Annual Dividend Growth Streak

The Annual Dividend Growth Streak is used to measure how consistently a company has increased its Dividend per Share over the past 10 years. It is calculated as the number of years in which a company has increased its Dividend per Share.

Stockopedia explains Div Growth Streak

Consistent dividend payments indicate a company with a certain level of financial stability. If companies are able to frequently increase their dividend payments then this may be a sign of financial stability and growth.

The maximum value for this ratio is 9 since we use the 10th year DPS as the base value for testing.

Ranks: High to LowAvailable in screenerAvailable as Table Column

The 5 highest Div Growth Streak Stocks in the Market

TickerNameDiv Growth StreakStockRank™
LON:BA.BAE Systems9.0068
LON:CDFFCardiff Property9.0043
LON:CRDACroda International9.0043
LON:JDGJudges Scientific9.0036
LON:UU.United Utilities9.0033