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REG - Vesuvius plc - Half-year Report <Origin Href="QuoteRef">VSVS.L</Origin> - Part 3

- Part 3: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSa2208Mb 

 - headline                               19.7                                   12.8                                 
 - diluted                                15.0        0.6           15.6         9.1         -             9.1        
 - diluted headline                       19.6                                   12.7                                 
                                                                                 Continuing  Discontinued  Full year  
                                                                                 operations  operations    2016       
                                                                                 pence       pence         pence      
 Earnings per share              - basic                                         17.3        3.8           21.1       
 - headline                                                                      30.4                                 
 - diluted                                                                       17.3        3.7           21.0       
 - diluted headline                                                              30.3                                 
7          Dividends 
                                                                                   Unaudited    Unaudited               
                                                                                   Half year    Half year    Full year  
                                                                                   2017         2016         2016       
                                                                                   £m           £m           £m         
 Amounts recognised as dividends and paid to equity holders during the period                                           
 Final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2015 of 11.125p per ordinary share  -            30.0         30.0       
 Interim dividend for the year ended 31 December 2016 of 5.15p per ordinary share  -            -            13.9       
 Final dividend for the year ended 31 December 2016 of 11.40p per ordinary share   30.8         -            -          
                                                                                   30.8         30.0         43.9       
The Directors have declared an interim dividend of 5.50p per ordinary share in respect of the year ending 31 December 2017.
The dividend will be paid on 22 September 2017 to ordinary shareholders on the register at the close of business on 11
August 2017. Based upon the number of shares in issue at 30 June 2017, the total cost of the dividend would be £14.9m. 
8          Net debt 
                                        Balance as at  Foreign                            Balance as at  
                                        1 January      exchange     Non-cash              Half year      
                                        2017           adjustments  movements  Cash flow  2017           
                                        £m             £m           £m         £m         £m             
 Cash and cash equivalents                                                                               
 Cash at bank and in hand               144.4          (2.1)        -          9.9        152.2          
 Bank overdrafts                        (43.4)         0.4          -          15.5       (27.5)         
                                        101.0          (1.7)        -          25.4       124.7          
 Borrowings, excluding bank overdrafts                                                                   
 Current                                (91.1)         5.4          -          (1.3)      (87.0)         
 Non-current                            (331.9)        5.6          -          (35.1)     (361.4)        
                                        (423.0)        11.0         -          (36.4)     (448.4)        
 Capitalised borrowing costs            1.7            -            0.2        -          1.9            
 Net debt                               (320.3)        9.3          0.2        (11.0)     (321.8)        
9          Cash generated from operations 
                                                                                       Unaudited                              Unaudited  
                                                             Continuing  Discontinued  Half year    Continuing  Discontinued  Half year  
                                                             operations  operations    2017         Operations  Operations    2016       
                                                             £m          £m            £m           £m          £m            £m         
 Operating profit                                            67.7        1.7           69.4         46.5        -             46.5       
 Adjustments for:                                                                                                                        
 Amortisation of intangible assets                           9.7         -             9.7          8.3         -             8.3        
 Restructuring charges                                       8.9         -             8.9          5.3         -             5.3        
 Gains relating to employee benefit plans                    -           -             -            (1.0)       -             (1.0)      
 Depreciation                                                22.2        -             22.2         20.0        -             20.0       
 EBITDA (Note 16.12)                                         108.5       1.7           110.2        79.1        -             79.1       
 Net (increase)/decrease in trade and other working capital  (29.5)      (1.7)         (31.2)       (4.9)       (0.2)         (5.1)      
 Outflow related to restructuring charges                    (15.6)      -             (15.6)       (10.2)      -             (10.2)     
 Additional pension funding contributions                    (1.1)       -             (1.1)        (1.0)       -             (1.0)      
 Cash generated from operations                              62.3        -             62.3         63.0        (0.2)         62.8       
9          Cash generated from operations (continued) 
                                                                                 Continuing  Discontinued  Full year  
                                                                                 operations  operations    2016       
                                                                                 £m          £m            £m         
 Operating profit                                                                92.9        1.2           94.1       
 Adjustments for:                                                                                                     
 Amortisation of intangible assets                                               17.1        -             17.1       
 Restructuring charges                                                           28.5        -             28.5       
 Gains relating to employee benefit plans                        (5.2)   -       (5.2)       
 Depreciation                                                                    42.3        -             42.3       
 EBITDA (Note 16.12)                                                             175.6       1.2           176.8      
 Net (increase)/decrease in trade and other working capital      (20.9)  (1.2)   (22.1)      
 Outflow related to restructuring charges                                (16.8)  -           (16.8)        
 Additional pension funding contributions                                        (7.7)       -             (7.7)      
 Cash generated from operations                                                  130.2       -             130.2      
10        Employee benefits 
The net employee benefits balance as at 30 June 2017 of £23.3m (2016: half year £54.2m; full year £29.4m) in respect of the
Group's defined benefit retirement plans and other post-retirement benefits plans, results from an actuarial valuation of
the Group's defined benefit pension and other post-retirement obligations as at that date. As analysed in the following
table, the net balance comprised net surpluses (assets) of £81.9m (2016: half year £65.5m; full year £78.8m), relating
largely to the Group's main defined benefit pension plan in the UK, together with net liabilities (deficits) of £105.2m
(2016: half year £119.7m; full year £108.2m). 
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited               
                                            Half year    Half year    Full year  
                                            2017         2016         2016       
                                            £m           £m           £m         
 Employee benefits - net surpluses                                               
 UK defined benefit pension plans           81.7         65.2         78.6       
 ROW defined benefit pension plans          0.2          0.3          0.2        
 Net surpluses                              81.9         65.5         78.8       
 Employee benefits - net liabilities                                             
 UK defined benefit pension plans           (1.9)        (1.7)        (1.9)      
 US defined benefit pension plans           (35.6)       (47.2)       (37.7)     
 German defined benefit pension plans       (44.8)       (46.2)       (45.3)     
 ROW defined benefit pension plans          (16.6)       (17.4)       (16.4)     
 Other post-retirement benefit obligations  (6.3)        (7.2)        (6.9)      
 Net liabilities                            (105.2)      (119.7)      (108.2)    
 Total liabilities                          (23.3)       (54.2)       (29.4)     
10        Employee benefits (continued) 
The total net charge of £3.6m (2016: half year £2.7m; full year £2.8m) recognised in the Group income statement in respect
of the Group's defined benefit retirement plans and other post-retirement benefits plans is recognised in the following
                                                                                              Unaudited       Unaudited                  
                                                                                              Half year       Half year       Full year  
                                                                                              2017            2016            2016       
                                                                                              £m              £m              £m         
 In arriving at trading profit (as defined in Note 16)    - within other manufacturing costs  1.2             2.9             2.0        
 - within administration, selling and distribution costs  2.1                                            -               4.4  
 In arriving at profit before tax                         - within restructuring charges      -               0.2             0.3        
                                                          - gain on employee benefit plan     -               (1.0)           (5.2)      
                                                          - within net finance costs          0.3             0.6             1.3        
 Total net charge - continuing operations                 3.6                                            2.7             2.8  
11        Contingent liabilities 
Guarantees given by the Group under property leases of operations disposed of amounted to £1.5m (2016: half year £1.6m;
full year £1.6m). 
Vesuvius has extensive international operations and is subject to various legal and regulatory regimes, including those
covering taxation and environmental matters. Several of Vesuvius' subsidiaries are parties to legal proceedings, certain of
which are insured claims arising in the ordinary course of the operations of the company involved, and the Directors are
aware of a number of issues which are, or may be, the subject of dispute with tax authorities. Reserves are made for the
expected amounts payable in respect of known or probable costs resulting both from legal or other regulatory requirements,
or from third-party claims. As the settlement of many of the obligations for which reserve is made is subject to legal or
other regulatory process, the timing and amount of the associated outflows is subject to some uncertainty. 
Certain of Vesuvius' subsidiaries are subject to lawsuits, predominantly in the US, relating to a small number of products
containing asbestos manufactured prior to the acquisition of those subsidiaries by Vesuvius. These suits usually also name
many other product manufacturers. To date, Vesuvius is not aware of there being any liability verdicts against any of these
subsidiaries. A number of lawsuits have been withdrawn, dismissed or settled and the amount paid, including costs, in
relation to this litigation has not had a material adverse effect on Vesuvius' financial position or results of
12        Related parties 
All transactions with related parties are conducted on an arm's length basis and in accordance with normal business terms.
Transactions between related parties that are Group subsidiaries are eliminated on consolidation. 
13        Discontinued operations 
Discontinued operations income during H1 2017, related to a release of provisions no longer required of £1.7m. Discontinued
operations income during 2016 of £10.2m, comprised a £9.0m tax credit relating to the release of a provision for possible
China taxes and a £1.2m release of provisions no longer required. 
                                                           Unaudited    Unaudited               
                                                           Half year    Half year    Full year  
                                                           2017         2016         2016       
                                                           £m           £m           £m         
 Other income                                              1.7          -            10.2       
 Profit before tax - attributable to owners of the parent  1.7          -            10.2       
 Earnings per share - pence                                                                     
 Basic                                                     0.6          -            3.8        
 Diluted                                                   0.6          -            3.7        
14        Provisions 
                                                    Disposal and closure costs  Restructuring charges  Other  Total   
                                                    £m                          £m                     £m     £m      
 As at 1 January 2017                               33.2                        18.5                   6.9    58.6    
 Exchange adjustments                               (1.6)                       -                      (0.2)  (1.8)   
 Charge to Group income statement                   -                           8.9                    5.6    14.5    
 Unused amounts released to Group income statement  (1.7)                       -                      -      (1.7)   
 Adjustment to discount                             0.1                         -                      -      0.1     
 Cash spend                                         (0.6)                       (15.6)                 (6.2)  (22.4)  
 Transferred to other balance sheet accounts        -                           (0.8)                  -      (0.8)   
 As at 30 June 2017                                 29.4                        11.0                   6.1    46.5    
In assessing the probable costs and realisation certainty of provisions, or related assets, reasonable assumptions are
made. Changes to the assumptions used could significantly alter the Directors' assessment of the value, timing or certainty
of the costs or related amounts. 
15        Analysis of derivative financial instruments 
                                                           Unaudited                    Unaudited                                 
                                                           Half year 2017               Half year 2016          Full year 2016  
                                                           Assets          Liabilities                  Assets  Liabilities       Assets  Liabilities  
                                                           £m              £m                           £m      £m                £m      £m           
 Derivatives not designated for hedge accounting purposes  -               (0.8)                        0.7     -                 -       (0.9)        
 Total derivative financial instruments                    -               (0.8)                        0.7     -                 -       (0.9)        
All of the fair values shown in the table above are classified under IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement as Level 2 measurements
which have been calculated using quoted prices from active markets, where similar contracts are traded and the quotes
reflect actual transactions in similar instruments. All of the derivative assets and liabilities reported in the table
above will mature within a year of the balance sheet date. The method for determining the hierarchy and fair value is
consistent with that used at year-end, as disclosed on page 134 of the 2016 Annual Report. 
Loan notes, included in interest-bearing loans and borrowings, are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest
rate method.  The carrying value of the loan notes and other current and non-current assets and liabilities are deemed to
equate to fair value as at 30 June 2017. 
16        Alternative Performance Measures 
The Company uses a number of Alternative Performance Measures (APMs) in addition to those reported in accordance with IFRS.
The Directors believe that these APMs, listed below, are important when assessing the underlying financial and operating
performance of the Group and its divisions. The following APMs do not have standardised meaning prescribed by IFRS and
therefore may not be directly comparable to similar measures presented by other companies. 
16.1     Headline 
Headline performance, reported separately on the face of the Group Income Statement, is from continuing operations and
before items reported separately on the face of the income statement. 
16.2     Underlying revenue, underlying trading profit and underlying return on sales 
Underlying revenue, underlying trading profit and underlying return on sales are the headline equivalents of these measures
after adjustments to exclude the effects of changes in exchange rates, business acquisitions and disposals. Reconciliations
of underlying revenue and underlying trading profit can be found in the Half Year Results statement. Underlying revenue
growth is one of the Group's key performance indicators and provides an important measure of organic growth of Group
businesses between reporting periods, by eliminating the impact of exchange rates, acquisitions, disposals and significant
business closures. 
16.3     Return on sales (ROS) 
ROS is calculated as trading profit divided by revenue. It is one of the Group's key performance indicators and is used to
assess the trading performance of Group businesses. 
16.4     Trading profit 
Trading profit is defined as operating profit before separately reported items. It is one of the Group's key performance
indicators and is used to assess the trading performance of Group businesses. It is also used as one of the targets against
which the annual bonuses of certain employees are measured. 
16.5     Headline profit before tax 
Headline profit before tax is calculated as the net total of trading profit, plus the Group's share of post-tax profit of
joint ventures and total net finance costs associated with headline performance. It is one of the Group's key performance
indicators and is used to assess the financial performance of the Group as a whole. 
16.6     Effective tax rate (ETR) 
The Group's ETR is calculated on the income tax costs associated with headline performance, divided by headline profit
before tax and before the Group's share of post-tax profit of joint ventures. 
16.7     Headline earnings per share 
Headline earnings per share is calculated by dividing headline profit before tax less associated income tax costs,
attributable to owners of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year. It is one
of the Group's key performance indicators and is used to assess the underlying earnings performance of the Group as a
whole. It is also used as one of the targets against which the annual bonuses of certain employees are measured. 
16.8     Operating cash flow 
Operating cash flow is cash generated from continuing operations before restructuring and additional pension funding
contributions but after deducting capital expenditure net of asset disposals. It is used in calculating the Group's cash
16.9     Cash conversion 
Cash conversion is calculated as operating cash flow divided by trading profit. It is useful for measuring the rate at
which cash is generated from trading profit. 
16.10  Free cash flow 
Free cash flow is defined as net cash flow from operating activities after net outlays for the purchase and sale of
property, plant and equipment, dividends from joint ventures and dividends paid to non-controlling shareholders, but before
additional funding contributions to Group pension plans. It is one of the Group's key performance indicators and is used to
assess the underlying cash generation of the Group and is one of the measures used in monitoring the Group's capital. 
16.11  Average trade working capital to sales ratio 
The average trade working capital to sales ratio is calculated as the percentage of average trade working capital balances
to the total revenue for the year, at constant currency. Average trade working capital (comprising inventories, trade
receivables and trade payables) is calculated as the average of the 12 previous month-end balances. It is one of the
Group's key performance indicators and is useful for measuring the level of working capital used in the business and is one
of the measures used in monitoring the Group's capital. 
16.12  Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation ('EBITDA') 
EBITDA is calculated as the total of trading profit before depreciation and amortisation of non-acquired intangibles
charges. It is used in the calculation of the Group's interest cover and net debt to EBITDA ratios. 
16.13  Net interest 
Net interest is calculated as interest payable on borrowings less interest receivable, excluding any item separately
reported. It is used in the calculation of the Group's interest cover ratio. 
16.14  Interest cover 
Interest cover is the ratio of EBITDA to net interest. It is one of the Group's key performance indicators and is used to
assess the financial position of the Group and its ability to fund future growth. 
16.15  Net debt 
Net debt comprises the net total of current and non-current interest-bearing borrowings and cash and short-term deposits.
Net debt is a measure of the Group's net indebtedness to banks and other external financial institutions. 
16.16  Net debt to EBITDA 
Net debt to EBITDA is the ratio of net debt at the year-end to EBITDA for that year. It is one of the Group's key
performance indicators and is used to assess the financial position of the Group and its ability to fund future growth and
is one of the measures used in monitoring the Group's capital. 
16.17  Return on net assets ('RONA') 
RONA is calculated as trading profit plus share of post-tax profit of joint ventures, divided by average net operating
assets, at constant currency (being the average over the previous 12 months of property, plant and equipment, trade working
capital and other operating receivables and payables). It is one of the Group's key performance indicators and is used to
assess the financial performance and asset management of the Group and is one of the measures used in monitoring the
Group's capital. 
16.18  Constant currency 
Figures presented at constant currency represent June and December 2016 numbers retranslated at June 2017 exchange rates. 
17        Exchange rates 
The Group reports its results in pounds sterling. A substantial portion of the Group's revenue and profits are denominated
in currencies other than pounds sterling. It is the Group's policy to translate the income statements and cash flow
statements of its overseas operations into pounds sterling using average exchange rates for the year reported (except when
the use of average rates does not approximate the exchange rate at the date of the transaction, in which case the
transaction rate is used) and to translate balance sheets using year-end rates. The principal exchange rates used were as
                     Income and expense                  Assets and liabilities  
                     Average rates                       Period end rates        
                     Half year 2017      Half year 2016  Full year 2016          Half year to Half year change  Half year to Full year change    Half year 2017  Half year 2016  Full year 2016  Half year to Half year change  Half year to Full year change  
 US Dollar           1.26                1.44            1.36                    (12.3%)                        (7.3%)                           1.30            1.33            1.23            (2.1%)                         5.6%                           
 Euro                1.16                1.29            1.22                    (9.5%)                         (5.0%)                           1.14            1.20            1.17            (4.8%)                         (2.8%)                         
 Chinese Renminbi    8.65                9.38            9.00                    (7.8%)                         (3.9%)                           8.83            8.84            8.56            (0.1%)                         3.1%                           
 Japanese Yen        141.37              160.51          147.62                  (11.9%)                        (4.2%)                           146.34          137.39          144.17          6.5%                           1.5%                           
 Brazilian Real      4.00                5.32            4.75                    (24.9%)                        (15.8%)                          4.31            4.28            4.01            0.7%                           7.3%                           
 Indian Rupee        82.67               96.41           91.13                   (14.2%)                        (9.3%)                           84.16           89.81           83.82           (6.3%)                         0.4%                           
 South African Rand  16.62               22.12           20.00                   (24.9%)                        (16.9%)                          16.99           19.53           16.94           (13.0%)                        0.3%                           
Alternative performance measures - Supplementary information 
5-year history at constant currency 
                      H1       H1       H1       H1       H1     
                      2013     2014     2015     2016     2017   
 Revenue (£m)         803.3    831.3    811.2    756.0    831.5  
 Steel                540.8    563.5    548.3    501.3    562.7  
 Foundry              262.5    267.7    262.9    254.7    268.8  
 Trading Profit (£m)  72.9     82.3     80.4     68.0     86.3   
 Steel                45.2     55.2     49.8     39.2     51.7   
 Foundry              27.8     27.1     30.5     28.8     34.6   
 Return on Sales      9.1%     9.9%     9.9%     9.0%     10.4%  
 Steel                8.4%     9.8%     9.1%     7.8%     9.2%   
 Foundry              10.6%    10.1%    11.6%    11.3%    12.9%  
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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