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REG - Takeover Panel - Disclosure Table

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RNS Number : 9313K  Takeover Panel  31 August 2023



 31 August 2023


 The following are today's changes to the Disclosure Table:












 OFFEREE: Impellam Group plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 12-Apr-2022
 1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00B8HWGJ55  NSI: 44,846,774
 OFFEROR: HeadFirst Global
 Offeror identified: 18:03 04-Jul-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: 17:00 31-Aug-2023
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required




 OFFEREE: Advanced Oncotherapy plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 18-Apr-2023
 25p ordinary                                                      ISIN: GB00BD6SX109  NSI: 542,573,869
 Senior secured fixed rate convertible loan notes 11 January 2024                      NSI: 6,379,725
 OFFEROR: No named offeror


 OFFEREE: Allergy Therapeutics plc
 Offer period commenced: 14:01 06-Apr-2023
 0.1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00B02LCQ05  NSI: 679,104,621
 OFFEROR: Skygem Acquisition Limited (an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of
 funds managed by ZQ Capital Management Limited)
 Offeror identified: 14:01 06-Apr-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Blancco Technology Group plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 02-Aug-2023
 2p ordinary  ISIN: GB00B06GNN57  NSI: 75,709,857
 OFFEROR: White Bidco Limited (an entity indirectly owned by the Francisco
 Partners Funds)
 Offeror identified: 07:00 02-Aug-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Cenkos Securities plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 23-Mar-2023
 1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00B1FLHR07  NSI: 56,694,783
 OFFEROR: finnCap Group plc
 Offeror identified: 07:00 23-Mar-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00BGKPX309  NSI: 181,094,844


 OFFEREE: Curtis Banks Group plc
 Offer period commenced: 11:41 25-Nov-2022
 0.5p ordinary  ISIN: GB00BW0D4R71  NSI: 66,879,312
 OFFEROR: Nucleus Clyde Acquisition Limited (a newly formed company
 wholly-owned by Nucleus Financial Platforms Limited)
 Offeror identified: 11:41 25-Nov-2022
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Dechra Pharmaceuticals plc
 Offer period commenced: 17:32 13-Apr-2023
 1p ordinary  ISIN: GB0009633180  NSI: 113,888,298
 OFFEROR: Freya Bidco Limited (a newly formed company to be indirectly owned by
 (i) EQT X EUR SCSp and EQT X USD SCSp, each acting through its manager
 (gerant) EQT Fund Management S.a r.l., and (ii) Luxinva S.A.)
 Offeror identified: 17:32 13-Apr-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: DWF Group plc
 Offer period commenced: 10:34 10-Jul-2023
 1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00BJMD6M39  NSI: 341,979,578
 OFFEROR: Aquila Bidco Limited (a newly incorporated wholly-owned subsidiary of
 funds advised by Inflexion Private Equity Partners LLP)
 Offeror identified: 10:34 10-Jul-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Ediston Property Investment Company plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 16-Mar-2023
 1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00BNGMZB68  NSI: 211,333,737
 OFFEROR: No named offeror


 OFFEREE: Egdon Resources plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 17-May-2023
 1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00B28YML29  NSI: 544,233,031
 Warrants                         NSI: 30,158,000
 OFFEROR: Petrichor Partners, LP
 Offeror identified: 07:00 17-May-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: EMIS Group plc
 Offer period commenced: 15:50 17-Jun-2022
 1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00B61D1Y04  NSI: 63,311,396
 OFFEROR: Bordeaux UK Holdings II Limited (an affiliate of Optum Health
 Solutions (UK) Limited and a wholly owned subsidiary of UnitedHealth Group
 Offeror identified: 15:50 17-Jun-2022
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: FireAngel Safety Technology Group plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:02 06-Jun-2023
 2p ordinary           ISIN: GB0030508757  NSI: 302,321,822
 Warrant 3p June 2026                      NSI: 60,355,529
 OFFEROR: No named offeror


 OFFEREE: Gresham House plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 17-Jul-2023
 25p ordinary  ISIN: GB0003887287  NSI: 38,273,996
 OFFEROR: Seed Bidco Limited (a company controlled by funds advised by
 Searchlight Capital Partners, L.P. and its affiliates)
 Offeror identified: 07:00 17-Jul-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Impellam Group plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 12-Apr-2022
 1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00B8HWGJ55  NSI: 44,846,774
 OFFEROR: HeadFirst Global
 Offeror identified: 18:03 04-Jul-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: 17:00 31-Aug-2023
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Instem plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 30-Aug-2023
 10p ordinary  ISIN: GB00B3TQCK30  NSI: 22,899,433
 OFFEROR: Ichor Management Limited (a newly incorporated company controlled by
 funds managed by ARCHIMED SAS)
 Offeror identified: 07:00 30-Aug-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Kinovo plc
 Offer period commenced: 13:00 24-Aug-2023
 10p ordinary  ISIN: GB00BV9GHQ09  NSI: 62,788,214
 OFFEROR: Rx3 Holdings Limited
 Offeror identified: 13:00 24-Aug-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: 17:00 21-Sep-2023
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Lookers plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 20-Jun-2023
 5p ordinary  ISIN: GB00B17MMZ46  NSI: 381,817,505
 OFFEROR: Global Auto Holdings Limited (a company which is wholly owned by
 Impero Jersey Corp Ltd, a company owned by Kuldeep Billan, the founder and
 Executive Chairman of AAG)
 Offeror identified: 07:00 20-Jun-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Network International Holdings plc
 Offer period commenced: 14:05 13-Apr-2023
 10p ordinary  ISIN: GB00BH3VJ782  NSI: 532,748,593
 OFFEROR: BCP VI Neptune Bidco Holdings Limited (an entity indirectly owned by
 Brookfield Business Partners together with private equity funds managed and/or
 advised by affiliates of Brookfield Asset Management Ltd)
 Offeror identified: 07:00 21-Apr-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Numis Corporation plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 28-Apr-2023
 5p ordinary  ISIN: GB00B05M6465  NSI: 110,003,459
 OFFEROR: Deutsche Bank AG
 Offeror identified: 07:00 28-Apr-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Osirium Technologies plc
 Offer period commenced: 12:00 30-Aug-2023
 1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00BZ58DH10  NSI: 122,548,681
 OFFEROR: SailPoint Technologies UK Ltd (a company indirectly wholly-owned by
 SailPoint Parent, L.P.)
 Offeror identified: 12:00 30-Aug-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Smoove plc
 Offer period commenced: 11:38 24-Apr-2023
 0.4p ordinary  ISIN: GB00BNG8T458  NSI: 57,016,550
 OFFEROR: PEXA Group Limited
 Offeror identified: 11:38 24-Apr-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: 17:00 08-Sep-2023
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: STM Group plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 11-Jul-2023
 0.1p ordinary  ISIN: IM00B1S9KY98  NSI: 59,408,088
 OFFEROR: PSF Capital GP II Limited as general partner of PSF Capital Reserve
 Offeror identified: 07:00 11-Jul-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: 17:00 05-Sep-2023
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Wentworth Resources plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 05-Dec-2022
 NPV ordinary  ISIN: JE00BGT34J81  NSI: 178,952,098
 OFFEROR: Etablissements Maurel & Prom S.A.
 Offeror identified: 07:00 05-Dec-2022
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required


 OFFEREE: Yourgene Health plc
 Offer period commenced: 07:00 03-Jul-2023
 0.1p ordinary  ISIN: GB00BN31ZD89  NSI: 3,193,466,515
 OFFEROR: Novacyt UK Holdings Limited (a wholly-owned subsidiary of Novacyt
 Offeror identified: 07:00 03-Jul-2023
 Rule 2.6 deadline: N/A
 Disclosure of dealings and positions in this offeror is not required




 1.  Rule 8 of the Takeover Code (the "Code") sets out the circumstances in which
     Dealing Disclosures and/or Opening Position Disclosures are required to be
     made by the parties to an offer, persons acting in concert with them, persons
     with an interest in relevant securities of 1% or more and exempt principal
     traders ("EPTs") connected with the parties to an offer.
 2.  Where an offeror is marked "Disclosure of dealings and positions in this
     offeror is not required", dealings and positions in relevant securities of
     that offeror are not required to be disclosed under Rule 8. This is either
     because it has been announced that the offer or possible offer is, or is
     likely to be, solely in cash or because disclosure is not required for some
     other reason.
 3.  Dealings and positions required to be disclosed under Rule 8 of the Code
     include dealings and positions in derivatives referenced to, and options in
     respect of, relevant securities of an offeree company and, where appropriate,
     an offeror (see Note 2 above).
 4.  The information set out in the Disclosure Table relating to the relevant
     securities in issue of an offeree company or of an offeror (and any amendments
     thereto) has been extracted from the relevant announcement made by such
     company under Rule 2.9 of the Code. Similarly, details of any deadline set
     under Rule 2.6 by which a potential offeror must announce either a firm
     intention to make a bid or that it does not intend to make an offer (or, in
     the case of Rule 2.6(a), by which the Panel must consent to an extension of
     the deadline) has been extracted from the relevant announcement made by the
     offeree company.
 5.  Additions and deletions of offeree companies and offerors are reflected in the
     Disclosure Table throughout the day, following the relevant announcement.
     Other amendments may also be made throughout the day. In any event, details of
     the classes of relevant securities issued by an offeree or offeror company,
     the number of such securities in issue ("NSI") and the International
     Securities Identification Number ("ISIN") of such securities announced under
     Rule 2.9 of the Code before 5.00 pm each day will be included in the final
     version of the Disclosure Table by 5.30 pm that day. The final version of the
     Disclosure Table issued each day will be marked "Final" and persons required
     to make Dealing Disclosures and Opening Position Disclosures are advised to
     use that final version. Any changes to a potential offeror's Rule 2.6 deadline
     will also be reflected in the "Final" version of the Disclosure Table,
     although any such changes will not be shown in the "Amendments" section at the
     top of the Disclosure Table.
 6.  Dealing Disclosures by the parties to an offer, persons acting in concert with
     them and connected EPTs must be made by no later than 12 noon on the business
     day (as defined in the Code) following the date of the relevant dealing and
     Dealing Disclosures by persons with an interest in relevant securities of 1%
     or more must be made by 3.30 pm on the business day following the date of the
     relevant dealing.
 7.  Opening Position Disclosures by the parties to an offer and by connected EPTs
     must be made by no later than 12 noon on the 10th business day after the
     commencement of the offer period or the announcement that first identifies an
     offeror (as the case may be). Where required, Opening Position Disclosures by
     persons with interests in relevant securities of 1% or more must be made by no
     later than 3.30 pm on the 10th business day after the commencement of the
     offer period or the announcement that first identifies an offeror (as the case
     may be). Details of the time and date at which an offer period commenced and
     at which an offeror was first identified are set out in the Disclosure Table.
     In order to calculate the deadline for Opening Position Disclosures, it is
     therefore necessary to count forward 10 business days from the relevant date.
 8.  Opening Position Disclosures and Dealing Disclosures required under Rule 8 of
     the Code must be made to a Regulatory Information Service ("RIS").
 9.  This Note is applicable if it says "See Note 9 below" by the name of the
     company in the Disclosure Table above.  The Executive has granted the company
     a dispensation from the requirements under the Code that announcements must be
     published via a RIS. The company is instead required to publish all
     announcements on its website. The Executive has also granted a dispensation
     from Note 3 on Rule 8 of the Code that disclosures made under Rule 8 of the
     Code must be made to a RIS. Therefore, Opening Position Disclosures and
     Dealing Disclosures required under Rule 8 of the Code may be made to the
     company at the address stated in the announcement that commenced the offer


 10.  The following are approved Regulatory Information Services:
 .    Business Wire Regulatory Disclosure provided by Business Wire  +44 (0)20 7626 1982
 .    GlobeNewswire provided by GlobeNewswire UK Limited             +44 (0)20 3753 2071
 .    PR Newswire Disclose provided by Cision Group Ltd              +44 (0)20 7454 5210
 .    RNS provided by the London Stock Exchange                      +44 (0)20 7797 4400
 .    EQS COCKPIT provided by EQS Group AG                           +44 (0)20 3141 3940


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