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REG - Xtract Resources plc - Final Results <Origin Href="QuoteRef">XTR.L</Origin> - Part 2

- Part 2: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSE3356Pa 

for the year             (2,267)               (682)            (2,949)  
 Year ended 31 December 2013            Investment and Other  Oil and Gas Exploration                Total      
                                        (Continuing)          (Discontinued - post cessation costs)             
                                        £'000                 £'000                                  £'000      
 Administrative and operating expenses  (803)                 (55)                                   (858)      
 Project costs                          (350)                 -                                      (350)      
 Segment result                         (1,153)               (55)                                   (1,208)    
 Finance income/(costs)                 81                    159                                    240        
 Other gains and losses                 840                   -                                      840        
 (Loss)/profit before tax               (232)                 104                                    (128)      
 Tax credit                             -                     -                                      -          
 (Loss)/profit for the year             (232)                 104                                    (128)      
                                                              2014                                   2013     
                                                              £'000                                  £'000    
 Balance sheet                                                                                                
 Total assets                                                                                                 
 Gold production                                              6,802                                  -        
 Investment & other                                           825                                    2,800    
 Consolidated total assets                                    7,627                                  2,800    
 Gold production                                              (4,635)                                -        
 Investment & other                                           (1,393)                                (533)    
 Consolidated total liabilities                               (6,028)                                (533)    
Geographical information 
The following table provides information about the Group's segment assets by
geographical location: 
 Chile                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Year ended31 December2014£'000  6,802  Year ended31 December2013£'000  -  
 Europe                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   825                                    2,800                              
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7,627                                  2,800                              
 The accounting policies of the reportable segments are the same as the Group's accounting policies. Segment results represent the profit earned by each segment without allocation of central administration costs including directors' salaries, investment revenue and finance costs, and income tax expense.  This is the measure reported to the Group's Board for the purposes of resource allocation and assessment of segment performance.  
3.Profit/ (loss) per share 
The calculation of the basic and diluted earnings per share is based on the
following data: 
 (Loss) for the purposes of basic and diluted earnings per share (EPS) being:                               Year ended31 December2014£'000  Year ended31 December2013£'000  
 Net (loss) for the year from continuing operation attributable to equity holders of the parent             (2,949)                         (232)                           
 Net profit/ (loss) for the year from discontinuing operation attributable to equity holders of the parent  -                               104                             
                                                                                                            (2,949)                         (128)                           
                                                                                                            Number of shares                Number of shares                
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for purposes of basic EPS                                       3,403,266,982                   2,307,917,517                   
 Effect of dilutive potential ordinary shares - options and warrants                                        -                               -                               
 Weighted average number of ordinary shares for purposes of diluted EPS                                     3,403,266,982                   2,307,917,517                   
In accordance with IAS 33 and as the average share price in the year is lower
than the exercise price, the share options and warrants do not have a dilutive
impact on earnings per share, which are set out in the consolidated income
statement. Details of shares issued since the year end are shown in note 31 to
the financial statements. 
4.             Intangible assets 
                                     Land acquisition costs  Development expenditure  Reclamation & mine closure costs  Total   
                                     £'000                   £'000                    £'000                             £'000   
 Additions  - at fair value          4,184                   -                        266                               4, 450  
 at cost                             -                       471                      -                                 471     
 As at 31 December 2014              4,184                   471                      266                               4,921   
 Charge for the year                 246                     28                       15                                289     
 As at 31 December 2014              246                     28                       15                                289     
 Net book value at 31 December 2014  3,938                   443                      251                               4,632   
Land acquisition costs represent the full cost of a part interest and an
earn-in option to acquire the full interest in the Chepica gold and copper
mine property. The cost of the option is payable by instalments terminating in
2017. Option payments are non-interest bearing and the Company may, at its
sole discretion, terminate the agreement at any time with no obligation to
continue paying additional instalments. The unpaid instalments are included in
current and non-current liabilities. 
5.     Property, plant and equipment 
 Cost or fair value on acquisition of subsidiary  Mining plant & equipment  Land & Buildings  Furniture & Fittings  Total  
                                                  £'000                     £'000             £'000                 £'000  
 At 1 January 2014                                -                         -                 -                     -      
 Additions  - at fair value                       1,043                     80                10                    1,133  
 -               at cost                          124                       23                -                     147    
 At 31 December 2014                              1,167                     103               10                    1,280  
 At 1 January 2014                                -                         -                 -                     -      
 Charge for the period                            73                        9                 3                     85     
 At 31 December 2014                              73                        9                 3                     85     
 Net book value                                                                                                            
 At 31 December 2014                              1,094                     94                7                     1,195  
 At 1 January 2014                                -                         -                 -                     -      
6.         Share capital 
   2014                                                     2013                             
   Issued and fully paid ordinary shares of 0.01pence each  Number   of              Shares  £'000  Number ofShares  £'000    
   At 1 January                                             2,339,181,216                    1,627  2,306,105,129    1,623    
   Shares issued in the year                                1,491,418,765                    149    33,076,087       4        
   At 31 December                                           3,830,599,981                    1,776  2,339,181,216    1,627    
Share issue 
In March 2014, the Company issued 500,000,000 Ordinary Shares at a price of
0.25p per Ordinary Share as part consideration for the acquisition of Polar
Mining (Barbados) Limited. 
The Company had also agreed a financing package of £1.62 million with YAGM and
as a result, a total of 741,418,765 Ordinary Shares at a price of 0.2185p per
Ordinary Share were issued by the Company to YAGM. 
In November 2014, the Company completed a subscription of equity by certain
investors amounting to £0.32 million. An additional 250,000,000 Ordinary
Shares were issued at a price of 0.13p per Ordinary Share. 
The Company has one class of ordinary shares, which carry no right to fixed
Options and Warrants 
No Options were issues during the year. 
The following options were issued during the prior year: 
·      Issued 28 May 2013 - 50,000,000 exercisable at 0.14p per share 
·      Issued 1 June 2013 - 20,000,000 exercisable at 0.19p per share 
·      Issued 9 December 2013 - 34,000,000 exercisable at 0.19p per share 
The following warrants were issued during the year and the prior year: 
·              Issued 18 November 2014 -  68,378,571 exercisable at 0.3p per
·              Issued 12 December 2013 - 12,226,000 exercisable at 0.6p per
The following share options expired during the year: 
·              Issued 1 July 2009 - 5,880,000 exercisable at 4.6p per share 
·              Issued 1 July 2009 - 4,200,000 exercisable at 2.3p per share 
·              Issued 1 July 2009 - 9,800,000 exercisable at 2.3p per share 
The following share options and warrants remain outstanding at 31 December
·              Issued 15 July 2010 - 21,700,000 exercisable at 1.8p per share 
·              Issued 15 July 2010 - 6,160,000 exercisable at 3.7p per share 
·              Issued 15 July 2010 - 1,312,500 exercisable at 3.7p per share 
·              Issued 12 September 2012 - 172,957,884 exercisable at 0.045p
per share 
·              Issued 28 May 2013 - 50,000,000 exercisable at 0.14p per share 
·              Issued 3 June 2013 - 20,000,000 exercisable at 0.19p per share 
·              Issued 9 December 2013 - 34,000,000 exercisable at 0.19p per
·              Issued 12 December 2013 - 12,226,000 exercisable at 0.6p per
·              Issued 18 November 2014 - 68,378,571 exercisable at 0.3 p per
All of the above share options and warrants entitle the holder to one fully
paid share in the Company upon payment of the exercise price per share. 
7.             Acquisition of subsidiary undertaking 
On 24 February 2014, the Company acquired from Polar Star Mining Corporation
the entire issued share capital of its wholly owned subsidiary, Polar Mining
(Barbados) Limited, the parent company of Minera Polar Mining Chile Limitada,
a Chilean incorporated entity with a 15% direct interest and earn in option to
acquire the remaining 85% interest in the Chépica gold and copper mine
together with 100% of the Mejillones Phosphate project in Chile. The total
consideration of the acquisition was £1.81 million. 
The net assets acquired and goodwill arising are as follows:- 
                                       Carrying valuebefore combination  Fair value adjustment  Fair value  
                                       £(000)                            £(000)                 £(000)      
 Tangible and intangible fixed assets  3,473                             2,110                  5,583       
 Trade and other receivables           2,264                             (1,362)                902         
 Bank and cash balances                73                                -                      73          
 Trade and other payables              (1,853)                           (2,630)                (4,483)     
 Provisions                            (267)                             -                      (267)       
                                       3,690                             (1,882)                1,808       
 Consideration :                                                                                            
 Shares issued                                                           1,250                              
 Cash                                                                    558                                
 Goodwill on consolidation                                                                      -           
The consideration for the Acquisition was £1.81million comprising £1.25
million, satisfied by the allotment and issue of 500,000,000 ordinary shares
of 0.01p each which were credited on 3 March 2014 as fully paid at a price of
0.25p per Ordinary Share, and cash of £0.56 million. 
8.             Events after the balance sheet date 
Option Agreement 
On 24 February 2015, the Company successfully re-negotiated the terms of the
earn-in option agreement and all payments that are due under the Option
Agreement have been suspended by the agreement of both parties until October
2015. Under the revised payment schedule, a payment of US$0.35 million is due
by 15 October 2015, relating to the 30 September quarter payment. All
remaining quarterly payments until 31 December 2016, which total US$2.4
million, remain unchanged. On the 1 January 2017, the Company will then make a
final payment of US$1.1 million (the deferred payments from January 2015 to
July 2015) and will thereafter acquire a 100% interest in the Mine. 
Acquisition of 33.8Mt Sulphide Copper tailings Project in South Africa from
Mineral Technologies International 
On 27 March 2015 the Company announced that it had signed a Deed of Assignment
("DoA") with Mineral Technologies International Limited ("MTI") which would
provide Xtract with an option to acquire a sulphide copper tailings project on
surface in the northern Cape province of South Africa (the "Project"). Under
the DoA MTI will assign all its rights, title, interest and obligations under,
in and to the Slime Dumps Agreement it signed with the O'Kiep Copper Company
(Pty) Ltd. to the Company. O'Kiep and Carolusberg Projects consists of the
Carolusberg and O'Kiep tailings dams which contain 33.8Mt of sulphide tailings
material on surface that was mined between 1980 and 2010 by O'Kiep Copper
Company ('OCC'). The Carolusberg tailings dam represents 28Mt of material
grading at 0.19% Cu and the O'Kiep tailings dam represents 5.8Mt of material
grading at 0.23% Cu. 
The agreement is summarised as follows. Xtract has been granted until 30 June
2015 to complete a validation in so far as the title of the Project is
concerned. Should Xtract elect to move forward on the Project it will give
written notice of exercise of its option to OCC and pay an option fee of
US$0.03 million. Xtract can start technical work before this date (from the
date of the session which is 26 March 2015). Xtract will have until 28 October
2015 to complete its technical assessment and feasibility report. On 31
October 2015, Xtract will pay OCC US$1  million and MTI US$ 0.75 million
(total amount of US$1.75 million) and then 180 days after this date, which
will be 29 April 2016, Xtract will pay OCC US$0.37 million and a further 180
days after this date, which will be 27 October 2016, Xtract will pay OCC
US$0.37 million and MTI US$0.75 million (total amount of US$1.12 million). A
final payment of US$2.5 million is due to MTI on the date mining commences. 
On 14 May 2015 the Company successfully re-negotiated improved terms with MTI
which resulted in a 19% discount on the total acquisition costs of the O'Kiep
Project to Xtract and comprised the following payments to MTI, a US$0.25
million cash payment payable upon signing of the agreement, a further US$0.125
million cash payment to be made by 26 May 2015 and the Issuance of 69,752,768
new Ordinary Shares of 0.01p to the value of US$0.375 million. A final payment
of US$2.5 million is due to MTI on the date mining commences. 
Placing to Raise £1.75m 
On 30 March 2015 the Company announced that it had raised £1.75 million
following the placement of 1,166,666,667 ordinary shares of 0.01p per share at
0.15p per Ordinary Share. Following admission of the new Ordinary Shares, the
Company had 4,997,266,647 Ordinary Shares in issue. 
Heads of Agreement signed to evaluate copper dumps in the Northern Cape
Province of South Africa 
On 23 April 2015 the Company signed a Heads of Agreement ('HOA') with Shirley
Hayes IPK (Pty) Limited ("IPK"), a local copper explorer in South Africa to
evaluate the Concordia project copper dumps, comprising 182,000 tons of copper
oxide material ('Concordia'). The oxide material is on surface and IPK has
estimated an average copper grade of 0.54%, which Xtract will evaluate and
verify in its initial due diligence. IPK is the owner of Concordia and,
pursuant to the heads of terms, has granted Xtract an exclusive six month
period to conduct due diligence on the oxide material. In consideration for
the exclusivity period, Xtract agreed to issue IPK 3 million ordinary shares
in Xtract. Should its due diligence on oxide material confirm that it is
commercially viable, Xtract will commence the construction of a heap leach
operation to treat the oxide material. Xtract will be entitled to 75% of the
gross revenues generated from the heap leach operation with IPK entitled to
the remaining 25%. Xtract will assume all and any environmental responsibility
for the heap leaching throughout the period of operations. 
Completion of Placing to Raise £3m 
On 8 May 2015 the Company announced it had has raised £3.0 million following
the placement of 1,200,000,000 ordinary shares of 0.01p per share at 0.25p per
Ordinary Share. Following Admission of the new Ordinary Shares, the Company
had 6,197,266,647 Ordinary Shares of 0.01p each in issue. 
YAGM SEDA Draw Down and Termination of Equity Swap 
On 20 May 2015 the Company announced it had drawn down £0.47 million k from
its existing SEDA with YAGM and had primarily deployed these funds to repay in
full the outstanding balance of the Loan Agreement. In accordance with the
terms of the SEDA, which was extended on 18 November 2014 to 30 November 2016.
The Company issued YAGM with 149,253,731 new Ordinary Shares at a price of
0.312p each. Following these transactions the Company had no debt outstanding
pursuant to the Loan Agreement, which remains in place with US$3.95 million
available for draw down. In addition the Company terminated the Equity Swap
Agreement entered into with YAGM on the 12 December 2013 and received net
proceeds of £0.08 million. 
Exercise of Warrants 
On 20 May 2015 the Company announced that it had received notice to exercise
warrants over a total of 228,624,551 ordinary shares in the Company of which
172,957,884 were at an exercise price of 0.00435p per Ordinary Share and
55,666,667 were at an exercise price of 0.15p per Ordinary Share. Following
the warrant exercise, the Company had 6,644,897,697 shares in issue. 
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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