Top Financials stocks in Romania

Operators of commercial and investment banks, investment trusts and financial markets, as well as providers of investment, insurance and real estate services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
ro flag iconTLVBanca Transilvania SARON28.95bn7.433.97%
ro flag iconBRDBRD Groupe Societe Generale SARON12.77bn8.38n/a
ro flag iconLIONLion Capital SARON1.44bn4.19n/a
ro flag iconLONGLongshield Investment SARON1.38bn5.23n/a
ro flag iconEVEREvergent Investments SARON1.22bn6.23n/a
ro flag iconFPFondul Proprietatea SARON1.12bn4.5117.16%
ro flag iconINFINITYInfinity Capital Investments SARON1.09bn9.66n/a
ro flag iconTRANSITransilvania Investments Alliance SARON862.47m5.843.71%
ro flag iconPRBUPractic SARON724.63m23.792.02%
ro flag iconIMPImpact Developer & Contractor SARON433.83mn/an/a
ro flag iconBVBBursa de Valori Bucuresti SARON377.63m25.13.31%
ro flag iconPBKPatria Bank SARON267.22m10.1n/a
ro flag iconSCDMUnirea Shopping Center SARON222.70m67.96n/a
ro flag iconROC1Roca Industry Holdingrock1 SARON206.40mn/an/a
ro flag iconBUCUBucur Obor SARON157.83m9.74n/a
ro flag iconPPLIProfessional Imo Partners SARON154.73m1666.67n/a
ro flag iconFEPFeper SARON152.79mn/an/a
ro flag iconARCUSIFI Cluj Retail SARON130.82m19.37n/a
ro flag iconFLAOFlaros SARON83.26m35.52n/a
ro flag iconMECEMecanica Fina SARON73.75m23.03n/a