Cancelling your subscription

Stockopedia is a recurring billing service, but you can modify or cancel your subscription at any time. If you wish to cancel please take the following steps:

  1. Hover over your profile image in the top right corner of the navigation bar (to the right of the bell).
  2. Select 'Personal Settings' from the dropdown
  3. From the page that appears, select 'Subscriptions & billing'.

At the bottom of the ‘Subscription & billing’ page, you will be able to cancel your account. If you cancel your account before your subscription has expired, you can reactivate your account on the same page.

Please note that, if you cancel and then restart your subscription in the future, you won't be able to benefit from the same price if you are on a discounted plan.

Cancellation timing and refunds

If you do cancel your services, your cancellation takes effect on your next billing cycle. This means that we can't refund you for any unused portion of the service. You will continue to have access to the product until the next billing date at which the service will expire. Please refer to your “Subscriptions & billing” page for exact dates and details.

We provide a variety of subscription options for those who wish to commit to shorter or longer time periods - from monthly to annual periods. We provide deep discounting for longer commitments as it helps us to invest with more visibility in the product and our data contracts with Refinitiv and other vendors.

Unfortunately, we can't provide refunds midway through a billing period. Providing pro-rata refunds midway through the year would be unfair to those subscribers on shorter billing periods who have paid a premium for the same subscription period. If you do want the flexibility to cancel from month to month, we recommend you take out a Monthly plan rather than committing for longer time periods.

If you do cancel your subscription you will continue to have access until the end of your billing period.

Giving Feedback

If you're thinking about cancelling, it'd be great if we could have any feedback on the product via the Support Messenger. We are very focused on creating the very best product so we'd love to know any gripes/issues our users experience - it really helps us. Any suggestions you can think of that would help us improve the experience are very welcome!

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