Book Value Growth

The Book Value Growth Rate shows how quickly a company has been growing its Book Value. It is measured as the percentage change in Book Value over a given time frame. This is measured on a TTM basis.

Stockopedia explains Book Value Growth

Book Value - or Net Asset Value - is a measure of shareholder's equity and is calculated as Assets less Liabilities and any Preferred Stock.

From the accounting perspective, it could be seen as the underlying value of a company, whereas the market capitalisation value is dictated by the supply and demand of shares.

However, should the company go into liquidation, the Book Value is often used as a proxy for the value remaining for common shareholders after all creditors are paid.

This is measured on a TTM basis.

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The 5 highest Book Value Growth Stocks in the Market

TickerNameBook Value GrowthStockRank™
LON:ZEGZegona Communications12546.4927
LON:WPHOWindar Photonics7854.4132
LON:IIGIntuitive Investments2876.1842
LON:RMRRome Resources1276.7015