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REG - IPPlus PLC - Final Results <Origin Href="QuoteRef">IPPL.L</Origin> - Part 2

- Part 2: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSA4561Qa 

be measured reliably 
The cost of an internally generated intangible asset comprises all directly attributable costs necessary to create, produce
and prepare the asset to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management. Directly attributable costs include
development engineer's salary and on-costs incurred on software development. The cost of internally generated software
developments are recognised as intangible assets and are subsequently measured in the same way as externally acquired
software. However, until completion of the development project, the assets are subject to impairment testing only. 
Amortisation commences upon completion of the asset, and is shown within administrative expenses in the statement of
comprehensive income. Amortisation is calculated to write down the cost less estimated residual value of all intangible
assets by equal annual instalments over their expected useful lives. The rates generally applicable are: 
·   Development costs                       33% 
Ancora Customer Relationships 
Upon review of the Ancora Solutions' business the directors' opinion was that the Client Sales Relationships, once won,
were likely to remain for the long term due to: 
a)    Once the boxes were put into storage and not on view to the client, the services tended to roll along 
b)    A majority of the clients have long term storage requirements (legal and health records) which require documents to
be retained and then called out of storage as required 
c)    There are significant costs in moving the boxes to another storage unit. As such customers are more likely to start
using another supplier whilst maintaining the existing operation rather than completely transferring the business 
At acquisition, the sales and on-going costs of the existing operation were forecast and were discounted back using the
Group's Weighted Average Cost of Capital. This gave a valuation of £280,000, which is amortised over 10 years on a
straight-line basis, being the estimated life of these assets. The amortisation charge is shown within administrative
Ancora Solutions Brand Valuation 
The relief from royalty valuation method assumes that if a business did not own the Ancora Solutions' brand it would have
to pay a royalty to the owners of the brand for its use. The value of the brand is the capitalised value of the royalties
that the owner is relieved from paying as a result of the ownership of the asset. The royalty attributed to the purchase
was valued using a similar basis to the Customer Relationships and applying a 0.25% royalty rate. At acquisition this gave
a valuation of £3,000, which is amortised over 10 years on a straight-line basis, being the estimated life of these assets.
The amortisation charge is shown within administrative expenses. 
f)    Land, building, plant and equipment 
Land, buildings, plant and equipment are stated at cost, net of depreciation and any provision for impairment. Leased plant
is included in plant and equipment only where it is held under a finance lease. 
Disposal of assets 
The gain or loss arising on disposal of an asset is determined as the difference between the disposal proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and is recognised in profit or loss. 
Depreciation is calculated to write down the cost less estimated residual value of all plant and equipment assets by equal
annual instalments over their expected useful lives. The rates generally applicable are: 
·   Land                                                    not depreciated 
·   Buildings                                            2% 
·   Motor vehicles                                 33% 
·   Fixtures and fittings                      20% to 50% 
·   Plant                                                    20% to 50% 
·   Computer equipment                  33% 
Material residual value estimates are updated as required, but at least annually. 
g)   Impairment testing of goodwill, other intangible assets, plant and equipment 
For the purposes of assessing impairment, assets are grouped at the lowest levels for which there are separately
identifiable cash flows ("cash-generating units"). As a result, some assets are tested individually for impairment and some
are tested at cash-generating unit level. 
Goodwill and intangible assets not yet available for use are tested for impairment at least annually. All other individual
assets or cash-generating units are tested for impairment whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the
carrying amount may not be recoverable. 
An impairment loss is recognised for the amount by which the asset's or cash-generating unit's carrying amount exceeds its
recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of fair value, reflecting market conditions less cost to sell, and
value in use based on an internal discounted cash flow evaluation. Any impairment loss is first applied to write down
goodwill to nil and then is charged pro rata to the other assets in the cash-generating unit. With the exception of
goodwill, all assets are subsequently reassessed for indications that an impairment loss previously recognised no longer
h)  Leased assets 
In accordance with IAS 17, the economic ownership of a leased asset is transferred to the lessee if the lessee bears
substantially all the risks and rewards related to the ownership of the leased asset. The related asset is recognised at
the time of inception of the lease at the fair value of the leased asset or, if lower, the present value of the minimum
lease payments plus incidental payments, if any, to be borne by the lessee. A corresponding amount is recognised as a
finance leasing liability. 
The interest element of leasing payments represents a constant proportion of the capital balance outstanding and is charged
to profit or loss over the period of the lease. 
All other leases are regarded as operating leases and the payments made under them are charged to profit or loss on a
straight-line basis over the lease term. Lease incentives are spread over the term of the lease. 
i)    Taxation 
Current tax is the tax payable based on the profit for the year. 
Deferred income taxes are calculated using the liability method on temporary differences. Deferred tax is generally
provided on the difference between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities and their tax bases. However, deferred
tax is not provided on the initial recognition of goodwill, nor the initial recognition of an asset or liability, unless
the related transaction is a business combination or affects tax or accounting profit.  In addition, tax losses available
to be carried forward as well as other income tax credits to the Group are assessed for recognition as deferred tax
Deferred tax liabilities are provided in full, with no discounting. Deferred tax assets are recognised to the extent that
it is probable that the underlying deductible temporary differences will be able to be offset against future taxable
income. Current and deferred tax assets and liabilities are calculated at tax rates that are expected to apply to their
respective period of realisation, provided they are enacted or substantively enacted at the year end. 
Changes in deferred tax assets or liabilities are recognised as a component of tax expense in the statement of
comprehensive income, except where they relate to items that are charged or credited to other comprehensive income or
directly to equity in which case the related tax charge is also charged or credited directly to other comprehensive income
or equity. 
j)    Dividends 
Dividend distributions payable to equity shareholders are included in "other short term financial liabilities" when the
dividends are approved in general meeting prior to the year end. 
k)   Financial assets and liabilities 
The Group's financial assets comprise cash and trade and other receivables, which under IAS 39 are classed as "loans and
receivables". Financial assets are recognised on inception at fair value plus transaction costs. Loans and receivables are
non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. Loans and
receivables are measured subsequent to initial recognition at amortised cost using the effective interest method, less
provision for impairment. Any change in their value through impairment or reversal of impairment is recognised in profit or
loss in the year. 
Provision against trade receivables is made when there is objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect all
amounts due to it in accordance with the original terms of those receivables. The amount of the write-down is determined as
the difference between the assets' carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows. 
The Group has a number of financial liabilities including trade and other payables and bank borrowings. These are classed
as "financial liabilities measured at amortised cost" in IAS 39. These financial liabilities are carried on inception at
fair value net of transaction costs, and are thereafter carried at amortised cost under the effective interest method. 
l)    Cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand and demand deposits, together with other short-term highly liquid
investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of
changes in value. 
m)  Equity 
Equity comprises the following: 
·   "Share capital" represents the nominal value of equity shares 
·   "Share premium" represents the difference between the nominal and issued share price 
·   "Other reserves" represents the Merger Reserve resulting from the demerger from KDM International PLC in November 1999
and represents the difference between the value of the shares acquired (nominal value plus related share premium) and the
nominal value of shares issued 
·   "Profit and loss account" represents retained profits 
n) Contribution to defined contribution pension schemes 
The pension costs charged against profits represent the amount of the contributions payable to the schemes in respect of
the accounting period. 
o)  Foreign currencies 
Transactions in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary
assets and liabilities in foreign currencies are translated at the rates of exchange ruling at the year end. 
Any exchange differences arising on the settlement of monetary items or on translating monetary items at rates different
from those at which they were initially recorded are recognised in the profit or loss in the period in which they arise. 
p) Share options 
The directors do not consider that the amounts involved are material and, as the performance criteria are not expected to
be met, no charge has been recognised as explained in Note 20. 
q) Capital management 
The capital structure of the Group consists of debt, cash, loans and equity. The Group's objective when managing capital is
to maintain the cash position to protect the future on-going profitable growth which will reflect in shareholder value. 
At 30 June 2014 the Group had a closing cash balance of £459,693 (2013: £559,574) and an outstanding mortgage of £1,160,455
(2013: outstanding loan of £29,167). 
Profit on ordinary activities is stated after: 
                                                                                       2014     2013     
                                                                                       £        £        
 Auditors' remuneration                                                                                  
 Fees payable to the Company'sauditors for the audit of the Company's annual accounts  9,000    8,500    
 Fees payable to the Group's auditors for other services                                                 
 The audit of the company's subsidiaries pursuant to legislation                       12,000   11,000   
 Taxation services                                                                     6,250    4,200    
 All other services                                                                    1,100    3,313    
 Depreciation and amortisation - charged in administrative expenses                                      
 Buildings                                                                             49,265   -        
 Intangible assets - amortisation                                                      162,374  153,883  
 Intangible assets - impairment                                                        322,974  -        
 Plant and equipment - owned                                                           162,894  164,218  
 Plant and equipment - leased                                                          61,903   47,999   
 Rents payable                                                                         75,483   187,695  
 Foreign exchange cost                                                                 22,403   5,212    
 (Loss)/profit on sale of fixed asset                                                  (1,625)  600      
                                                                                       ══════   ══════   
Subsequent to the purchase of the freehold, the sub-tenant of the upper floor agreed to the early termination of its lease
in consideration of which it paid the Group the sum of £352,367. 
                           2014£   2013£   
 Bank interest receivable  3,439   3,105   
                           ══════  ══════  
                                               2014£   2013£   
 Interest on bank borrowings                   38,674  3,126   
 Finance charges in respect of finance leases  6,675   9,295   
 Other                                         3,372   3,372   
                                               ──────  ──────  
                                               48,721  15,793  
                                               ══════  ══════  
Staff costs of the Group, including the directors who are considered to be part of the key management personnel, during the
year were as follows: 
                        2014£      2013£      
 Wages and salaries     6,056,388  5,096,151  
 Social security costs  473,500    426,358    
 Other pension costs    85,278     78,390     
                        ───────    ───────    
                        6,615,166  5,600,899  
                        ═══════    ═══════    
                                              2014Heads  2013Heads  
 Average number of employees during the year  302        248        
                                              ══════     ══════     
Remuneration in respect of directors was as follows: 
                                                          2014£    2013£    
 Emoluments                                               461,065  471,771  
 Pension contributions to money purchase pension schemes  35,871   38,210   
                                                          ───────  ───────  
                                                          496,936  509,981  
                                                          ═══════  ═══════  
During the year 3 (2013: 3) directors participated in money purchase pension schemes. 
The amounts set out above include remuneration in respect of the highest paid director as follows: 
                                                          2014     2013     
                                                          £        £        
 Emoluments                                               162,979  169,449  
 Pension contributions to money purchase pension schemes  14,734   14,568   
                                                          ═══════  ═══════  
A detailed breakdown of the Directors' Emoluments, in line with the AIM rules, appears in the 
Directors' Report. 
Key management compensation: 
                               2014£    2013£    
 Short term employee benefits  754,178  758,787  
 Post employment benefits      51,871   53,063   
                               ───────  ───────  
                               806,049  811,850  
                               ═══════  ═══════  
IPPlus PLC operates three business sectors, Ansaback, CallScripter and Ancora. These divisions are the basis on which the
Group reports its segment information. IP3 Telecom and PCI-PAL are part of the Ansaback division. The results of these two
activities are not reported separately to management and are not treated as separate segments. The inter-segment sales are
insignificant. Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those
that can be allocated on a reasonable basis. Unallocated assets comprise items such as cash and cash equivalents, taxation
and borrowings. All liabilities, other than the bank loan, are unallocated. Segment capital expenditure is the total cost
incurred during the year to acquire segment assets that are expected to be used for more than one period. 
                                                 Ansaback     CallScripter  Ancora    Unallocated  Total        
                                                 £            £             £         £            £            
 Revenue                                         7,292,026    1,099,867     731,494   -            9,123,387    
                                                 ───────      ───────       ───────   ───────      ───────      
 Segment result*                                 1,030,197    (678,653)     (93,779)  -            257,765      
                                                 ───────      ───────       ───────   ───────                   
 Finance income                                                                                    3,439        
 Finance costs                                                                                     (48,721)     
 Profit before tax                                                                                 212,483      
 Taxation                                                                                          4,701        
 Profit for the year from continuing operations                                                    217,184      
 Segment assets                                  3,280,204    411,242       257,938   833,798      4,783,182    
 Segment liabilities                             (1,160,455)  -             -         (1,071,276)  (2,231,731)  
 Other segment items:                                                                                           
 Capital Expenditure                                                                                            
 -  Plant and Equipment                          224,370      2,069         31,181    -            257,620      
 - Intangible Assets                             -            157,687       -         -            157,687      
 Depreciation(note 13)                           178,244      8,481         38,072    -            224,797      
 Amortisationof intangible assets(note 12)       -            134,074       28,300    -            162,374      
 Impairmentof intangible assets(note 12)         -            322,974       -         -            322,974      
 Depreciation of Buildings (note 14)             49,265       -             -         -            49,265       
*      included within the segment result of Ansaback is the profit on lease surrender of £352,367 and of CallScripter is
the loss on impairment of Intangible Assets of £322,974. 
                                                 Ansaback   CallScripter  Ancora    Unallocated  Total        
                                                 £          £             £         £            £            
 Revenue                                         5,759,218  1,490,042     826,898   -            8,076,158    
                                                 ───────    ───────       ───────   ───────      ───────      
 Segment result                                  458,456    (49,936)      (49,976)  -            358,544      
                                                 ───────    ───────       ───────   ───────                   
 Finance income                                                                                  3,105        
 Finance costs                                                                                   (15,793)     
 Profit before tax                                                                               345,856      
 Taxation                                                                                        127,000      
 Profit for the year from continuing operations                                                  472,856      
 Segment assets                                  1,428,658  632,309       437,969   1,060,348    3,559,284    
 Segment liabilities                             -          -             -         (1,100,606)  (1,100,606)  
 Other segment items:                                                                                         
 Capital Expenditure                                                                                          
 -  Plant and Equipment                          115,468    16,651        24,872    -            156,991      
 - Intangible Assets                             -          157,972       -         -            157,972      
 Depreciation(note 13)                           144,251    6,837         61,129    -            212,217      
 Amortisationof intangible assets(note 12)       2,505      123,078       28,300    -            153,883      
Revenue can be split by location of customers as follows: 
                  2014       2013       
                  £          £          
 United Kingdom   7,251,254  5,733,104  
 United States    5,360      3,758      
 Ireland          5,476      8,336      
 Hong Kong        9,505      3,285      
 Luxembourg       9,880      -          
 Other countries  10,551     10,735     
                  ───────    ───────    
                  7,292,026  5,759,218  
                  ───────    ───────    
 United Kingdom   731,494    826,898    
                  ───────    ───────    
                  731,494    826,898    
                  ───────    ───────    
 United Kingdom   480,270    621,490    
 United States    521,797    624,261    
 Ireland          12,557     29,356     
 Australia        50,817     59,239     
 Nigeria          -          22,080     
 Luxembourg       -          20,306     
 Belgium          16,857     10,610     
 Netherlands      3,416      6,427      
 Denmark          8,237      87,892     
 Cyprus           5,916      5,960      
 Other countries  -          2,421      
                  ───────    ───────    
                  1,099,867  1,490,042  
                  ───────    ───────    
                  9,123,387  8,076,158  
                  ═══════    ═══════    
One single external customer generates 41% (£3,023k) of the Ansaback division's revenues. 
All non-current assets are located in the United Kingdom. 
10.            EARNINGS PER SHARE 
The calculation of the earnings per share is based on the profit after taxation added to reserves divided by the weighted
average number of ordinary shares in issue during the relevant period. No diluted profit per share is shown because all
options are non-dilutive as the vesting conditions are not met at the year end. Details of potential share options are
disclosed in note 20. 
                                                                         12 monthsended30 June2014  12 months ended30 June2013  
 Profit after taxation added to reserves                                 £217,184                   £472,856                    
 Weighted average number of ordinary sharesin issue during the period    31,579,732                 31,714,825                  
 Basic and diluted earnings per share                                    0.69p                      1.49p                       
11.            TAXATION 
                                                       2014      2013     
                                                       £         £        
 Analysis of charge in the year                                           
 Current tax:                                                             
 In respect of the year:                                                  
 UK Corporation tax based on the results for the year                     
 at 22.5% (2013:23.75%)                                (222)     -        
 Adjustments in respect of prior periods               32,923    22,590   
                                                       ───────   ───────  
 Total current tax credited                            32,701    22,590   
                                                       ───────   ───────  
 Deferred tax:                                                            
 Origination and reversal of temporary differences     (28,000)  93,000   
 Movement on capitalised intangibles                   -         11,410   
                                                       ───────   ───────  
 Total deferred tax (charged)/credited                 (28,000)  104,410  
                                                       ───────   ───────  
 Credit                                                4,701     127,000  
                                                       ═══════   ═══════  
Factors affecting current tax charge 
The tax assessed on the profit on ordinary activities for the year was lower than the standard rate of corporation tax in
the UK of 22.5% (2013: 23.75%). 
2014                                   2013 
£                                          £ 
Profit on ordinary activities before tax                                                  212,483                          
═══════                      ═══════ 
Profit on ordinary activities multiplied by standard 
rate of corporation tax in the UK of 22.5% (2013: 23.75%)                  47,809                               82,141 
Expenses not deductible for tax purposes                                               11,148                              
Depreciation (less than)/in excess of capital allowances 
for the year                                                                                                            
(6,155)                                1,737 
Utilisation of tax losses                                                                                   (98,600)       
  46,304                                 2,282 
Research and Development claim                                                              (33,207)                       
Movement on deferred tax timing differences                                       28,000                           
Liability on capitalised intangibles                                                                          -            
───────                       ─────── 
Total tax credit for the year                                                                             (4,701)          
═══════                      ═══════ 
During the year to 30 June 2014 the Group submitted a Research and Development claim to HMRC relating to the year ended 30
June 2013 of £33,207. This credit was recognised in the Income Statement and included in Debtors. 
12.            INTANGIBLE ASSETS 
The Directors have not considered the carrying value of the Ancora division goodwill as it is not considered material. 
In calculating the value in use of the capitalised internal salaries in the CallScripter division, management make
judgements and estimates of future cash flows. In the current year, due to these negative cash flow forecasts, the
directors have fully impaired the Intangible Assets in this division. 
 2014 Cost                       Goodwill£  Purchased intangibles £  Capitalised development costs £  Total                £  
 Goodwill                        32,500     -                        -                                32,500                  
 Ancora brand                    -          3,000                    -                                3,000                   
 Ancora client relationships     -          280,000                  -                                280,000                 
 CallScripter internal salaries  -          -                        926,024                          926,024                 
                                 ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                 
 Cost at 1 July 2013             32,500     283,000                  926,024                          1,241,524               
                                 ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                 
 Goodwill                        -          -                        -                                -                       
 Ancora brand                    -          -                        -                                -                       
 Ancora client relationships     -          -                        -                                -                       
 CallScripter internal salaries  -          -                        157,687                          157,687                 
                                 ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                
 Additions                       -          -                        157,687                          157,687                 
                                 ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                
 Goodwill                        -          -                        -                                -                       
 Ancora brand                    -          -                        -                                -                       
 Ancora client relationships     -          -                        -                                -                       
 CallScripter internal salaries  -          -                        -                                -                       
                                 ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                 
 Disposals                       -          -                        -                                -                       
                                 ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                 
 Goodwill                        32,500     -                        -                                32,500                  
 Ancora brand                    -          3,000                    -                                3,000                   
 Ancora client relationships     -          280,000                  -                                280,000                 
 CallScripter internal salaries  -          -                        1,083,711                        1,083,711               
                                 ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                
 Cost at 30 June 2014            32,500     283,000                  1,083,711                        1,399,211               
                                 ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                
 2014                                                                   Goodwill£  Purchased intangibles £  Capitalised development costs £  Total  £     
 Amortisation and impairment(included within administrative expenses):                                                                                  
 Goodwill                                                               -          -                        -                                -          
 Ancora brand                                                           -          700                      -                                700        
 Ancora client relationships                                            -          65,333                   -                                65,333     
 CallScripter internal salaries                                         -          -                        626,663                          626,663    
                                                                        ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────    
 Amortisation at 1 July 2013                                            -          66,033                   626,663                          692,696    
                                                                        ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────    
 Goodwill                                                               -          -                        -                                -          
 Ancora brand                                                           -          -                        -                                -          
 Ancora client relationships                                            -          28,300                   -                                28,300     
 CallScripter internal salaries - amortisation                          -          -                        134,074                          134,074    
 CallScripter internal salaries - impairment                            -          -                        -                                -          
                                                                        ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────    
 Charge for the year                                                    -          28,300                   134,074                          162,374    
                                                                        ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────   
 Goodwill                                                               -          -                        -                                -          
 Ancora brand                                                           -          -                        -                                -          
 Ancora client relationships                                            -          -                        -                                -          
 CallScripter internal salaries - amortisation                          -          -                        -                                -          
 CallScripter internal salaries - impairment                            -          -                        322,974                          322,974    
                                                                        ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ──────     
 Written out in the year                                                -          -                        322,974                          322,974    
                                                                        ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ──────     
 Goodwill                                                               -          -                        -                                -          
 Ancora brand                                                           -          700                      -                                700        
 Ancora client relationships                                            -          93,633                   -                                93,633     
 CallScripter internal salaries - amortisation                          -          -                        760,737                          760,737    
 CallScripter internal salaries - impairment                            -          -                        322,974                          322,974    
                                                                        ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────   
 Amortisation at 30 June 2014                                           -          94,333                   1,083,711                        1,178,044  
                                                                        ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────   
 Net book amount                  Goodwill£  Purchased intangibles £  Capitalised development costs £  Total                £    
 Goodwill                         32,500     -                        -                                32,500                    
 Ancora brand                     -          2,300                    -                                2,300                     
 Ancora client relationships      -          186,367                  -                                186,367                   
 CallScripter internal salaries   -          -                        -                                -                         
                                  ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                  
 Net book amount at 30 June 2014  32,500     188,667                  -                                221,167                   
                                  ════════   ════════                 ═════════                        ═══════                   
 2013 Cost                                                                                                                     
 Goodwill                         32,500     -                        -                                32,500                  
 Customer contracts               -          15,038                   -                                15,038                  
 Ancora brand                     -          3,000                    -                                3,000                   
 Ancora client relationships      -          280,000                  -                                280,000                 
 CallScripter internal salaries   -          -                        768,053                          768,053                 
                                  ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                 
 Cost at 1 July 2012              32,500     298,038                  768,053                          1,098,591               
                                  ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                 
 Goodwill                         -          -                        -                                -                       
 Customer contracts               -          -                        -                                -                       
 Ancora brand                     -          -                        -                                -                       
 Ancora client relationships      -          -                        -                                -                       
 CallScripter internal salaries   -          -                        157,972                          157,972                 
                                  ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                
 Additions                        -          -                        157,972                          157,972                 
                                  ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                
 Goodwill                         -          -                        -                                -                       
 Customer contracts               -          (15,038)                 -                                (15,038)                
 Ancora brand                     -          -                        -                                -                       
 Ancora client relationships      -          -                        -                                -                       
 CallScripter internal salaries   -          -                        -                                -                       
                                  ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                 
 Disposals                        -          (15,038)                 -                                (15,038)                
                                  ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                 
 Goodwill                         32,500     -                        -                                32,500                  
 Customer contracts               -          -                        -                                -                       
 Ancora brand                     -          3,000                    -                                3,000                   
 Ancora client relationships      -          280,000                  -                                280,000                 
 CallScripter internal salaries   -          -                        926,025                          926,025                 
                                  ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                 
 Cost at 30 June 2013             32,500     283,000                  926,025                          1,241,525               
                                  ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                 
 2013                                                    Goodwill£  Purchased intangibles £  Capitalised development costs £  Total                £  
 Amortisation(included within administrative expenses):                                                                                                 
 Goodwill                                                -          -                        -                                -                         
 Customer contracts                                      -          12,533                   -                                12,533                    
 Ancora brand                                            -          400                      -                                400                       
 Ancora client relationships                             -          37,333                   -                                37,333                    
 CallScripter internal salaries                          -          -                        503,586                          503,586                   
                                                         ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                   
 Amortisation at 1 July 2012                             -          50,266                   503,586                          553,852                   
                                                         ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ───────                   
 Goodwill                                                -          -                        -                                -                         
 Customer contracts                                      -          2,505                    -                                2,505                     
 Ancora brand                                            -          300                      -                                300                       
 Ancora client relationships                             -          28,000                   -                                28,000                    
 CallScripter internal salaries                          -          -                        123,078                          123,078                   
                                                         ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                  
 Charge for the year                                     -          30,805                   123,078                          153,883                   
                                                         ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                  
 Goodwill                                                -          -                        -                                -                       
 Customer contracts                                      -          (15,038)                 -                                (15,038)                
 Ancora brand                                            -          -                        -                                -                       
 Ancora client relationships                             -          -                        -                                -                       
 CallScripter internal salaries                          -          -                        -                                -                       
                                                         ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ──────                    
 Written out in the year                                 -          (15,038)                 -                                (15,038)                  
                                                         ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ──────                    
 Goodwill                                                -          -                        -                                -                         
 Customer contracts                                      -          -                        -                                -                         
 Ancora brand                                            -          700                      -                                700                       
 Ancora client relationships                             -          65,333                   -                                65,333                    
 CallScripter internal salaries                          -          -                        626,664                          626,664                   
                                                         ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                  
 Amortisation at 30 June 2013                            -          66,033                   626,664                          692,697                   
                                                         ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                  
 Net book amount                                                                                                                                        
 Goodwill                                                32,500     -                        -                                32,500                    
 Customer contracts                                      -          -                        -                                -                         
 Ancora brand                                            -          2,300                    -                                2,300                     
 Ancora client relationships                             -          214,667                  -                                214,667                   
 CallScripter internal salaries                          -          -                        299,361                          299,361                   
                                                         ────────   ────────                 ────────                         ────────                  
 Net book amount at 30 June 2013                         32,500     216,967                  299,361                          548,828                   
                                                         ════════   ════════                 ═════════                        ═══════                   
13.            PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 
 2014                                                     Plant£    Motor Vehicles£  Fixtures and Fittings£  Computer Equipment              £  Total                £  
 Cost:                                                              -                -                                                          -                       
 At 1 July 2013                                           135,621   58,113           400,238                 448,038                            1,042,010               
 Additions                                                36,881    9,995            51,053                  159,691                            257,620                 
 Disposals                                                -         (6,000)          (4,073)                 (1,200)                            (11,273)                
                                                          ────────  ────────         ────────                ────────                           ────────                
 At 30 June 2014                                          172,502   62,108           447,218                 606,529                            1,288,357               
                                                          ────────  ────────         ────────                ────────   

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