS2691035823
 Leverage Shares -3x Short UBS ETP Securities                               XS2691036805
 LS Brent Oil ETC                                                           XS2691037282
 LS WTI Oil ETC                                                             XS2691037878
 LS Natural Gas ETC                                                         XS2691038843
 Cordillera Core Balanced Strategy ETP                                      XS2665005059
 Buffettique Growth ETP                                                     XS2583354498
 Leverage Shares 5x Long TIPS Inflation Protected US Bond ETP Securities    XS2595670501
 Leverage Shares -5x Short TIPS Inflation Protected US Bond ETP Securities  XS2595671657
 Leverage Shares 5x Long 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETP Securities             XS2595671814
 Leverage Shares -5x Short 7-10 Year Treasury Bond ETP Securities           XS2595671905
 Leverage Shares 5x Long 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETP Securities              XS2595672036
 Leverage Shares -5x Short 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETP Securities            XS2595672382
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Coinbase (COIN) ETP Securities                   XS2854992240
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Exxon (XOM) ETP Securities                         XS2595672549
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Exxon (XOM) ETP Securities                       XS2595672895
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Ferrari (RACE) ETP Securities                      XS2595673190
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Ferrari (RACE) ETP Securities                    XS2595673786
 Leverage Shares 3x Long India ETP Securities                               XS2595675302
 Leverage Shares -3x Short India ETP Securities                             XS2595675567
 LS Short Volatility Long Tech ETP                                          XS2595675641
 LS FAANG+ ETP                                                              XS2595675724
 Wahed FTSE USA Shariah ETP                                                 XS2545629631
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Gold ETP Securities                                XS2472195101
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Gold ETP Securities                              XS2472195283
 Leverage Shares 2x Long WTI Oil ETP Securities                             XS2472195366
 Leverage Shares -2x Short WTI Oil ETP Securities                           XS2472195440
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Silver ETP Securities                              XS2472195952
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Silver ETP Securities                            XS2472196174
 Leverage Shares 3x Long South Korea ETP Securities                         XS2472196257
 Leverage Shares -3x Short South Korea ETP Securities                       XS2472196331
 Leverage Shares 3x Long China ETP Securities                               XS2472196414
 Leverage Shares -3x Short China ETP Securities                             XS2472196505
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Taiwan ETP Securities                              XS2472196687
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Taiwan ETP Securities                            XS2472196760
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Japan ETP Securities                               XS2472196844
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Japan ETP Securities                             XS2472196927
 Leverage Shares 3x Long US Tech 100 ETP Securities                         XS2472197065
 Leverage Shares 3x Long US 500 ETP Securities                              XS2472197149
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Germany 40 ETP Securities                          XS2472331995
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Germany 40 ETP Securities                        XS2472332290
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Mercedes Benz (MBG) ETP Securities                 XS2472333348
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Microsoft (MSFT) ETP Securities                  XS2472334239
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Amazon (AMZN) ETP Securities                     XS2472334312
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Facebook (META) ETP Securities                   XS2800709557
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Alibaba (BABA) ETP Securities                    XS2472334585
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Apple (AAPL) ETP Securities                      XS2472334742
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Alphabet (GOOG) ETP Securities                   XS2472335046
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Nvidia (NVDA) ETP Securities                     XS2706225427
 Kronos Strategy ETP                                                        XS2338070365
 Leverage Shares 5x Long Nasdaq 100 ETP Securities                          XS2399364152
 Leverage Shares -5x Short Nasdaq 100 ETP Securities                        XS2399364319
 Leverage Shares 5x Long S&P 500 ETP Securities                             XS2399364582
 Leverage Shares -5x Short S&P 500 ETP Securities                           XS2399364665
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Total World ETP Securities                         XS2399364822
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM) ETP Securities          XS2399365043
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Taiwan Semiconductor (TSM) ETP Securities        XS2399365399
 Leverage Shares 3x Long NIO ETP Securities                                 XS2663694417
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Moderna (MRNA) ETP Securities                      XS2675718725
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Coinbase (COIN) ETP Securities                     XS2399367254
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Semiconductors ETP Securities                      XS2399367502
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Semiconductors ETP Securities                    XS2399367684
 LS ARK Genomic Revolution Tracker ETP                                      XS2399368062
 LS ARK NextGen Internet Tracker ETP                                        XS2399368575
 Leverage Shares 3x Long ARK Innovation ETP Securities                      XS2663694847
 Leverage Shares -3x Short ARK Innovation ETP Securities                    XS2399368906
 LS ARK Innovation Tracker ETP                                              XS2399369037
 Leverage Shares 2x Long Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B) ETP Securities          XS2399369110
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Financials ETP Securities                          XS2399369540
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Financials ETP Securities                        XS2399369623
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Gold Miners ETP Securities                         XS2399369896
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Gold Miners ETP Securities                       XS2399369979
 Leverage Shares 3x Long China Tech ETP Securities                          XS2800709128
 Leverage Shares 3x Long Oil & Gas ETP Securities                           XS2399370555
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Oil & Gas ETP Securities                         XS2399370803
 Leverage Shares 3x Airbnb ETP Securities                                   XS2336344762
 Leverage Shares 3x Disney ETP Securities                                   XS2335553801
 Leverage Shares -1x Short Disney ETP Securities                            XS2337085422
 Leverage Shares 3x Palantir ETP Securities                                 XS2663694680
 Leverage Shares -1x Short Palantir ETP Securities                          XS2337086669
 Leverage Shares 3x JD.Com ETP Securities                                   XS2675718642
 Leverage Shares -1x Short JD.Com ETP Securities                            XS2337087980
 Leverage Shares -3x Short Tesla ETP Securities                             XS2706232803
 Leverage Shares 3x Baidu ETP Securities                                    XS2757381749
 Leverage Shares -1x Short Baidu ETP Securities                             XS2337093525
 LS 1x Tesla Tracker ETP                                                    XS2337093798
 LS 1x Amazon Tracker ETP                                                   XS2337104231
 LS 1x Microsoft Tracker ETP                                                XS2337100320
 LS 1x Alphabet Tracker ETP                                                 XS2337100163
 LS 1x Coinbase Tracker ETP                                                 XS2338070282
 Leverage Shares 3x AMD ETP Securities                                      XS2337090422
 Leverage Shares 3x Alibaba ETP Securities                                  XS2337090851
 Leverage Shares 3x UBER ETP Securities                                     XS2337092550
 Leverage Shares 3x Tesla ETP Securities                                    XS2757381400
 Leverage Shares -2x Short Tesla ETP Securities                             XS2706221277
 Leverage Shares 3x PayPal ETP Securities                                   XS2663695067
 Leverage Shares -1x Short PayPal ETP Securities                            XS2297550308
 Leverage Shares 3x Boeing ETP Securities                                   XS2297551371
 Leverage Shares -1x Short Boeing ETP Securities                            XS2297551454
 Leverage Shares 3x Square ETP Securities                                   XS2675718139
 Leverage Shares -1x Short Square ETP Securities                            XS2297552932
 Leverage Shares -1x Short Goldman Sachs ETP Securities                     XS2297553153
 Leverage Shares -1x Short JPMorgan ETP Securities                          XS2297593456
 Leverage Shares 3x BP ETP Securities                                       XS2297636107
 Leverage Shares 3x Amazon ETP Securities                                   IE00BK5BZQ82
 Leverage Shares 3x NVIDIA ETP Securities                                   XS2820604770
 Leverage Shares 3x Apple ETP Securities                                    IE00BK5BZS07
 Leverage Shares 3x Salesforce.Com ETP Securities                           IE00BK5BZT14
 Leverage Shares 3x Microsoft ETP Securities                                IE00BK5BZV36
 Leverage Shares 3x Facebook ETP Securities                                 IE00BK5C1B80
 Leverage Shares 3x Netflix ETP Securities                                  XS2675739135
 Leverage Shares 3x Alphabet ETP Securities                                 IE00BK5BZX59
 Leverage Shares 2x Alibaba ETP Securities                                  IE00BK5C1C97
 Leverage Shares 2x Tesla ETP Securities                                    IE00BK5BZY66
 Leverage Shares 2x Micron Technology ETP Securities                        IE00BKT66K01
 Leverage Shares 2x Advanced Micro Devices ETP Securities                   IE00BKT6ZG93
 Leverage Shares -1x Tesla ETP Securities                                   IE00BKT6ZH01
 Leverage Shares -1x Advanced Micro Devices ETP Securities                  IE00BKT66Q62
 Leverage Shares -1x Uber ETP Securities                                    IE00BKT66R79
 Leverage Shares -1x NVIDIA ETP Securities                                  IE00BKTW5674
 Leverage Shares -1x Apple ETP Securities                                   IE00BKTWZ451
 Leverage Shares -1x Microsoft ETP Securities                               IE00BKTW9M13
 Leverage Shares -1x Netflix ETP Securities                                 IE00BKTWZ782
 Leverage Shares -1x Alphabet ETP Securities                                IE00BKTW9N20
 Leverage Shares 2x Microsoft ETP Securities                                XS2820605314
 Leverage Shares 2x Facebook ETP Securities                                 IE00BF03XP94
 Leverage Shares 2x Visa ETP Securities                                     IE00BD09ZV33
 Leverage Shares 2x Apple ETP Securities                                    XS2820605157
 Leverage Shares 2x Netflix ETP Securities                                  IE00BD09ZW40
 Leverage Shares 2x Amazon ETP Securities                                   IE00BF03XH11
 Leverage Shares 2x Goldman Sachs ETP Securities                            IE00BF03XR19
 Leverage Shares 2x JPMorgan ETP Securities                                 IE00BF03XW61
 Leverage Shares 2x Alphabet ETP Securities                                 IE00BF01VY89
 Leverage Shares 2x NVIDIA ETP Securities                                   XS2820604853


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