Data process

Our raw fundamental, estimate, price history and quotes data is mostly sourced from Refinitiv - one of the world's leading institutional sources of data. We source some additional data from Smart Insider and other vendors.

Refinitiv Data Collection

Data collection begins when Refinitiv's analysts are alerted to a company filing or press release with new financial information - for example after an interim or annual results announcement.

Once the analyst has access to relevant source documents which include annual, interim and quarterly financial statements, the financial information is collected in a 'Company Specific' format.

The data is then passed through an automated mapping process to generate ‘Standardised Financial Statements’ for each company. This data is then made available for import to our own databases.

Stockopedia Batch Computations

At Stockopedia we synchronise our statements data with Refinitiv six times daily. This ensures the freshest financial statements data is available in our database before our fundamental computations take place.

We compute the majority of fundamental & technical ratios for every stock daily. We have four major “batch” compute periods which map to four major global regions:

  • Americas
  • Europe, Middle East & Africa
  • Asia
  • Australia & NZ

For each regional batch, we calculate over 2,000 ratios for each company and then perform extensive testing and validation to ensure the data passes a data integrity threshold. If the data batch doesn’t pass our integrity threshold it will not be released to the site.

These batches are all done during the quiet hours for each region. They are generally done after midnight on each trading day between 12:30 am and 05:00 am for each region. The batch process make use of all our financial statements data (balance sheets, cashflow statements and income statements), historical split adjusted price information, consensus estimates data and prices.

We also compute global batches at the end of each regional batch computation. Global or cross regional subscribers that do use our global data ranks may find that their data is slightly delayed versus the regional or local data sets.

Part of our process is to create the most timely and comparable set of ratios possible based on 'trailing twelve month’ and ’rolling forecast’ data. The data generated is then used to populate the website - including our Stock Reports, Guru Screens and curated library of over 300 screening ratios.

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