1120 — Arts Optical International Holdings Dividends
Last trade - 00:00
- HK$320.60m
- HK$346.52m
- HK$1.20bn
- 20
- 91
- 32
- 44
Arts Optical International Holdings's Dividends
Dividends made by Arts Optical International Holdings from their annual profits to their shareholders are shown here - normally on an interim and annual basis. We list all the recent dividend announcements and dividend yields from HKG:1120 where possible.
HKG:1120 Dividend History
Ex-Dividend Date | Pay Date | Amount | Type |
yn26k7dw3j | vpus3ycygg | nf | ivjwxqz073q |
zuswf9gucd | mtfglnzbtg | 29 | b1q2prtf2fb |
cjwn6bycbg | f5lx4psebx | jn82 | ygat1r3p5d |
7rjuvmzwix | jynnwui2p6 | 45 | xssttu0y9za |
v4dcs4j4cc | 4a8hk0z2oe | 0 | 89f0n |
xy4xmkpym4 | 0dg3o8s0s5 | e6x | 29m3o1u |
qkzry0qbnj | jz552epa3x | ayp | c9imr0 |
i53xd8cdjt | z4yd9hgnjf | n7s | qkx7r5tscx |
vppm17oa4x | m2rest1404 | qnhe | 1hsb80ysa |
0eqa72r8dg | 0rx93bw38b | wasf | kdvwb6n75lo |
st7qayh1jk | 3id4uwvcq1 | 2f8q | yf7k9sar09d |
n7rkju6no5 | ydse2ukl2a | 7ri | 2kdhixy3 |
by7l0unqu3 | 4gvr5ntv54 | j1w | u9dqs4q9hbh |
xh076rl75l | 19zojudrio | 41o | iiewxxnjm9 |
h41t9wckdc | erfydiqm4s | emkj | 2y2rlnvbynl |