Top Technology stocks in Sweden

Manufacturers of semiconductors, communications equipment, computer hardware and technology related office equipment, as well as providers of consulting and IT services.

Market Cap
Price to Earnings
Dividend Yield
se flag iconCFISHCrunchfish ABSEK382.20mn/an/a
se flag iconDEVP BDevPort ABSEK359.77m10.164.2%
se flag iconBEYONDBeyond Frames Entertainment AB (publ)SEK348.34mn/an/a
se flag iconPRCO BPrecio Fishbone ABSEK330.33m34.927.78%
se flag iconSTAR AStarbreeze ABSEK324.30m1.5n/a
se flag iconSTAR BStarbreeze ABSEK324.30m1.12n/a
se flag iconAVENAvensia ABSEK318.52mn/an/a
se flag iconTAGM BTagMaster ABSEK298.81m15.37n/a
se flag iconSFTRSafeture ABSEK297.52mn/an/a
se flag iconFING BFingerprint Cards ABSEK276.74mn/an/a
se flag iconOBDU BObducat ABSEK274.18m274.09n/a
se flag iconTRIONATriona ABSEK269.36m22.942.08%
se flag iconAIXIA BAixia ABSEK266.34m30.21n/a
se flag iconMOBAMOBA Network ABSEK260.85m10.3n/a
se flag iconGENEGenesis IT ABSEK262.92m25.82n/a
se flag iconINCOAXInCoax Networks ABSEK247.68mn/an/a
se flag iconCLAVClavister Holding ABSEK238.56mn/an/a
se flag iconTCC ATCECUR Sweden AB (publ)SEK232.35m17.44n/a
se flag iconMAGIMAG Interactive AB (publ)SEK228.39m33.83n/a
se flag iconIRISIrisity AB (publ)SEK223.26mn/an/a