Turkey Insights

Image related to an article about Can2 Termik AS

Which way is the Can2 Termik AS share price trending?


Despite economic uncertainty, shares in Can2 Termik AS (IST:CANTE.E) have been in an uptrend in recent months. The question now for investors is whether that price strength will continue. Finding stocks with the potential to break-out...


Image related to an article about Enerjisa Enerji AS

Enerjisa Enerji AS passes these three dividend tests


With tens of billions paid out in dividends across the stock market each year, it's no surprise that investors pay close attention to the payouts from shares like Enerjisa Enerji AS (IST:ENJSA.E). The return 'boost' from cash payouts i...


Image related to an article about Enerjisa Enerji AS

Enerjisa Enerji AS passes these three dividend tests


With tens of billions paid out in dividends across the stock market each year, it's no surprise that investors pay close attention to the payouts from shares like Enerjisa Enerji AS (IST:ENJSA.E). The return 'boost' from cash payouts i...


Image related to an article about Enerjisa Enerji AS

Enerjisa Enerji AS passes these three dividend tests


With tens of billions paid out in dividends across the stock market each year, it's no surprise that investors pay close attention to the payouts from shares like Enerjisa Enerji AS (IST:ENJSA.E). The return 'boost' from cash payouts i...


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