Top Technology stocks in Poland

Manufacturers of semiconductors, communications equipment, computer hardware and technology related office equipment, as well as providers of consulting and IT services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
pl flag iconSEDSedivio SAPLN32.73m18.14n/a
pl flag iconSBESoftblue SAPLN31.85m23.76n/a
pl flag iconQNTQuantum Software SAPLN30.57m17.6610.8%
pl flag iconOPIOptigis SAPLN29.77m7.96n/a
pl flag iconELZZaklady Urzadzen Komputerowych Elzab SAPLN30.20mn/an/a
pl flag iconGMVGamivo SAPLN27.79m5.47n/a
pl flag iconEONEO NETWORKS SAPLN27.57m10.69n/a
pl flag iconLUKLukardi SAPLN25.74mn/an/a
pl flag iconMO2Moliera2 SAPLN25.64mn/an/a
pl flag iconNXGNexity Global SAPLN25.10mn/an/a
pl flag iconMXCMaxCom SAPLN25.00m17.5810.8%
pl flag iconMMSMadmind Studio SAPLN24.24mn/an/a
pl flag iconDGEDrago Entertainment SAPLN24.21m14.97n/a
pl flag icon3RG3R Games SAPLN22.84mn/an/a
pl flag iconPITPolaris IT SAPLN22.58mn/an/a
pl flag iconGDCGamedust SAPLN21.89mn/an/a
pl flag iconSTAStarward Industries SAPLN20.99mn/an/a
pl flag iconRSGRed Square Games SAPLN20.65m12.11n/a
pl flag iconPNTPointpack SAPLN20.08m14.32n/a
pl flag iconTHGTenderhut SAPLN18.64mn/an/a