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REG - Xtract Resources plc - Interim Results <Origin Href="QuoteRef">XTR.L</Origin> - Part 2

- Part 2: For the preceding part double click  ID:nRSd2760La 

and non-current liabilities. 
In September 2016, the Company advised the option holder that it wold not make
future option payments and would cease any further funding to the Chepica gold
and copper project. As a result, the Company has recognised a net impairment
charge of £2,343K in the consolidated income statement which comprises of an
impairment of mine properties charge of £5,105K and a write back of the unpaid
option instalments of £2,763K. 
7.         Property, plant and equipment 
 Cost or fair value on acquisition of subsidiary  Mining plant & equipment  Land & Buildings  Furniture & Fittings  Total  
                                                  £'000                     £'000             £'000                 £'000  
 At 1 January 2016                                1,417                     103               12                    1,532  
 Additions - at cost                              272                       -                 -                     272    
 At 30 June 2016                                  1,689                     103               12                    1,804  
 At 1 January 2016                                197                       19                7                     223    
 Charge for the period                            57                        8                 2                     67     
 At 30 June 2016                                  254                       27                9                     290    
 Net book value                                                                                                            
 At 30 June 2016                                  1,435                     76                3                     1,514  
 At 1 January 2016                                1,220                     84                5                     1,309  
8.         Financial assets available for sale 
                             30 June 2016£'000  30 June 2015£'000  31 December 2015£'000  
 At beginning of the period  -                  2,580              570                    
 Disposal                    -                  -                  -                      
 Movement in fair value      -                  (810)              (570)                  
 At the end of the period    -                  1,770              -                      
9.         Current Liabilities 
                                      As at 30 June 2016 £'000  As at30 June 2015£'000  As at31 December 2015£'000  
 Trade creditors and accruals  4,318  2,141                     1,107                   
 Option instalments            -      978                       2,448                   
 SEDA backed loan              1,251  -                         -                       
                                      5,569                     3,119                   3,555                       
10.       Share capital 
                                                                                  As at30 June 2016Number  As at30 June 2015Number  As at31 December 2015Number  
 Issued and fully paid Ordinary shares of 0.01p each at 1 January  8,603,503,522  3,830,599,981            3,830,599,981            
 Share issued during the period                                    1,137,258,065  2,814,297,716            4,772,903,541            
                                                                                  9,740,761,587            6,644,897,697            8,603,503,522                
The following ordinary shares were issued during the period: 
·    Issued 1 March 2016 - 1,137,258,065 ordinary shares at 0.25p per share 
Options and warrants 
The following warrants were issued during the period: 
·      Issued 9 May 2016 - 316,250,000 exercisable at 0.30p per share 
The following share options were issued during the period: 
·      Issued 22 January 2016 - 30,000,000 exercisable at 0.19p per share 
·      Issued 1 March 2016 - 10,000,000 exercisable at 0.19p per share 
11.       Cash flows from operating activities 
                                                           Six month period ended30 June 2016 £'000  Six month period ended30 June 2015£'000  Year ended 31 December 2015£'000  
 Profit/(loss) for the period                              (5,244)                                   (810)                                    (4,575)                             
 Adjustments for:                                                                                                                                                                 
 Continuing Operations                                                                                                                                                            
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment             67                                        64                                       138                                 
 Amortisation of intangible fixed assets                   180                                       94                                       186                                 
 Finance costs                                             806                                       84                                       84                                  
 Impairment of Chepica asset                               2,343                                     -                                        -                                   
 Impairment of O'Kiep asset                                -                                         -                                        2,217                               
 Impairment of available for sale investment               -                                         -                                        86                                  
 Other (gains) /losses                                     18                                        (8)                                      (27)                                
 Gain on disposal of intangible fixed assets               -                                         (359)                                    (338)                               
 Share-based payments expense                              22                                        -                                        127                                 
 Operating cash flows before movements in working capital  (1,808)                                   (935)                                    (2,102)                             
 Decrease/(Increase) in inventories                        33                                        -                                        (45)                                
 (Increase) in receivables                                 1,245                                     (106)                                    (1,546)                             
 (Decrease)/increase in payables                           1,433                                     (294)                                    (437)                               
 Cash used in operations                                   903                                       (1,335)                                  (4,130)                             
 Income taxes paid                                         -                                         -                                        -                                   
 Foreign currency exchange differences                     (135)                                     6                                        167                                 
 Net cash used in operating activities                     768                                       (1,329)                                  (3,963)                             
12.       Related party transactions 
Transactions between Group companies, which are related parties, have been
eliminated on consolidation and are therefore not disclosed.  The only other
transactions which fall to be treated as related party transactions are those
relating to the remuneration of key management personnel, which are not
disclosed in the Half Yearly Report, and which will be disclosed in the
Group's next Annual Report. 
13.       Transactions with directors 
Lion Mining Finance Limited, a company in which Colin Bird is a Director and
shareholder has provided administrative and technical services to the Company
amounting to £15K plus VAT in the period. The amount of £21K was outstanding
as at 30 June 2016 (30 June 2015: £21K). 
As at 30 June 2016, loans from directors amounted to £23K (30 June 2015: £
Nil). These loans are interest free and repayable by mutual agreement. 
14.       Acquisition of Manica Gold Project 
On 1 March 2016, the Company acquired from Auroch Minerals Mozambique (PTY)
Ltd the entire issued share capital of its wholly owned subsidiary, Mistral
Resource Development Corporation, the parent company of Explorator Limitada, a
Mozambican incorporated entity with a 100 % direct interest in the Manica Gold
Project. The total consideration of the acquisition was £8,537K. 
The net assets acquired and goodwill arising are as follows: - 
                                Carrying valuebefore combination  Fair value adjustment  Fair value  
                                £(000)                            £(000)                 £(000)      
 Intangible fixed assets        4,311                             4,210                  8,521       
 Property, plant and equipment  -                                 -                      -           
 Trade and other receivables    2                                 -                      2           
 Bank and cash balances         85                                -                      85          
 Trade and other payables       (71)                              -                      (71)        
                                4,327                             4,210                  8,537       
 Shares issued                                                    2,843                              
 Cash                                                             3,902                              
 Deferred Cash                                                    1,792                  (8,537)     
 Goodwill on consolidation                                                               -           
The assessment of the fair values of the assets and liabilities is
provisional, and will be reviewed prior to the completion of the Group
Consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31 December 2016. 
15.       Events after the balance sheet date 
In July 2016, the Company completed a Placing of 1,538,461,538 ordinary shares
of 0.01p at a price of 0.065p per Ordinary Share from new investors, to raise
£1 million (before expenses). 
YAGM Loan Facility Draw-Down 
In July 2016, the Company drew down a further US$0.45 million from its loan
facility with YA Global Master ("YAGM"). Following the Loan Facility
draw-down, the balance stands at US$2.1 million with a further US$1.85 million
available for draw-down. 
Issue of Shares to Manica Creditors 
In July 2016, the Company agreed as per the terms of the Manica acquisition,
to settle Manica Creditors amounting to US$0.78 million through the issue
600,694,007 new ordinary shares of 0.01p at a price of 0.0098p. 
YAGM SEDA Draw-Down 
In July 2016 the Company drew down £0.67 million from its existing SEDA with
YAGM. In accordance with the terms of the SEDA, which was extended on 9 May
2016 to 31 December 2017, the Company had issued YAGM with 1,032,811,415 new
Ordinary Shares at a price of 0.065p each. 
In September 2016, The Company drew down £0.75 million from its existing SEDA
with YAGM. In accordance with the terms of the SEDA, which was extended on 9
May 2016 to 31 December 2017, the Company had issued YAGM with 1,875,000,000
new Ordinary Shares at a price of 0.04p each. 
Auroch Minerals 
In July 2016, the Company reached an agreement with Auroch Minerals NL
regarding the outstanding US$2.5million deferred consideration. Payments of
US$0.75 million and US$0.1 million were made after balance sheet date with a
total of US$1.65 million outstanding. 
In September 2016, the Company announced that it had undertaken a review of
the Chepica Gold/Copper Mine in Chile and determined that the underlying
fundamentals and the risk associated with the project were no longer
supportive of continuing investment by the Company. On this basis, the Company
advised the option holder that it would no longer make future option payments
and would relinquish its option and mining rights at Chepica. 
In September 2016, the Board of Xtract announced that, the conditional sale
and purchase agreement between the Company, Nexus Capital Limited and Mineral
Technologies International Limited through which the Company was to dispose of
its 100% interest in the Manica gold project for US$17.5 million, had lapsed
due to certain conditions precedent not being met. 
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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