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RNS Number : 5117U Official List 24 January 2025
24/01/2025 08:00
The Financial Conduct Authority ("FCA") hereby admits the following securities
to the Official List with effect from the time and date of this notice:-
Amount Security Description Listing Category ISIN
Issuer Name: Yorkshire Water Finance PLC
50000000 Series 4 Class A 5.250% Guaranteed Unwrapped Bonds due 28/04/2030; fully paid; Debt and debt-like securities XS2591021113 ●
(Represented by bonds to bearer of GBP100,000 each and integral multiples of
GBP1,000 in excess thereof up to and including GBP199,000)
100000000 Series 6 Class A 6.375% Guaranteed Unwrapped Bonds due 18/11/2034; fully paid; Debt and debt-like securities XS2901492582 ●
(Represented by bonds to bearer of GBP100,000 each and integral multiples of
GBP1,000 in excess thereof up to and including GBP199,000)
100000000 Series 5 Class A 5.500% Guaranteed Unwrapped Bonds due 28/04/2035; fully paid; Debt and debt-like securities XS2591021972 ●
(Represented by bonds to bearer of GBP100,000 each and integral multiples of
GBP1,000 in excess thereof up to and including GBP199,000)
20000000 Multi Callable Zero Coupon Notes due 24/01/2055; fully paid; (Registered in Debt and debt-like securities XS2979605552 ●
denominations of USD1,000,000 each and integral multiples thereof)
5000000000 7.00% Notes due 17/04/2033; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of Debt and debt-like securities XS2608242108 ●
INR1,000,000 each and integral multiples thereof)
10000000 Multi Callable Zero Coupon Notes due 24/01/2055; fully paid; (Registered in Debt and debt-like securities XS2981968758 ●
denominations of USD1,000,000 each and integral multiples thereof)
1100000000 Floating Rate Notes due 24/01/2028; fully paid; (Represented by notes to Debt and debt-like securities XS2985307839 ●
bearer of SEK2,000,000 each)
900000000 2.973% Notes due 24/01/2028; fully paid; (Represented by notes to bearer of Debt and debt-like securities XS2985307672 ●
SEK2,000,000 each)
Issuer Name: Invesco Physical Markets PLC
415000 Secured Gold-Linked Certificates due 2100; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities IE00B579F325 ●
14000 Secured Palladium-Linked Certificates due 2100; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities IE00B4LJS984 ●
Issuer Name: iShares Physical Metals plc
110000 Physical Silver ETC; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities IE00B4NCWG09 ●
35900 iShares Physical Gold ETC; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities IE00B4ND3602 ●
Issuer Name: International Finance Corporation
50000000 4.665% notes due 23/01/2030; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of Debt and debt-like securities US45950VUG93 ●
USD1,000 each and integral multiples of USD1,000 in excess thereof)
4250000000 4⅜% Treasury Gilt due 07/03/2028; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00BSQNRC93 ●
1062498000 4⅜% Treasury Gilt due 07/03/2028; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00BSQNRC93 ●
Issuer Name: Corporacion Andina de Fomento
6000000000 8.25% Notes due 26/04/2034; fully paid; (Represented by notes to bearer of Debt and debt-like securities XS2810190152 ●
INR500,000 each)
Issuer Name: Xtrackers ETC plc
20000 Xtrackers IE Physical Platinum ETC Securities due 17/04/2080; fully paid; Debt and debt-like securities DE000A2T0VT7 ●
Issuer Name: Amundi Physical Metals plc
646300 Amundi Physical Gold ETC Securities due 23/05/2118; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities FR0013416716 ●
Issuer Name: Africa Finance Corporation
500000000 Undated 5.25 Year Non-Call Deeply Subordinated Fixed Rate Reset Notes; fully Debt and debt-like securities XS2933422888 ●
paid; (Registered in denominations of USD200,000 each and integral multiples
of USD1,000 in excess thereof) (Regulation S)
Undated 5.25 Year Non-Call Deeply Subordinated Fixed Rate Reset Notes; fully Debt and debt-like securities US00832XAA90 ●
paid; (Registered in denominations of USD200,000 each and integral multiples
of USD1,000 in excess thereof) (Rule 144A)
Issuer Name: Republic of Benin
500000000 8.375% Amortising Notes Due 23/01/2041; fully paid; (Registered in Debt and debt-like securities XS2976334222 ●
denominations of USD200,000 each and integral multiples of USD1,000 in excess
thereof) (Unrestricted)
8.375% Amortising Notes Due 23/01/2041; fully paid; (Registered in Debt and debt-like securities US08205QAC24 ●
denominations of USD200,000 each and integral multiples of USD1,000 in excess
thereof) (Restricted)
Issuer Name: WisdomTree Issuer X Limited
58000 WisdomTree Physical Bitcoin Digital Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00BJYDH287 ●
23500 WisdomTree Physical Ethereum Digital Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00BJYDH394 ●
Issuer Name: CoinShares Digital Securities Limited
5000 CoinShares Physical Staked Ethereum Digital Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00BLD4ZM24 ●
98000 CoinShares Physical Bitcoin Digital Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00BLD4ZL17 ●
15600000000 20.25% Notes due 24/07/2026; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of Debt and debt-like securities XS2986736903 ●
NGN100,000,000 each)
Issuer Name: HSBC Bank PLC
134102 Notes linked to UKSED3P Investments Limited Preference Shares Series 3014 due Securitised derivatives GB00BT33F701 ●
24/01/2031; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)
2109659 Notes linked to UKSED3P Investments Limited Preference Shares Series 3013 due Securitised derivatives GB00BT33F693 ●
24/01/2031; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of GBP1 each)
25000 Market Access Notes linked to ordinary shares issued by ELM CO due 30/01/2026; Debt and debt-like securities XS2989338616 ●
fully paid; (Registered in denominations of USD326.7 each)
4000000 Market Access Notes linked to ordinary shares issued by RETAL URBAN Securitised derivatives XS2973004232 ●
DEVELOPMENT CO due 30/01/2026; fully paid; (Registered in denominations of
USD4.27 each)
Issuer Name: Contango Holdings plc
191255217 Ordinary Shares of GBP0.01 each; fully paid Equity shares (transition) GB00BF0F5X78 ●
4065452 Ordinary Shares of 1p each; fully paid Closed-ended investment funds GB00B68K3716 ●
Issuer Name: WisdomTree Commodity Securities Limited
30600 WisdomTree Wheat; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00BN7KB664 ●
500 WisdomTree California Carbon; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00BNG8LN89 ●
15700 WisdomTree Sugar; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00B15KY658 ●
5000 WisdomTree Silver 1x Daily Short; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00B24DKK82 ●
6100 WisdomTree Silver; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00B15KY328 ●
850 WisdomTree Natural Gas 1x Daily Short; full paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00B24DKH53 ●
28000 WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 1x Daily Short; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00B78DPL57 ●
10500 WisdomTree Nickel; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00B15KY211 ●
45000 WisdomTree Natural Gas; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00BN7KB334 ●
78000 WisdomTree Silver 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00B2NFTS64 ●
10500 WisdomTree Nickel 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00BDD9QB77 ●
2400 WisdomTree Cocoa 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00B2NFV803 ●
9100 WisdomTree Lead; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00B2QY0436 ●
188200 WisdomTree Coffee 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00B2NFTD12 ●
14700 WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00BDD9QD91 ●
112900 WisdomTree Aluminium 2x Daily Leveraged; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00B2NFTC05 ●
38300 WisdomTree Corn; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00BN7KB441 ●
52500 WisdomTree Copper; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00B15KXQ89 ●
871200 WisdomTree Aluminium; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00B15KXN58 ●
37000 WisdomTree Coffee; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00BN7KB557 ●
19900 WisdomTree Gold; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00B15KXX56 ●
52500 WisdomTree Precious Metals; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00B15KYF40 ●
25000 WisdomTree Industrial Metals; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00B15KYG56 ●
20700 WisdomTree Sugar 3x Daily Leveraged; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00BYQY7H96 ●
6500 WisdomTree Grains; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities GB00B15KYL00 ●
Issuer Name: DS Smith PLC
8500000 (Block Listing) Ordinary Shares of 10p each; fully paid Equity shares (commercial companies) GB0008220112 ●
Issuer Name: Leverage Shares Public Limited Company
450000 Leverage Shares -3x Short Germany 40 ETP Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2472332290 ●
14027 Leverage Shares 3x Long China Tech ETP Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2800709128 ●
8753 Leverage Shares -2x Short WTI Oil ETP Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2472195440 ●
8348 Leverage Shares 3x Long Financials ETP Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2399369540 ●
75000 Leverage Shares 3x Long Gold Miners ETP Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2399369896 ●
18000 Vanilla Blue Chip Portfolio ETP; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2788042245 ●
27000 Cordillera Core Balanced Strategy ETP; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2665005059 ●
40000 IncomeShares Tesla (TSLA) Options ETP; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2852999429 ●
7700 Leverage Shares 2x Long Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-B) ETP Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2399369110 ●
Issuer Name: WisdomTree Metal Securities Limited
8600 WisdomTree Physical Palladium; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00B1VS3002 ●
29400 WisdomTree Core Physical Silver Individual Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00BQRFDY49 ●
19000 WisdomTree Physical Silver; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities JE00B1VS3333 ●
Issuer Name: Octopus AIM VCT plc
2022911 Ordinary Shares of 1p each; fully paid Closed-ended investment funds GB0034202076 ●
Issuer Name: WisdomTree Multi Asset Issuer Public Limited Company
13700 WisdomTree Energy Transition Metals Securities; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2425848053 ●
2000000 WisdomTree Silver 3x Daily Short; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities IE00B8JG1787 ●
15000 WisdomTree Natural Gas 3x Daily Short; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2819843223 ●
25000 WisdomTree Natural Gas 3x Daily Leveraged; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities XS2819843900 ●
90000 WisdomTree Gold 3x Daily Short; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities IE00B6X4BP29 ●
1706400 WisdomTree Brent Crude Oil 3x Daily Short; fully paid Debt and debt-like securities IE00BLRPRK35 ●
If you have any queries relating to the above, please contact Issuer
Management at the FCA on 020 7066 8352.
If you have any queries relating to the above, please contact Issuer
Management at the FCA on 020 7066 8352.
SEDOL numbers which are allocated by the London Stock Exchange as a Stock
Exchange identifier may be found on their dealing notice.
●Denotes the security is being admitted to trading on the London Stock
Exchange, a Recognised Investment Exchange.
†Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Aquis Stock
Exchange, a Recognised Investment Exchange.
#Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Euronext, a
Recognised Investment Exchange.
∼Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Cboe Europe, a
Recognised Investment Exchange.
^Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on Shanghai-London
Stock Connect, a Recognised Investment Exchange.
*Denotes the security is also being admitted to trading on IPSX Prime, a
Recognised Investment Exchange.
Notices issued by the FCA in respect of admission of securities to the
Official List must be read in conjunction with notices issued by the relevant
Recognised Investment Exchange in respect of admission of securities to
trading on its markets.
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