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REG - Morgan Stanley & Co. Takeaway.com N.V. - Form 8.5 (EPT/RI) - Replacement of TAKEAWAY.COM

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RNS Number : 0373Z
Morgan Stanley & Co. Int'l plc
07 January 2020
AMENDMENT Section (2a)
 FORM 8.5 (EPT/RI)
Rule 8.5 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")
 (a) Name of exempt principal trader:                                            Morgan Stanley & Co. International plc
 (b) Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose relevant securities this form  Takeaway.com N.V.
      Use a separate form for each offeror/offeree
 (c) Name of the party to the offer with which exempt principal trader is        Prosus N.V.
 (d) Date dealing undertaken:                                                    03 JANUARY 2020
 (e) In addition to the company in 1(b) above, is the exempt principal trader    Yes - Just Eat plc
 making disclosures in respect of any other party to this offer?
      If it is a cash offer or possible cash offer, state "N/A"
Where there have been dealings in more than one class of relevant securities
of the offeror or offeree named in 1(b), copy table 2(a), (b), (c) or (d) (as
appropriate) for each additional class of relevant security dealt in.
 The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.
(a)        Purchases and sales
  Class of    Purchases/    Total number    Highest price            Lowest price
 relevant    sales         of securities   per unit paid/received   per unit paid/received
  EUR 0.04    PURCHASES     199,807         85.6000 EUR              83.0000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    SALES         185,711         85.6000 EUR              83.0000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    SALES         5,749           71.4664 GBP              71.4664 GBP
(b)        Cash-settled derivative transactions
  Class of    Product description               Nature of dealing                                                              Number of reference securities    Price per
 relevant                e.g. CFD              e.g. opening/closing a long/short position, increasing/reducing a long/short                                     unit
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           5,749                             71.4664 GBP
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           1,475                             83.3305 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           1,134                             83.3305 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           454                               83.8923 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           593                               83.8923 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           153                               84.1075 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           3,235                             84.1102 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           2,489                             84.1102 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           181                               84.1122 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           312                               84.1241 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           700                               84.1422 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           543                               84.2192 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           1,252                             84.2241 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           198                               84.2241 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           243                               84.2543 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           27                                84.2955 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           1,946                             84.3276 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           25,609                            84.3388 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           31,299                            84.3388 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           6,972                             84.3585 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           353                               84.3999 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           25,630                            84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4,955                             84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4,129                             84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           157                               84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           2                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           75                                84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           139                               84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           96                                84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           142                               84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           88                                84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           106                               84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           19                                84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           8                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           324                               84.4428 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           262                               84.6570 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           1,574                             84.7076 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           1,574                             84.7076 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           248                               84.7325 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           3                                 84.7500 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           110                               84.7872 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           2,482                             84.7895 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               LONG                                                                           127                               85.4750 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          45                                83.0000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          5                                 83.2500 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          283                               83.6132 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          183                               83.6492 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          339                               83.6492 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          1,137                             83.9998 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          200                               84.1409 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          3                                 84.1409 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          688                               84.1773 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          3,140                             84.3020 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          44                                84.3045 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          108                               84.3170 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          73,625                            84.3340 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          13,388                            84.3434 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          222                               84.3999 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          587                               84.3999 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          107                               84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          2                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          157                               84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          139                               84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          75                                84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          96                                84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          88                                84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          19                                84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          8                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          106                               84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          142                               84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          4                                 84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          222                               84.4000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          614                               84.4037 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          60                                84.4085 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          767                               84.4945 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          595                               84.5757 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          7,540                             84.5848 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          563                               84.6060 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          4,962                             84.6305 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          95                                84.6525 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          825                               84.6592 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          454                               84.6750 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          1,574                             84.7076 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          561                               84.7086 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          106                               84.7886 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          625                               84.8310 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          3,007                             84.8600 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          73                                84.8945 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          348                               84.9022 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          7,795                             84.9140 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          685                               84.9847 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          12                                85.0000 EUR
  EUR 0.04    CFD                               SHORT                                                                          10,333                            85.3174 EUR
(c)        Stock-settled derivative transactions (including options)
(i)         Writing, selling, purchasing or varying
 Class of             Product description e.g. call option    Writing, purchasing, selling, varying etc.    Number of securities to which option relates    Exercise price per unit    Type    e.g. American, European etc.       Expiry date    Option money paid/ received per unit
 relevant security
  N/A                 N/A                                     N/A                                           N/A                                             N/A                        N/A                                        N/A            N/A
(ii)        Exercise
  Class of    Product description    Exercising/    Number of securities    Exercise price
 relevant    e.g. call option       exercised                              per unit
 security                           against
  N/A         N/A                    N/A            N/A                     N/A
(d)        Other dealings (including subscribing for new securities)
  Class of relevant security    Nature of dealing               Details    Price per unit (if applicable)
                               e.g. subscription, conversion
  N/A                           N/A                             N/A        N/A
(a)        Indemnity and other dealing arrangements
 Details of any indemnity or option arrangement, or any agreement or
 formal or informal, relating to relevant securities which may be an inducement
 to deal
 or refrain from dealing entered into by the exempt principal trader making the
 disclosure and any party to the offer or any person acting in concert with a
 party to the offer:
 Irrevocable commitments and letters of intent should not be included.  If
 there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none"
 (b)       Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to
options or derivatives
 Details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding, formal or informal,
 the exempt principal trader making the disclosure and any other person
 relating to:
 (i)  the voting rights of any relevant securities under any option; or
 (ii) the voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevant
 securities to which any derivative is referenced:
 If there are no such agreements, arrangements or understandings, state "none"
  Date of disclosure:    07 JANUARY 2020
  Contact name:          Craig Horsley
  Telephone number:      +44(141) 245 7736
Public disclosures under Rule 8 of the Code must be made to a Regulatory
Information Service.
The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relation
to the Code's dealing disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.
The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk
(http://www.thetakeoverpanel.org.uk) .
This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution of this information may apply. For further information, please contact
rns@lseg.com (mailto:rns@lseg.com)
 or visit
www.rns.com (http://www.rns.com/)

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