Top Technology stocks in Sweden

Manufacturers of semiconductors, communications equipment, computer hardware and technology related office equipment, as well as providers of consulting and IT services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
se flag iconDISTDistIT ABSEK113.26mn/an/a
se flag iconNORDIGNord Insuretech ABSEK112.75mn/an/a
se flag iconSAFETY BmySafety ABSEK106.47m0.5911.31%
se flag iconPRECPrecise Biometrics ABSEK105.93mn/an/a
se flag iconMAXENT BMaximum Entertainment ABSEK103.75mn/an/a
se flag iconNODENodebis Applications AB (publ)SEK103.67mn/a6.45%
se flag iconTERRNT BTerranet ABSEK98.78mn/an/a
se flag iconJLTJLT Mobile Computers AB (publ)SEK98.20m47.12n/a
se flag iconTPGRTime People AB (publ)SEK97.88mn/an/a
se flag iconFRAM BFram Skandinavien AB (publ)SEK96.88mn/an/a
se flag iconBINEROBinero AB (publ)SEK95.07mn/an/a
se flag iconSDSSeamless Distribution Systems ABSEK93.56mn/an/a
se flag iconCLEMOClean Motion ABSEK89.15mn/an/a
se flag iconGPXGasporox AB (publ)SEK82.93mn/an/a
se flag iconUNIBAPUnibap ABSEK80.73mn/an/a
se flag iconHOYLUHoylu ABSEK78.74mn/an/a
se flag iconDIAHDiadrom Holding ABSEK76.46m23.357.14%
se flag iconFLOWSFlowscape Technology AB (publ)SEK76.41mn/an/a
se flag iconAMIDOAmido AB publSEK76.32mn/an/a
se flag iconFRAGFragbite AB (publ)SEK75.75m2.4n/a