Editing & reviewing your profile

As a member of Stockopedia, you automatically have a profile on the site. Your username will be seen by others whenever you post, comment or contribute. But there’s more to Stockopedia profiles than that. With a little bit of customisation, you can add a photo and tell the Stockopedia community about the sort of investor you are.

Finding your Profile Page

You can find your Profile page by clicking your profile picture in the top bar of the site and clicking your name. To make changes to your profile, click Edit Profile.


On your Profile page, you can add as much or as little information about yourself as you like. All these details can be edited by clicking the blue Edit Profile button and selecting which parts of you profile you would like to change, including your photo, biography and strategy.


Elsewhere on your Profile page you’ll find a link to where you can change your Email & Account Settings and Billing & Subscription details. These areas are explored in depth in the Your Account section of the Guide.

Further down the page, you’ll see the following links:

About - Click this to view and change your profile on the site.

Activity - Click to view articles you have published or comments that you have made around the site.

Alerts - Click to view your stock alerts.

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